
Embryo Donation Qs - which board?

I've written and rewritten this post a few times - I really hope it's okay to post here. My brain (and heart) has been really up and down lately - hence the disjointed up & down posts - but I couldn't sleep last night thinking about the prospect of Embryo Donation. Given our situation (emotionally and financially) and our unclear prognosis, I really feel like if further diagnostics and natural methods don't work, transferring a donated embryo might be our next step before considering adoption. I'd really like to find a board or community of others to learn more (more than you can get after hours of internet searching articles). We're from Canada, so the legal/ethical restrictions are different - but we'd certainly consider traveling, depending on success rates and ethics. Anyways, again - really hope this isn't out of line - but if anyone can direct me to a good community or board (or has some personal experience), I'd really appreciate it.
30 yrs, healthy & TTC since April 2010 
DH 32yrs & healthy
*unexplained infertility* 

Regularly access alternative medicine to supplement a lack of resources in our geographical area.
  • Three rounds of clomid (50mg days 3-7) were useless.
  • IUI#1 w/clomid & HCG in May 2013, BFN.
  • IUI#2 w/clomid & HCG on July 23rd. BFN.
  • IUI #3 in August cancelled last minute, due to lab error.
  • IVF#1 - Started Gonal F stims October 13 2013 for IUI. Over-responded with too many follicles, so converted to IVF. Retrieval October 29th - got 5 eggs, 4 fertilized. Had 2 perfect little embryos transferred on day 3 (Nov. 1). The remaining 2 didn't survive to freeze. Got our BFN on November 13th 2013.
  • IVF#2 - Started stims August 21st. Triggered with Suprefact, started on dostinex due to risk of OHSS. Retrieval September 5th - got 27 eggs! 21 embryos on day 3. Embryos deteriorated quickly. ESet 5day blast on Sept 10. No embryos high enough quality to freeze. BFN came Sept. 22.

Reserved a semi-known proven donor in August .

Waiting for consult/screening and protocols with estimated fresh cycle timing in October


Re: Embryo Donation Qs - which board?

  • Hi there. While I don't post there, I do know that some ladies do or have posted on the 3rd party reproduction board in that situation. Good luck!
    **siggy warning**  **everyone welcome**

    DS- 11.07.02
    DSS- 6.26.04
    Married- 6.29.13
    TTC Again- Sept. 2013
    Test Results/Diagnosis- HSG & SA totally normal
    DX: 3/2014 Prolactinoma/Hyperprolactinemia- Started cabergoline 2/2014
    5/2014 Possible mild PCOS in addition to hyperprolactinemia??
    7/2014 Adding probable tubal factor to the diagnosis list
    9/2014 And now adding hypothyroid to the list- Started synthroid 9/2014
    Cycles 1-4 - Sept.-March- All Anovulatory 
    IUI #1 March/April-  Clomid 50mg + Clomid 100mg +Trigger + IUI #1 = BFN
     IUI #2 April/May-Clomid 100mg + Clomid 150mg + Trigger + IUI #2 + Endometrin=BFN
    IUI #3- June- Follistim 75iu + Trigger + IUI #3  Benched due to a 40 mm cyst. :-(
    IUI #3- July- Follistim 75iu + Trigger + IUI #3 + Endometrin = BFP! on 7/25/14
    Slowly rising betas - Ectopic suspected on 8/8/14 & confirmed on 8/11/14
    Methotrexate on 8/12/14 -HCG negative on 9/2/14
    IVF #1- November- Antagonist protocol: 11/1: start stims, 200iu of Follistim; 11/12 ER 17R/14M/14F; 11/17 5 day transfer of two blasts, 2 blasts and 2 expanding morulas frozen; 11/22 BFP!! (On FRER at 5dp5dt)
    Betas: 9dp5dt 205, 11dp5dt 497, 14dp5dt 1,709
    u/s at 5w0d- 1 sac; u/s at 6w0d 1 baby with heartbeat, another sac without a heartbeat

  • Hey

    I've heard of this agency in Canada that offers embryo adoption: (I'm also in Canada).

    Good luck! If I'm ever in the position of having extra embryos, I'd be interested in donating them, but given my poor response on IVF#1, it's unlikely I'll be in that position.

    Good luck with everything.

    Official diagnosis: Unexplained IF. I am 32. I have low ovarian reserve (low AMH), and poor egg quality. I've also been diagnosed with mild glandular developmental arrest (lining problems, detected with EFT).

    We are using open ID donor sperm. IUIs #1-7=BFN. IVF September 2014 antagonist protocol, 8R,5M,3F, 5 day transfer of 1 morula = BFN. IVF#2 planned for January 2015 (antagonist protocol + HGH).

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  • I'm sorry, I remember your other post. I hope you find your answers.
  • I just wanted to come love this post.  I am excited to see that you are keeping on!
    Me: 34 | He: 40
    TTC since 08/2012
    DX: DOR

  • We did a cycle with donated embryos last May. Definitely check out the 3rd part repro board. @Liz4Paws has some great info in her blog (linked in her siggy) on embryo adoption/donation. There is also a private Facebook group that some women from the bump are on. 

    If our current cycle fails, we will likely go back down the 3rd party path, I'm just not sure yet if it would be DE or DEm.




    TTC #1 since August 2011

    My Blog

    September 2012: Start IF testing

    DH (32): SA is ok, slightly low morph, normal SCSA  Me (32): Slightly low progesterone, hostile CM, carrier for CF, Moderately high NKC, High TNFa, heterozyogous mutated Factor XIII, and +APA

    October 2012-May 2014: 4 failed IUIs, 3 failed IVFs, and 1 failed FETw/donor embryos

    November 2014: IVF w/ICSI #4 Agonist/Antagonist with EPP and Prednisone, Baby Aspirin, Lovenox, and IVIG for immune issues.  Converted to freeze all due to lining issues.  2 blasts frozen on day 6!

    January 2015: FET #2 Cancelled due to lining issues

    April 2015: FET #2.1

    PAIF/SAIF Welcome!

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