Pregnant after a Loss

Tuesday Ticker Change Check-In

Hey ladies!  Welcome to the Tuesday ticker check-in!  If your ticker changes over to a new week today, feel free to join our check-in.  Help us get to know you better by giving us a brief intro, including your estimated due date.





The Tuesday ticker change ladies!!


@rox825 - 11/4/14 Team Green

@MrsTuna08 - 11/25/14 Team Pink

@kalynn12 - 12/9/14 Team Pink

@megbmeg - 12/9/14 Team Pink

@Birch113 - 12/16/14 Team Blue

@haleyusf - 12/16/14 Team Green

@SamanthaLaura16 - 1/20/15 Team Blue

@Elysa15 - 1/20/15 Team Pink

@Bigboneded - 1/27/15 Twins, Team Pink x2

@larahouseman - 1/27/15 Team Blue

@luciddreamer106 - 1/27/15 Team Green

@Keberly91 - 1/27/15 Team Blue

@stefani103 - 2/3/15 Team Blue

@uneek1323 - 3/3/15

@mayaruthie - 3/3/15

@jcar2 - 3/3/15

@meladoriestar - 3/17/14 Team Blue

@co baby1 - 3/31/15

@snowbigdeal – 4/14/15

@GrailSeeker14 - 4/21/15 Team Pink

@kturner61 – 4/21/15

@JuddandJessica - 4/28/15

@Courtney1741 - 5/5/15

@matiekae – 6/23/15




How far along are you? What fruit/veggie are you?  XXX

If you’re far enough along, are you having a boy or girl or are you team green? (This is to update the list, so if you’re already on there no need to answer again!)  XXX

How are you feeling?  XXX

Favorite moment of the week?  XXX

Least favorite moment of the week?  XXX

How are your symptoms? Getting better? Worse? Any new ones?  XXX

How is PGAL brain treating you? Any T&P requests?  XXX

Any upcoming appointments or milestones you're looking forward to?  XXX


 ~*~*~*GTKY question:~*~*~*

What is your favorite thing about autumn?

Sorry ladies, this will be a condensed check-in for this week. I have to work bright and early at 6:30 am, so I won't be able to write personal messages.  Work will be busy, so please don't think I've forgotten about you.  I'll check back in when I can this afternoon.

@Meagpt22 Congrats on your baby girl!

Multiple TTCAL 1image
 TTC #1 since March 2011 
BFP #1: EDD 4/16/13~~blighted ovum w/ 2 gestational sacs~~Loss on 9/18/12
BFP #2: EDD 9/3/13~~Slow HB at 1st U/S~~MMC -Loss on 2/13/13
9/13, 10/13, 1/14: letrozole + trigger + TI = All BFNs
3/14: IUI#1 letrozole/Bravelle/Menopur + trigger = BFN
BFP #3: EDD 1/27/15 Please be our rainbow! ...Team Green

Re: Tuesday Ticker Change Check-In

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    How far along are you? What fruit/veggie are you?  27 weeks, Rutabaga

    How are you feeling?  Pretty good. Hello third trimester!

    Favorite moment of the week?  Spending a couple of nights in Lake Tahoe.  MH booked us a hotel room right on the lake and it was so beautiful.  We went on a gorgeous hike and had a great time.  Also, he's just about done refinishing dressers that used to be my grandpa's and then mine when I was young. They look great! And another... Got to see movement from the outside over the weekend. What?!

    Least favorite moment of the week?  Work, blah.

    How are your symptoms? Getting better? Worse? Any new ones?  Nose is more stuffy, but that's probably due to allergies, too. Nothing really different.

    How is PGAL brain treating you? Any T&P requests?  I'm doing ok this week.  Baby has been really active and going crazy with the dance parties, which has helped ease PGAL brain.

    Any upcoming appointments or milestones you're looking forward to?  I had my GTT (2 hour) yesterday and I think I passed.  The fasting and 1 hour number were under the guidelines, but the 2 hour was right on the border.  I have an OB appointment next Wednesday and I'll discuss that with my doctor then.

