
Carpal Tunnel anyone?!

I had carpal tunnel symptoms appear when I was pregnant with DD but it only resulted in thumb twitching and some wrist soreness while sleeping.

This time around, I have major issues with my hands...they hurt like hell with my sleep, both of my ring fingers lock up and throb and hurt, I can't even grip the blankets in the middle of the night to pull them up over me. My right wrist clicks and hurts throughout the day, not just while I'm asleep. I"m wearing a wrist splint/brace now because daily tasks with my right hand are unbearable.

I guess I just wanted to know if any of you ladies went through this with one pregnancy and had it more severe with another? I don't know how I'll be able to take 14 more weeks of this!!
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Re: Carpal Tunnel anyone?!

  • I am right there with you! I didn't have any carpal tunnel problems with my singleton (not sure if it's because I was working as an orthodontic assistant then and used my hands a lot every day or what) biut this time around I have it horrible. I have exactly the same problems you do. It started with just my ring fingers locking up and has progressed from there. I have been assured that the symptoms shoukd subside 6-8 weeks after delivery. :p I have 6 more weeks till my c-section date...... so I just keep on trucking. Running my hands under warm water doesn't exactly help, but it feels good. :D
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
  • Ohhhh the carpal tunnel. My hands hurt so bad, and it's really hard to take a shower when both your hands are asleep. I wear the braces 24/7 now and seems to help at night (very tiny bit) when they are the worst. I wake up in the middle of night to my right hand burning and throbbing. I am having a prenatal massage next week, I'm wondering if they can help at all. My acupuncturist is on maternity leave or I would go see her too.

    TTC for 1.5 years with a crappy RE. 12 cycles with clomid (11 too many)
    New RE, 3 failed IUI's moving to IVF with ICSI
    IVF#1 BFP EDD 1/10/13
    Beta#1 51  Beta #2 148
    A/S 8/20/13 Team Pink
    Induced week 39 due to severe GD
    Baby girl born 1/4/13

           TTC #2 2 failed IUI's moving on to FET 3/2014
    ET 3/25 
    Beta #1 127
    Beta #2 845
    U/s 4/22 It's TWINS!!
    Team Purple!!

            Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker          

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  • So sorry, I did have this problem, too. I would often  hold ice packs while I slept and sit during the day with my hands raised above my head. It was very painful and probably one of the most annoying pregnancy symptoms especially once on bedrest because all I could do was use my Ipad or Read, but those were hard to do with my hands. It took a while for it to resolve after I delivered, too. There were a few weeks that it was hard to button PJs and other fine motor skills, but it eventually did go away completely. Hang in there. I know it's misery.

    Age: 35 TTC since 2005, MFI & DOR 

    IVF #1 Sep '11 - canceled poor response

     IVF #2 Nov '11  8R/8M/4F 3dt x2 - chemical

    IVF #3 April '12  11R/6M/4F 3dt x2 - m/c

    FET #1 Aug 2012  3dt x2 - BFN

    **new RE**

     IVF #4 Jan '13 BFN 11R/6M/6F 5dt x2 - BFN

     IVF #5 July '13 16R/10M/10F 5dt x2 + 1 frostie

    9dp5dt Beta 1 = 344!! 16dp5dt. Beta 2 = 4822 7wk u/s= 2 heartbeats!

    Twin girls! 3/6/14


  • Oh my, yes! I have carpal tunnel, both hands before pregnancy. I have been waking up with thumb and two fingers numb in both hands for a week or so now. And during the day. Wearing my splints more. I know it will resolve when I deliver. My chiro/ accupuncture doc says he cant help. My friend who does massage suggested alternating cold and heat. My palms hurt deep in my hand if I make a fist, grip anything, or try to open things.... 27 weeks today :-) Good Luck @PeaceofKia‌ , I feel your pain!
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • I only have in in my left hand and luckily it doesn't interfere with my work during the day but at night it throbs... The ice packs on it before I sleep help
    ***siggy/ticker warning***

    Me:36 DH:38 TTC#1 since 4/2012
    Me DX: Hashimotos,Hypothyroid, DOR, MTHFR,  DH: normal

     IUI #1-#4 BFNs and a few cancelled cycles in the mix.
    - poor responder
    ***Suprise BFP on 6/13/13. Natural MC @6wks 3days
    IVF#1 and 2- Cancelled due to no response on max stimms
    FET 5/20- BFP
    1st Beta- 641
    2nd beta- 2166
    Sono- TWINS!!!!
    Two Boys! Born January 2015 @36 weeks.  Healthy and no NICU!  So blessed!


  • Talk to your doctor about the injections. When I was pregnant with my twins I had it so bad at 30 weeks I couldn't hold a pen in either hand! I would have had to stop working until I had the injections and a couple days and I was good as new. Healthy identicals delivered 5 and a half weeks later. TOTALLY worth it! Good luck- it total sucks!
  • I also had this during my pregnancy and it stuck around for a few months after they were born, too. It was so awful trying to zip tiny zippers and button tiny buttons and all the other fine motor skills required to deal with babies. I did go to a few PT appointments after they were born and was told to wear a brace and do some targeted stretching, which seemed to help. I'm intrigued by PP's suggestions of injections. I hope you find some relief because it sucks!!

    TTC #2 since July 2010
    FSH = 11 (20 on day 10 of CCCT)/ AMH = .98 / AFC=12ish
    5 IUI's with oral meds = all BFN
    March 2012 IVF (MDL Protocol) Started stims 3/3; ER 3/11 (9R, 8M, 7F) ET 3/16 (5dt of 2 blasts graded 3AB and 3BA, 3 frosties(!!) Beta 3/26 = 386; Beta 3/28 = 827; u/s 4/11 says TWINS! Boy/Girl Twins delivered at 36 weeks 6 days

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I developed carpal tunnel during my pregnancy right around 20 weeks (delivered b/g twins at 34 weeks 2 days) - so it sucked dealing with it for almost half my pregnancy!  I bought night splints at CVS which helped some at night, and wrist splints that I wore at work during the day.  it got so bad that by 28 weeks I could no longer drive, since I couldn't grip the steering wheel anymore!  It took about 3 months post-delivery for it to go away completely - there was noticeable relief by the end of the first month, but it definitely took a few more months before I felt completely normal in my hands again.  Good luck!  I hope you find something that works for you!!

    TTC since July 2011
    Me(33): normal HSG; diagnosed with mild PCOS

    DH(35): normal SA
    *6 cycles no meds, July-Dec. 2011, all BFN
    *Clomid for 3 cycles, Jan-March 2011: BFP March 2011
    *MC at 6 weeks

    *2 cycles off
    *Started TTC again July 2012 with Clomid, 6 cycles from July-Dec. 2012, all BFN
    *1 cycle no meds: BFN
    *1 cycle Femara: BFN
    *1st RE visit March 2013 - first IUI in April 2013 with Femara, Menopur, and Novarel (BFN); second IUI in May 2013, same protocol (BFN); two cycle break;  third IUI in August 2013, same protocol (BFN)

    *1st IVF cycle, October 2013 (Synarel, Menopur (75 iu), and Gonal-F (150 iu)) -- BFP!!  Saw two babies at our 5wk5d u/s on Oct. 28th!  EDD=June 25, 2014

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