Cloth Diapering

Flats Question

actually CDR

So I'm digging FST on F. The thing is, no matter how I fold them I get poop on the cover out the legs. Right now the most effective has been mini kite fold with the legs rolled in, but it's still getting out. Is there a better fold? Is there some trick I don't know?

Re: Flats Question

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  • Don't know the answer to your question, but I did find out today that taking an origami folded flat and wrapping the wings around one end and putting the wing wrapped end in front makes for an easy way to switch from origami folded to pad folded for a boy.....may be useful in a few months...also some covers are wide enough to insert a happy anteater folded flat under the flaps instead of a pad folded flat for greater coverage against poop.

    YBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    I'm a fan of The Cloth Diaper Tech Support group on Facebook
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  • I fold it into a prefold and then do it just like a prefold.
    Mama to a little girl born July 2011 and a little boy born April 2014! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Me too. Fold into quarters then jelly roll.
    TTC with PCOS since November 2009
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    IUI#3 Femara/Ovidrel (cd 3-7) = BFP!
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  • If it makes you feel any better, I have the same problem with prefolds. If it is more than a shart, it's going to get on the cover.

    Also, piggyback many washes to prep FSTs?


  • Mapleme said:
    Me too. Fold into quarters then jelly roll.
    This but Angel Wing with adequate poop pocket. Nothing but volume escapes a proper poop pocket.
    I love how you used the term "poop pocket" twice.

    My answer: buy more covers.
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