    QOTW: I love watching the leaves change. It's so beautiful!

    Multiple TTCAL 1image
     TTC #1 since March 2011 
    BFP #1: EDD 4/16/13~~blighted ovum w/ 2 gestational sacs~~Loss on 9/18/12
    BFP #2: EDD 9/3/13~~Slow HB at 1st U/S~~MMC -Loss on 2/13/13
    9/13, 10/13, 1/14: letrozole + trigger + TI = All BFNs
    3/14: IUI#1 letrozole/Bravelle/Menopur + trigger = BFN
    BFP #3: EDD 1/27/15 Please be our rainbow! ...Team Green

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    Good morning ladies!  Newb here.  :)  My DH and I have been trying to conceive our rainbow after two unexplained losses this year.  All the betas so far have been good and I pray almost everyday for continued good news.

    How far along are you? What fruit/veggie are you?  I turn 7 weeks today!  A blueberry.

    If you’re far enough along, are you having a boy or girl or are you team green? Not far enough along yet but we're definitely finding out!  I can't keep a secret to save my life.  

    How are you feeling?  Great!  Besides exhaustion I feel no other symptoms.  

    Favorite moment of the week?  Getting a call from the doc that numbers continue to rise.

    Least favorite moment of the week?  That nagging fear in the back of my head that something bad could still happen.  This is all the time but I'm trying to let that go more.  

    How are your symptoms? Getting better? Worse? Any new ones?  I couldn't be luckier. I feel fine.  Just hungry and tired and that's alright by me!

    How is PGAL brain treating you? Any T&P requests?  T&P request for Friday which is our first prenatal appointment.  They are going to do an ultrasound so I'm praying for a heartbeat.  

    Any upcoming appointments or milestones you're looking forward to?  1st apt this Friday!!!!!!

    QOTW:  The colors and the smells!

    @luciddreamer106 - Welcome to your third trimester!  Won't be long now!  :)  

    BFP #1 - 12/7/2012 - EDD 8/14/2013 - DD born 8/17/2013
    BFP #2 - 3/31/2014 - EDD 12/6/2014 - Natural miscarriage on 4/28/2014
    BFP #3 - 8/4/2014 - EDD 4/12/2015 - Chemical Pregnancy discovered on 8/13/2014


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    How far along are you? What fruit/veggie are you? 36 weeks, honeydew melon

    How are you feeling?  Actually better!  She dropped and it is amazing.  I can breathe and eat again and that has really improved my outlook!

    Favorite moment of the week?  During the NST LO kept trying to kick the monitors off.  DH was in the room watching the discs jump and he was absolutely floored by how strong she was.  Overall that was a good appointment.   She is 5lb 15oz, in the 40th percentile, and head down - all good things!  And the cervical check hurt less than the first one; no visible/palpable progress towards labor yet.

    Least favorite moment of the week?  I had time-able contractions on Sunday.  They weren't any more painful than menstrual cramps, but they were consistent for over an hour.  I called the OB service and she said it was probably because we had sex the day before (sorry if TMI), just take a long shower, try to relax and come in if my water breaks or they start getting closer than every 5 minutes.  She suspected that they were just BH.  The shower helped a lot, and they spread themselves out more.  I'm still getting frequent-ish contractions and feel crampy, but Dr said that could last all the way to delivery when the "real" contractions start - sweet.  

    How are your symptoms? Getting better? Worse? Any new ones?  Most symptoms have gotten better since she moved down, yay!  Beyond the cramping and contractions mentioned above, my hands and fingers have been sore in the joints when I wake up.  Once I stretch them out they are fine, it's just sort of a weird thing to pop up now.

    How is PGAL brain treating you? Any T&P requests?  Feeling very good!  She is a mover so that helps keep me calm.

