June 2014 Moms

Feeling Overwhelmed

How do you ladies cope with the challenges of motherhood? I am a SAHM to two little girls and I find myself feeling really overwhelmed sometimes. 

Re: Feeling Overwhelmed

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    Overwhelmed with housework and taking care of the kids? Or do you think it's something more serious? We have a few ladies coping with PPA/PPD. If you feel it is that, I strongly urge you to talk to your doctor.
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    Honestly, I have been feeling pretty overwhelmed since a little before LO was born, I just kinda adopted a philosophy that I do what I can and try not to sweat what I can't.  I am also trying to become more efficient (at work mostly, and with housework) so that I can spend plenty of time with LO so I cut down on the mommy guilt. 

    Also seconding @nunzchucks if you feel it is more serious please talk to your doctor, perhaps they can help you figure things out?
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    Sometimes you just have to do what you can. I'm slowly learning this. I'm super overwhelemed too between working FT, house hold stuff (chores, cooking), money/budgeting, working mommy guilt, etc.

    Is it possible to get PPD later PP?? I've been ok up until a couple weeks ago and slowly feeling overwhelmed a good majority of the time now-a-days

    Engaged: 7/19/09 Married: 9/19/10
    BFP: 10/14/13 EDD: 6/16/14 DD Arrived: 6/21/14
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    Thank you for your concern ladies. It's definitely more along the lines of keeping up with kids and house, not PPD/PPA .i.e. DD2 will need to nurse in the middle of me trying to make dinner and I'm trying to play tea with DD1 while nursing and in the meantime there is a giant pile of laundry.My DH has recently picked up a second job so his hours at work have increased. I think  I just need to have more realistic expectations of what a house with two smalls kids is going to look like (messy) and just focus on crucial stuff. 
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    Also, it seems like every time I try to sit down and read a book or take a shower, it seems like somebody needs a snack/binky/blanket/bandaid etc. So, I'm just realizing there is no more me time and that's been hard to adjust to.
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    @clwheel From what I understand PPA/PPD can happen at anytime. My favorite blogger (Cup of Jo) struggles with this. With her first, she didn't get symptoms until after she weaned!
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    I love my kids but having two (or three, or being a Duggar) can really suck sometimes. I feel like neither gets all the attention they need/deserve. But at the end of the day we're all alive and some of us are clothed so I try to roll with it. It will get easier!

    I'm not new. I just hate The Bump. 

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    As far as housework and taking care of kids, it helps me to have a schedule. I have certain days I do house related stuff. Monday I wash linens; Tuesday I dust and vacuum; Wednesday I do all the laundry; Thursday I clean the bathrooms; and Friday I deep clean the kitchen. I pay bills on the 1st and 15th of the month. I keep all appointments on one calendar. Seeing things day by day helps me not feel piled on by work.
    Stealing this! 
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    I haven't joined one yet, but my sister goes to 'mommys day out' sessions in our neighborhood a few times a month. From what she's explained it's a neighborhood daycare service where you drop off the kiddos for a few hours so you can get stuff done. She drops off her kids and goes back home to clean or to the grocery store, etc. Ask around your neighborhood (or church) to see if there's one nearby. It's supposed to be a lot cheaper than daycare too.

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