July 2014 Moms

Need opinions please

Around 6 weeks PP my c section incision got infected and after I went on the meds DS stopped BF. I recently decided that I want to try again or at least exclusively pump and I am in the process of trying to build my supply back up but the pump I have just isn't good enough (cheap one). What pumps would you recommend that are good enough to help build supply or what works best for you if you're EP?

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Re: Need opinions please

  • I EP and have a Medela PIS.
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  • I agree with PP. I have a PISA and like it, but if I needed to get my supply up I would rent a Symphony for a month or two just based on posters reviews of if.
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  • I have an avent double electric that's pretty great. I found the biggest help with builDing supply is hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!
  • I highly recommend my Spectra S2. I had a PISA with DS and the Spectra puts it to shame. I pump once in the evening to build my stash and my pump has gone from 3 oz to 7 oz from regular use of the Spectra. Once I go back to work, the Spectra will stay at work at the PISA will be my extra pump at home.

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  • Also to add, keep trying to get baby to nurse directly from you. That will be the most effective way to get things going.  I hope you can get back to where you want to be.  Best of luck, momma!

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  • I EP and use a Medela Freestyle. I second the suggestion of trying to rent a hospital grade pump. I used a Medela Symphony for a month. It was about $60 to rent for a month, I think. Check with your insurance to see what your pump coverage is.
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  • There's some really good info here from kellymom as well about things you can do to help increase your supply (beyond getting a new/better pump).  I've heard good things from power pumping if you have the time/ability to do it.

    And of course, make sure you drink plenty of water.  I was noticing a decrease in my output last week and made an effort to up my water intake and am already seeing a difference in just a couple of days.
  • Thank you everyone! My insurance at the moment is a little messed up so that's not an option right now but i just found a lady selling a Medela PIS brand new with extra stuff and is giving me everything for $60 after i told her my situation so I'm very thankful for that! I'm so excited!

    I need to just remember to hydrate and work on DS latching again, at the moment he won't but I hope with more exposure and more skin to skin we will get there.
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