    Any upcoming appointments or milestones you're looking forward to?  37 weeks next week means term!  Early term, but still!

     ~*~*~*GTKY question:~*~*~*

    What is your favorite thing about autumn?  I really like the more comfortable temperatures and the changing colors.  I also love all things pumpkin.  And college football is back!  A new favorite thing starting this year will be LO's birthday :D

    My fur-babies Chuck Norris, Stella, and Lucy

    BFP #1 1/4/14; EDD 9/16/14;  mc 1/17/14 
    BFP #2 3/12/14; baby girl born 11/21/14          
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    How far along are you? What fruit/veggie are you?  33 weeks -- durian

    How are you feeling?  huge and swollen

    Favorite moment of the week?  had a great time visiting friends and family this weekend; it was hectic, but so nice to see everyone.

    Least favorite moment of the week?  swelling of my feet/ankles hurts so bad from all the travel. the airplane was horrible for them, car, walking, standing, sitting, etc. the only time they've felt better is when i did a lavender essential oil soak last night, but i'm allergic to lavender, so i started sneezing/stuffing up like crazy.

    How are your symptoms? Getting better? Worse? Any new ones?  see above. swelling.

    How is PGAL brain treating you? Any T&P requests?  doing okay on this front, so at least there's that.

    Any upcoming appointments or milestones you're looking forward to?  appt on thursday; going to ask about the swelling, but i know there's really nothing for it. i haven't had any other signs of pre-e, and nothing but feet/ankles are swelling, so i know i should be thankful for that, but a little relief would be nice.

     ~*~*~*GTKY question:~*~*~*

    What is your favorite thing about autumn? Leaves, cold weather, and pie -- all tied for first place!

    DS born 10/22/2008
    DD born 12/23/2014

    m/c @10wks 12/2007
    m/c @4wks 3/2014

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    How far along are you? What fruit/veggie are you?  

    34 weeks. Butternut squash. 

    How are you feeling?  
    About the same. Very pregnant. 

    Favorite moment of the week?  Went out to dinner with DH for a real date on Friday. He made reservations at a place I've been wanting to go to for months. It was a treat!

    Least favorite moment of the week?  I had to go to the ER and L&D on Sunday to check out a worrisome symptom. Turned out to be nothing and LO is a-ok, but no trip to the hospital is fun 

    How are your symptoms? Getting better? Worse? Any new ones?  The new one that I had to get checked out is a weird sudden shooting pain in my leg that also comes with a loss of strength in the leg. It turned out not to be sciatica. It's pretty painful, but also very brief and doesn't happen often. 

    How is PGAL brain treating you? Any T&P requests?  
    Mostly okay. Though my most recent birth class talked about major problems with labor, and that has given me the willies all week. 

    Any upcoming appointments or milestones you're looking forward to?  34 week check up today. What I'm really looking forward to, though, is the u/s at 36 weeks. So curious to see baby again!


     ~*~*~*GTKY question:~*~*~*

    What is your favorite thing about autumn?

    We have a gas fireplace that puts off a lot of warmth, and it works with a remote. This morning is the first morning I lit it while I had my breakfast and checked TB. It's such a cool weather treat!
    Baby GIRL born 12/11/14!!
    MC @ 8 wks 7/6/13 - ectopic @ 6 wks 12/28/13

     In loving memory of sweet baby HP, and all our angel babies. Forever in our hearts.image 

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    Hi, can I join this check-in? 

    How far along are you? What fruit/veggie are you?  5 weeks / appleseed

    How are you feeling? Pretty low. I'm fighting a never-ending cold. I also got my 3rd betas yesterday and, overall, they are low and slow to rise. (61 at 4w, 113 at 4w2d, 284 at 4w6d). The nurse at my RE's office says all looks fine, but of course with my multiple loss background, I'm worried about another m/c or maybe even ectopic. Just having a really hard time trying to stay positive.  

    Favorite moment of the week?  It's been kind of a rough week so far, but I'm looking forward to trick-or-treating with DS on Friday!

