TTC after 35

Back from RE consult (DS mentioned)

I have to be honest I am totally overwhelmed, took crappy notes, and I have not pawed through my handouts again yet.  

The Dr. was super nice. He spoke in simple terms but a lot of the logistics I think we all know.  He went over my HSG images and some of my reports.  He suggested to go ahead with IUI starting this cycle because I am on the Clomid currently. This is where I started to freak out. He sent me to a nurse, after a hug, who went over the calendar of what to expect and pricing.  It really would have been better to have DH there since I was waiting for his responses and texting him document photos.  He is so much better at separating emotion than I am! They however, we very cool about it and not pressuring me. 

 I guess I was not prepared to move forward which would mean then and now. Because prior to the IUI I would have to get a mock IUI done so that there were no issues 'when it counts' to take measurements. Take a short 'class' on giving myself a trigger shot, and be ready for the every other day USs.  I knew the process would involve these things but our big issue is childcare for DS who goes to daycare 2 mornings a week.  Our family is out of town and on top of that- traveling out of state right now (both sides). I am such a planner I could not wrap my mind around getting the baseline US (could have done today), mock IUI, and trigger class done by Friday and finding the childcare for DS.

So anyway, looks like I am doing IUI next cycle as the plan.  He has suggested 3 rounds of that before other procedures unless some of his testing indicates an egg quality issue. I do remember he told me to ditch the progesterone because there are no studies  that it helps pregnancy and told me a story about how that treatment came about and he said progesterone levels can change every 90 mins so he had no concerns with levels at this point for me.

I'm sorry if this does not make sense. Now I'm typing it and getting worked up again.  Ugh, such an emotional journey! 

Re: Back from RE consult (DS mentioned)

  • Also, my insurance picked up about $80 of the consult, so that was a bonus. 
  • I would be completely overwhelmed too, @kindershlitz! It sounds like an overall positive experience though, and I'm glad you got a hug. :)

     Me: 35, He: 41. Baby #1!

    BabyFruit Ticker

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  • Yeah, I would not have expected all that at the first appointment either so I get the head spinning part.  My insurance paid for more than I would have thought as well.
    I'm glad you have a plan going forward and my RE said that he doesn't check 7dpo progesterone for similar reasons.
    Me: 37                                               
    DH: 45
    BFP #1 3/19/14  EDD 11/29/14 MMC D&C 4/24/14
    BFP #2  12/4/14 Beta #1 218 at 12dpo Beta #2 1055 at 16dpo
    Saw heartbeat 12/29.  Please be a rainbow.
    All welcome                                   
  • Thanks for sharing! The planner in me has been wondering what the process of going to an RE and next steps would look like. I haven't read up on many of the treatment options but it's great to get your experience/take on your course of action!

    Good luck - sounds like your consult went really well!!
  • Sorry it was an emotional apt, but it sounds great that you have a few weeks to get things lined up for you and care for your ds.  I wish you well!  Bonus for ins payment!
  • I'm glad you got some positive news.  Hopefully meeting with your DH and looking at it over a few days will help you feel more comfortable.  Hugs while you try to wrap your head around everything.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

    Me 36 DH 39

    DD 3/29/12
                      BFP 6/4/14 ~ MMC 7/7/14 ~ D&C 7/15/14            
    BFP 11/28/14 ~ MMC  12/29/14    

    TTCAL Siggy Challenge

  • Yay for a plan! :)  Sounds like your RE is going to be fairly aggressive! I like it.  Good luck @kindershlitz!
    *** Child & current pregnancy mentioned ***
    Me - 41 (PCOS), Hubby - 43 (healthy)
    7/2013 - Sweet baby girl born (Clomid + TI)
    3/2014 - TTC #2, return to RE 7/2014
    12/2015: IVF #1 transferred two great looking embryos - BFP!
    First ultrasound: TWO beautiful little heartbeats!!
    Harmony: negative; level 2: babies look great and are boy/girl! :) 
  • Part of me is now like, why didn't I just do it? Something will always be in the way. But if we are going to drop that much money it's something we usually sleep on! @winogrrl- I am annoyingly a planner so to say IUI in a week was too much for me to handle.

     I agree @heath&Jas I am ok with his aggressiveness.  In general I have moved along slowly since this is our 16th cycle and I am just going to the RE but I'm ready now.  He referred to me as 37, and I said 37.5 and then some.  He replied, "I only do whole integers" which I found funny.  
  • Glad you have a plan and are moving forward on your TTC journey!
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Sounds promising!  I was surprised that they scheduled my first IUI shortly after my initial consult, too, but I guess they figure we don't want to waste any time.  Good luck!
    *****Signature/Ticker Warning******

    Me: 41, DH: 45
    DD, 6/15/2013
    TTC #2 beginning January 2014
    AMH 1.05; FSH range 7-11

    July 2014: IUI #1.  Follistim + Pregnyl.  2 follicles--BFN
    September 2014: IUI #2.  Follistim + Pregnyl + Ganirelix + Crinone.  4(?) follicles--BFN
    October 2014: IUI #3.  More Follistim + More Ganirelix + Pregnyl + Crinone.  4 follicles--BFP!  Beta #1=10 Beta #2=33 Beta #3=97 Beta #4=158.  M/C 11/1/14
    December 2014: IVF #1.  Microdose Lupron protocol.  9R, 9M, 9F.  3 5-day blasts transferred 12/15. BFFN.
    April 2015: IVF #2.  Microdose Lupron protocol.  16R, 15M, 12F. Transferred 2 5-day blasts 4/12 and froze 4--BFP!  M/C 5/25/15
    August 2015: IVF #3.  14R, 13M, 11F.  Froze 5 blasts for CCS testing.  3 normals.  FET planned for 10/2015.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


    My Ovulation Chart

  • Glad you had the consult and overall felt good about the place and their plan. Even though we all feel a little pressure at our AMA, it's ok to take some time to process everything. I hope you feel more settled with a few days to think about everything and with DH's support, and wish you luck on the next steps!!
    36, DH 31 TTC #1 since we got married, July 2014.
  • I didn't get the chance to respond this morning, but I'm glad that your appointment was helpful. It does sound like you had a lot to process. I am the same way--I need to remove myself from the situation and think about the recommendation before making a decision. And childcare complicates everything. (I'm pretty nervous about this myself.)

    I hope that you and YH can create a plan that you both feel comfortable with. 


                 Visit The Nest!image Visit The Nest!

      "It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness." - Eleanor Roosevelt


  • Sounds like you got a lot of information! I'm the same as you, I have to step away. I'm not good at making quick decisions. Happy progress to you!
    I am not sure how to say this without getting a "solicitation" warning so I guess I just say that I am not longer active on THIS site. 

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