Hello ladies,
I am so excited to pass this information along to my fellow TTC Over 35 sisters. I just had my IVF consultation with a new clinic and the doctor mentioned a clinical study that I could possibly qualify for. He went into details but after he said the procedure would be discounted to $3500 he had me sold. But basically the study is testing a new FSH drug. The drug has been tested on women in Europe, but now this clinical trial is focused on 1100 American women. The study is called I#V%Y Study (just Google the letters to find the study website, I didn't want to spell it out so the trolls in a Google search). Thanks @nariadreaming
So here is the basic criteria:
Woman must be 35-42 years of age; Regular menstrual cycles; Good General Health and not have completed 3 or more fresh IVF cycles.
The clinics have to assess if you will be a good candidate for the study and they test for everything. I have PCOS (but it's under control with medication) and a Unicornuate Uterus but the doctor told me to let the Study Director tell me I'm not qualified. He said the MFI will definitely not be an issue. I have an appointment next week....so fingers crossed.
The study is pretty much nationwide so there maybe a site near you. He mentioned there are sites in the following states: AZ, CA,DE, FL,GA, IL, MD, NJ, NV, OH, PA, TN, TX and VA.
I just thought I would pass this information along. I'm so excited that we may have found our funding for IVF.
Re: IVF Study