    Least favorite moment of the week? Falling down the Google rabbit hole about low and slow rising betas.

    How are your symptoms? Getting better? Worse? Any new ones?  I have very few symptoms, though I didn't with my DS either. 

    How is PGAL brain treating you? Any T&P requests?  PGAL brain is a bitch! Any T&P and growing vibes would be much appreciated. 

    Any upcoming appointments or milestones you're looking forward to?  Ultrasound on Nov. 11 (7 weeks)

    GTKY: What is your favorite thing about autumn? bonfires and apple cider

    DX: I'm a Recurrent Loser
    Me (35) + DH (37) - Married Sept. 2007
    BFP #1 - DS born 7/11/11
    BFP#2 11/13/13 - EDD 7/29/14 - M/C at 5w3d
    BFP #3 12/28/13 - EDD 9/7/14 - M/C at 4w6d
    BFP#4 3/27/14 -  EDD 12/5/14 - Girl lost to 45X at 8w6d - D&C 
    BFP#5 10/15/14 - EDD 6/30/15 - M/C at 7w2d
    BFP #6 1/5/15 - EDD 9.16.14 [CLICKY for progress]
    In search of a image

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    @meagpt22 Congrats on your sweet baby girl! Hope she is home safe with you :) 

    @luciddreamer Good luck with your busy day. 

    @birch113 - did you see how close to the top of the list we are getting here??

    @lyndz333 Welcome! hope you keep getting good news :) 

    @mrstuna08 Oh, breathing sounds so wonderful!!

    @haleyusf glad you had a good trip!

    @bookishmomma welcome to tuesdays! Are they planning a 4th beta draw, or just waiting til the u/s? Fx for you!!

    Baby GIRL born 12/11/14!!
    MC @ 8 wks 7/6/13 - ectopic @ 6 wks 12/28/13

     In loving memory of sweet baby HP, and all our angel babies. Forever in our hearts.image 

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    27 weeks, rutabagas! !

    Feeling good still :-)

    Worked my last shift... it was bittersweet, nice for people to say they'll miss me :-) Also went to a moms of multiples meeting, since I am done working.... and they were great!
    and my diapers have started to arrive!

    Worst thing? Worked my last shift, I'll miss my coworkers, then right into GTT and a TDaP shot :-)

    Carpal tunnel is bad, half of my hand and 3 fingers both sides keep going numb.... otherwise pretty good, my leg numbness seems to have eased.

    PGAL brain treating me well. I can feel the babies moving a lot, makes me laugh :-D andhubby can feel and see them :-)

    We graduated to every two weeks appts, get another growth scan in a couple weeks, too! Excited about that :-)

    I love the colors of autumn, pumpkin stuff, the smell of that first frost and dried leaves... :-)

    @luciddreamer106‌ vacay sounds awesome, I am jealous ;-)
    @lyndz333 fx'd for your seeing that HB! Remember... today you are pregnant :-) ((hugs)) and welcome!
    @MrsTuna08‌ glad you are feeling more comfortable, getting close :-)
    @haleyusf‌ you are a brave woman to travel at 33 weeks! My escapades at 20 weeks had my feet and ankles so swollen it felt like a week of elevation to get them back! Planes and cars, too much dependent time, even with compression stockings... :-) Sorry the lavender made you stuffy, but glad it helped your feet :-)
    @megbmeg sorry for your new symptom! Glad they werent concerned, but I hope it doesnt come back! yikes on that birth class. I need to get signed up and pre registered and such, too.... you are getting close :-)
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    BookishMommaBookishMomma member
    edited October 2014
    megbmeg said:

    @bookishmomma welcome to tuesdays! Are they planning a 4th beta draw, or just waiting til the u/s? Fx for you!!

    @megbmeg I'll be going in for a 4th draw, either Friday or Monday. It's up to me.

