Two Under 2

Intro and questions

I have a baby due in two weeks, and my oldest turned 2 in August, so we're a little past the 2 under 2 mark, but can I ask a couple of questions anyway?
What are your biggest suggestions for dealing with a toddler and a newborn? I'm an only child, and my husband is the youngest with much older siblings, so I think we're both a little lost.

How do you deal with bedtime?

What do you do if they both need you at the same time?

I've seen a lot of discussions about double strollers vs. carriers. I still use our stroller all the time. I live in the northeast, so things are about to get really cold, bulky coats, etc, which might make baby-wearing a challenge when we're out and about. Is a sit and stand stroller a good investment, or do you have suggestions for cold weather baby wearing?

How do you deal with things like the grocery store? My toddler sits in the seat in the cart, which keeps him out of trouble. Where's the best place for the newborn? Car seat in the cart? Front carrier?

Any other advice?

Thank you so much. Is it OK to post more questions once #2 is here even if they're a little more than 2 years apart?


Re: Intro and questions

  • Of course you can post here! My boys are 17 months apart - almost 2 and about 7 months. I live in MN so I know what you mean about it getting really cold! I will come back to answer your specific questions during nap or later this evening. Just didn't want you to think no one will reply!
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  • My LOs are 19.5 mos apart.  Now they are 3.5 and 2 but I'll tell you what saved my sanity at the beginning.  

    I found a baby carrier essential.  I wore DS for naps at home so that I could guarantee him a nap and still interact with DD.  I also wore him outside when it was cold.  I put him in warm clothes and wrapped him in the moby and didn't zip up my coat. 

    I had a double jogger when my LOs were little for walks around the neighborhood.  It was too heavy and bulky to take places so I didn't love it.  I traded it for a sit and stand and use that infinitely more.  However, there are a lot of quality double strollers out there.  

    At the grocery store I wore DS and put DD in the cart.  When DS was big enough to sit in the cart and DD was about 2.5 I let her start walking along side of me.  If she didn't listen and stay by me she had to sit in the basket of the cart.  She listened pretty well.  

    Bedtime can be tough.  I absolutely needed DH's help and as soon as DS was big enough we started bathing them together.  Then we split up and each got one dressed in pjs and read DD a story while I nursed DS and then put them for bed.  You will just have to see when the baby is ready for bed after he is here. 

    As for if they both need you at the same time this will definitely happen.  You just have to examine needs.  If they're both hungry you get your toddler a quick snack and then feed the baby.  Yes, you will need to listen to one cry while you attend to the other but they'll be okay.  Remember some days are going to just be shitty and that it's okay and will get better.  Good luck!
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