
IUI after natural LH surge

So I am freaking out that I totally just blew my third IUI cycle. Monday I had an ultrasound which showed two large follicles on my left side.  I was told to begin checking for a natural LH surge that same evening with OPK and to come in the next day (Tuesday Morning) for the IUI if I got the surge. If no surge Monday they said check again Tuesday evening and if still no surge to take the trigger shot and come in Thursday for IUI (36 hours later?) or if I do get a surge Tuesday evening to come in Wednesday morning. Well I got a negative the first night using the clearblue ovulation predictor kit so tried again on Tuesday evening as instructed and this time it was positive. I have never seen a positive before so I tried again using the same clearblue kit (again positive with a smiley face) than I  became obsessive thinking they were false positives and used two other kits (EPT and first response) and those were both negative! I freaked out because it was so late and I couldn't call the REs office so I just figured I'd trust the clearblue digital and go in for the IUI today. So no trigger and now I feel like the clearblue wasn't reliable and the whole thing was a waste of time and money AGAIN! I am so confused/frustrated over the timing of these. Should I take the shot tonight or is that just useless at this point?  What is the point of waiting for a natural surge when they can just time the trigger shot based on your US so that they know you will ovulate and then do the IUI. I hate checking on these stupid OPKs. UGHHH! Help!
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