    DX: I'm a Recurrent Loser
    Me (35) + DH (37) - Married Sept. 2007
    BFP #1 - DS born 7/11/11
    BFP#2 11/13/13 - EDD 7/29/14 - M/C at 5w3d
    BFP #3 12/28/13 - EDD 9/7/14 - M/C at 4w6d
    BFP#4 3/27/14 -  EDD 12/5/14 - Girl lost to 45X at 8w6d - D&C 
    BFP#5 10/15/14 - EDD 6/30/15 - M/C at 7w2d
    BFP #6 1/5/15 - EDD 9.16.14 [CLICKY for progress]
    In search of a image

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    How far along are you? What fruit/veggie are you?  39 weeks, watermelon

    How are you feeling?  The same- big and in pain a lot of the time unless I'm sitting still.

    Favorite moment of the week?  Last week a few co-workers who I don't see or work with very often threw me a little shower and it was SO sweet!  And the weekend was really nice so H and I went out to lunch and did some outside stuff Saturday.

    Least favorite moment of the week?  My appointment this morning- I've been doing everything that my midwife suggested last week and have made zero progress, baby is still low but cervix is still high and not dilated at all, and if I don't start to dilate then I won't be able to have a membrane sweep.  I'm worried/stressed that 41 weeks is going to roll around and I'll still be screwed shut and will have to have a medical induction, which could take away my hopes of having a pain-med-free childbirth.  So yeah, frustrated.  I don't need LO to arrive yet, I just need to start dilating a bit!!

    How are your symptoms? Getting better? Worse? Any new ones?  The same.

    How is PGAL brain treating you? Any T&P requests?  PGAL brain is OK.

    Any upcoming appointments or milestones you're looking forward to?  EDD is in 1 week and my next appointment is the following day with induction shortly after 41 weeks if no baby.

     ~*~*~*GTKY question:~*~*~*

    What is your favorite thing about autumn?  I love all pumpkin-flavored foods (got a pumpkin doughnut after my appointment this AM!), and I love the weather, days like the past few when it's beautiful and sunny and 60-some degrees outside.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    TTC since Sept 2011, Unexplained IF
    Oct 12 - Jan 14: 3 clomid/TI cycles, 2 hysteroscopies, 2 IUIs, 1 BFP (MMC @ 12w), 2 more IUIs
    Feb 14: Gonal-f + IUI #5 = BFP! (EDD 11/4/14)
    Baby boy arrived 11/13/14!

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    @rox825 -- sending you non-creepy dilation vibes! Time to start busting out the tricks: sex (semen softens the cervix), nipple stimulation (up to an hour at a time to stimulate contractions), walking, eat 6 dates a day, evening primrose oil, etc.

    @bookishmomma -- hope your 4th beta shows a huge jump!

    @bigboneded -- sorry your carpal tunnel is bothering you. Hope it improves!

    @megbmeg -- so glad you got a date night with DH!

    @MrsTuna08 -- yay for breathing and eating!

    @lyndz333 -- welcome! T&P for a great u/s on Friday.

    @luciddreamer106 -- hooray for 3rd tri and for a wonderful trip to Tahoe! 

    DS born 10/22/2008
    DD born 12/23/2014

    m/c @10wks 12/2007
    m/c @4wks 3/2014

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    megbmeg said:

    @bookishmomma welcome to tuesdays! Are they planning a 4th beta draw, or just waiting til the u/s? Fx for you!!

    @megbmeg I'll be going in for a 4th draw, either Friday or Monday. It's up to me.

    Whatever you choose, I hope the results are reassuring!!
    Baby GIRL born 12/11/14!!
    MC @ 8 wks 7/6/13 - ectopic @ 6 wks 12/28/13

     In loving memory of sweet baby HP, and all our angel babies. Forever in our hearts.image 

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    The user and all related content has been deleted.
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    Congrats to @meagpt22!!

