TTC after 35

Possibly Dumb Temping Question

So - this morning I woke up before my alarm (by about 2 hours) because DH had come in and stole all the blanket in the middle of night and I was absolutely freezing. I took my temp (thinking I had to take it whenever I wake up) and it was right around the cover line. I reacquired my portion of the blanket and fell asleep until the alarm and then took my temp again when I woke up and it was MUCH higher. 

Which temp should I record?

I just got TCOYF last night but didn't have time to start reading it :) 

Re: Possibly Dumb Temping Question

  • The first temp is usually the most accurate.  The good news is, one wonky temp isn't going to throw the whole month.
    TTCAL January Siggy Challenge: Animals in the Snow


    About Me: 

    AMA 35 :  DH 33
    BFP#1 1/26/14 (EDD: 10/7/14).  MMC 3/10/14 D&C 3/14/14
    RE Consult 11/3/14 - AMH 2.25 "great" . FSH 7.10 . Low Vitamin D
    Myomectomy 12/17/14.  Benched until March.


    My Ovulation Chart
  • Hmmm, ok. I'll record the low temp and add a note I guess so I remember the situation. My optimism is definitely getting a beat down this cycle.
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  • Sorry @winogrrl.  Can you link your chart?  Without seeing it it's a little hard to offer further insight.
    TTCAL January Siggy Challenge: Animals in the Snow


    About Me: 

    AMA 35 :  DH 33
    BFP#1 1/26/14 (EDD: 10/7/14).  MMC 3/10/14 D&C 3/14/14
    RE Consult 11/3/14 - AMH 2.25 "great" . FSH 7.10 . Low Vitamin D
    Myomectomy 12/17/14.  Benched until March.


    My Ovulation Chart
  • image

    I haven't figured out how to share it yet - hopefully this works?
    For the record - second temp this morning was 98.1

  • @wino Grrl I am new to this and no expert by any stretch, but I had a day like that this cycle too. I woke up about 2 hours before my regular time and there was no way I was making it until then without getting up to pee. So I took my temp, got up to pee, and then just recorded it with a note in case it turned out to be a real anomaly. It's CD12 (in case you're a chart stalker), so it is a little lower than the other temps around that time, but I don't think it threw FF off at all.

     Me: 35, He: 41. Baby #1!

    BabyFruit Ticker

  • For me, I've noticed that the temperature "outside" makes a drastic difference on my internal temp. I'm probably in the minority, but I'd probably "ignore" the first one and keep the second one since you know you were colder than normal...just me though (and i haven't been doing this for very long, so I might just be silly)
  • @flyliceandcoffee that was totally what i was wondering too. i've been googling and trying to read up on how much that affects things. It was in the low 30s last night and our heat hasn't been turned on yet so I was really freezing. i guess i'll leave the low temp and just try not to feel bad about it because it might be an anomaly. Clearly I'm really ratcheting up the crazy/obsessive behavoir this cycle.
  • @tmorash looks like we are on the same schedule! TWW buddies :)
  • @WinoGrrl Yeah! I'm 5DPO today; you too?

    I hadn't thought about the external-affecting-internal factor. Also, you didn't actually get up and walk around like I did, so maybe there's more of a case for you to use the second temp. I think in my case, it's more clear-cut that the first temp is the most reliable.

     Me: 35, He: 41. Baby #1!

    BabyFruit Ticker

  • yah, i'm kind of with @tmorash, if you didn't do a whole lot of getting in and out of bed but more of a "hey give me that blanket back" type of movement and then went right back to sleep, I'd lean towards the second. Like @meredithnicole said too though, one wonky temp won't screw it all up either!
  • I think the first temp is the one you should keep and make a note, just like you did. Also - try to not read too much into one temp (I know, trying is easier said than done) because it is true that a whole slew of factors affect your temp: mouth breathing, cooler/warmer temps, how much you tossed and turned, and on and on. If you analyze each temp, you'll have notes all over the place!! The really important thing about temping is to see that you've ovulated. Good luck!
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