We are paying a day care provider $50/day to watch our twins (5 months old). We have a babysitter, a friend's daughter, who plans to take an infant CPR course and babysitting course in the near future. She is watching the girls this afternoon. Her mother (a friend) insisted not to pay her at all/much. How much should I pay her?
Re: Babysitters and day care rates?
I'd say $20 or so.
@legaleagles - love your pic! Do you use a daycare center? We would not be able to afford that. My husband would have to take early retirement and become a stay at home dad; which I would be OK with since he is a great house husband. We will use a state licensed home day care (starting next week...gulp/nerves). Our day care provider only wanted to start with 2 days/week to be certain she isn't taking on too much; she has never done multiples. Fingers crossed this is a good fit for all of us!
@quinncat - What type of day care do you use...center or home?
@diz1313 - Her mom mentioned not paying her until she finishes her courses. But I totally agreed with you...ended up paying her $20 for watching the girls for 4 hours (of course she had her mom and dad's help, but I didn't feel right not giving her anything).
@carrotcake06 - I went with $20 for about 4 hours. I know that is low, and I intend to pay her more in the future. She really is a great kid; the babies adore her; I don't want to lose her help.
Thanks everyone!