    How far along are you? What fruit/veggie are you?  13 weeks - peach

    How are you feeling? I am feeling ok.  A bit nervous about our last weekly u/s this Friday, and our plans to go public.

    Favorite moment of the week?  Taking DS (who is 3) to the local fire station Halloween party.  He had so much fun and just the look in his eyes was perfect! Pure innocent excitement and joy!!

    Least favorite moment of the week?  Finding out that my MIL decided to clean my bedroom while I was working bc she thought it "needed" it.  I have a thing about my privacy (and she knows this) and I felt so violated.  I appreciated the gesture but I know her and she will hold this over my head for god only knows how long.

    How are your symptoms? Getting better? Worse? Any new ones?  My symptoms seem to have eased up quite a bit.  Nausea is much better, still exhausted though.  Kicks in PgAL brain though (even though I know this can be completely normal).  I have however been getting lots of headaches and rlp.

    How is PGAL brain treating you? Any T&P requests? I don't know why but this is proving to be a rough week approaching our last weekly u/s.  I think us going public on top of it has been me on the edge.  I just feel like I am waiting for it to all come crashing down on me. Like it's all too good to be true. Any good vibes you could send my way to help me get through this would be great!

    Any upcoming appointments or milestones you're looking forward to?  Our last weekly u/s (growth check) is on Halloween.  Then we will set forth our plan from there.


     ~*~*~*GTKY question:~*~*~*

    What is your favorite thing about autumn?  My favorite thing about autumn is the colors. It's just beautiful and I love just taking a drive and taking it all in.


    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


    Lilypie - (o6sy)

    image    image

    My Chart

    BFP #1 - 6-2009 - edd 1-23-10 - mmc - discovered by u/s @ 13wks 2days - D&C
    BFP #2 - 10-15-2010 - Baby boy born 6-11-11
    BFP#3 - 6-2013 - edd 2-21-14 -mmc discovered by u/s @ 9 wks - D&C
    BFP #4 - 3-10-14 - edd 11-19-14 - natural miscarriage 4-10-14
    BFP #5 - 8-24-14 - edd 5-5-15 - Please be our RAINBOW!!! <3
    U/S 9-30 - baby measuring right on track, heart rate of 155bpm
    U/S 10-8 & 10-14 - baby is growing perfectly!
    10-20 - 151 bpm 10-31 153 bpm
    11-13 IT'S A BOY!!!!!
    12-11 & 12-18 - 144 bpm everything looked great at recheck of a/s
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    Meagpt22 Congratulations!!

    luciddreamer106 Congrats on 3rd tri!  Hope you passed the GTT.

    lyndz333 Welcome, good luck on Friday!

    MrsTuna08 I still get the pain and stiffness in my wrists and finger joints, it's worse in the morning.  It's definitely annoying to deal with!

    haleyusf Sorry about the swelling, hope you find something that will help!  Thanks for the tips too, we've tried the EPO, sex, walking, and I've been bouncing on a yoga ball.  I've read about dates too so will pick some up this weekend!

    megbmeg Sorry to hear you were in L&D but glad everything is OK.

    BookishMomma Welcome, sorry that your betas aren't rising as much as you'd like, I hope that the next one looks better.

    Bigboneded Glad you found a nice group of multiples moms, I must say I'm jealous that you're no longer working!

    GrailSeeker14 Sorry about the spotting.  I went through a weird thirsty phase too, especially at night and first thing in the morning, couldn't gulp down enough ice water.

    Courtney1741 Good luck at your appointment, I hope that it reassures you about going public.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    TTC since Sept 2011, Unexplained IF
    Oct 12 - Jan 14: 3 clomid/TI cycles, 2 hysteroscopies, 2 IUIs, 1 BFP (MMC @ 12w), 2 more IUIs
    Feb 14: Gonal-f + IUI #5 = BFP! (EDD 11/4/14)
    Baby boy arrived 11/13/14!

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    Just checking in and letting you know that I'm reading all your updated during my lunch break. Once I can get to my computer at home, I'll be able to give a better response. Mobile is sometimes just a huge PITA.
    Multiple TTCAL 1image
     TTC #1 since March 2011 
    BFP #1: EDD 4/16/13~~blighted ovum w/ 2 gestational sacs~~Loss on 9/18/12
    BFP #2: EDD 9/3/13~~Slow HB at 1st U/S~~MMC -Loss on 2/13/13
    9/13, 10/13, 1/14: letrozole + trigger + TI = All BFNs
    3/14: IUI#1 letrozole/Bravelle/Menopur + trigger = BFN
    BFP #3: EDD 1/27/15 Please be our rainbow! ...Team Green

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    @lyndz333 Welcome! What is your EDD so I can add you to our list? Good luck on Friday!

    @mrstuna08 I’m glad you’re feeling better now that she’s dropped. Congrats on a great appointment!

    @haleyusf Boo for the swelling.  I hope that you can get some good advice on Thursday.

    @megbmeg I’m sorry that you had the weird symptoms that sent you to the ER, but glad that everything is ok.  FX that it goes away on its own. Maybe baby is positioned strangely?

    @bookishmomma Welcome! Sending lots of healthy growing vibes!

    @bigboneded Woohoo for your last day of work! Good luck with the GTT results.

    @rox825 How sweet to have a shower from your coworkers. Sending dilation vibes your way and I hope you get to have the pain med-free birth you’re going for.

    @grailseeker14 I’m glad to see that you’re feeling better after the spotting scare from before. FX that it stays away. Starting to feel your uterus is such a cool feeling, I had become obsessed with checking it’s progress (especially in the beginning).

    @courtney1741 Sending good vibes for your u/s on Friday. I hope your announcement goes well. Take deep breaths.

    @birch113 I’m sorry you’re having a rough time at work, I completely understand. FX that baby moves to give you some relief from the pain.

    @snowbigdeal I’m sorry you were blindsided at your appointment.  ((hugs))

    @maddielynn321 Welcome! What is your EDD so I can add it to the list? Congrats on seeing the HB today!

    Multiple TTCAL 1image
     TTC #1 since March 2011 
    BFP #1: EDD 4/16/13~~blighted ovum w/ 2 gestational sacs~~Loss on 9/18/12
    BFP #2: EDD 9/3/13~~Slow HB at 1st U/S~~MMC -Loss on 2/13/13
    9/13, 10/13, 1/14: letrozole + trigger + TI = All BFNs
    3/14: IUI#1 letrozole/Bravelle/Menopur + trigger = BFN
    BFP #3: EDD 1/27/15 Please be our rainbow! ...Team Green

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    How far along are you? 5 weeks!
    What fruit/veggie are you? Apple sees

    If you’re far enough along, are you having a boy or girl or are you team green? (This is to update the list, so if you’re already on there no need to answer again!) Team green

    How are you feeling? Just tired and heartburn is starting

    Favorite moment of the week? Getting beta result number 2! 786!

    Least favorite moment of the week? Having to deal with mean patients at work

    How are your symptoms? Getting better? Worse? Any new ones? I'm still early, so plenty of time for this to change. So far, not too bad.

    How is PGAL brain treating you? Any T&P requests? was in full force last week, but pretty good right now. Friday will be rough waiting for the u/s.

    Any upcoming appointments or milestones you're looking forward to? Ultrasound on Friday!

    ~*~*~*GTKY question:~*~*~*

    What is your favorite thing about autumn? Everything! I love the weather and the holidays and the yummy treats!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    TTC #1 since 3/11

    BFP #1 5/4/11 EDD 1/12/12 natural m/c 5/17/11

    BFP #2 8/9/11 EDD 4/18/12 ectopic pregnancy (methotrexate) 8/24/11 ruptured tube and removal 8/29/11

    BFP #3 3/9/12 EDD 11/19/12 Logan born 11/18/12

    BFP #4 10/21/14 EDD 6/30/15

    ~*~*Everyone Welcome*~*~
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    I failed my GTT. .. it was 148, DH says his docs cut off at 140 for passing. I expect 3 hour will go better :-)

    @snowbigdeal‌ I'm sorry for the awkward silence.... if it helps my pat answer for first pg question is, "No, we had a loss last year. But everything looks good this time so we are very excited" That brings it back to happy pg talk and doesn't leave you getting detailed loss questions with someone you dont know that well.... (((hugs)))

    @bookishmama‌ Wellcome to Tuesdays!!! :-) I'm sorry I missed you first go round ;-) Growing vibes!!!
    @angielayne926‌ welcome to you and your appleseed :-) looking forward to hearing about a great u/s next week!
    @rox825‌ fx'd for a ripening cervix, I want you to go med free route... so you can inspire me :-) DH is OB nurse and has been telling me for years that I will get an epidural b/c I said I dont want one grrr! So here's to a happy, healthy, uneventful, spontaneous labor :-)
    @maddielynn321‌ welcome! Its so hard to wait forever between appts early on... time just crawled for me. I hope you get a good news u/s next appt to offset the bummer 3rdEDD. ((Hugs))
    @GrailSeeker14‌ glad you had a good visit with mom! Sorry about the scare...
    @Courtney1741‌ Sorry about the MIL, grrr... what a great thing to do the firestation Halloween, I loved those when I was little! :-)
    @Birch113‌ sorry n/v is back :-( and patients that are challenging :-(
    @meagpt22‌ Congrats, Mama!! :-)
    @MrsTuna08‌ yes, glad to get the stash going :-) I expect we will be sposies at first, too. But some of my ebay wins include Small diapers... I thought I had bid mostly on OS... oh well :-)
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    @Birch113 The doughnut was from Dunkin and it was delicious, I highly recommend if you like pumpkin!  Thanks for the labor vibes :-)

    @snowbigdeal Sorry you were caught off guard at the dentist.  6 weeks in between appointments is a long time, I hope the doppler helps.

    @maddielynn321 & @angielayne926 Congratulations and welcome to Tuesdays!

    @Bigboneded I hope that you pass the 3 hour test!  Thanks for the good wishes, I reallly hope the med-free thing works out too, I have a handful of friends who have done it who are my inspiration :-)

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    TTC since Sept 2011, Unexplained IF
    Oct 12 - Jan 14: 3 clomid/TI cycles, 2 hysteroscopies, 2 IUIs, 1 BFP (MMC @ 12w), 2 more IUIs
    Feb 14: Gonal-f + IUI #5 = BFP! (EDD 11/4/14)
    Baby boy arrived 11/13/14!

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    Hey @luciddreamer106‌ - I don't have an EDD yet but I think it's between June 16-19th. I'll have an answer for you after Friday! :)
    BFP #1 - 12/7/2012 - EDD 8/14/2013 - DD born 8/17/2013
    BFP #2 - 3/31/2014 - EDD 12/6/2014 - Natural miscarriage on 4/28/2014
    BFP #3 - 8/4/2014 - EDD 4/12/2015 - Chemical Pregnancy discovered on 8/13/2014


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    @angielayne926 Welcome! Good luck with your u/s today!
    @bigboneded Boo! Sorry you didn't get good news with the GTT. FX that you pass the 3 hour test!
    Multiple TTCAL 1image
     TTC #1 since March 2011 
    BFP #1: EDD 4/16/13~~blighted ovum w/ 2 gestational sacs~~Loss on 9/18/12
    BFP #2: EDD 9/3/13~~Slow HB at 1st U/S~~MMC -Loss on 2/13/13
    9/13, 10/13, 1/14: letrozole + trigger + TI = All BFNs
    3/14: IUI#1 letrozole/Bravelle/Menopur + trigger = BFN
    BFP #3: EDD 1/27/15 Please be our rainbow! ...Team Green

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