So - this morning I woke up before my alarm (by about 2 hours) because DH had come in and stole all the blanket in the middle of night and I was absolutely freezing. I took my temp (thinking I had to take it whenever I wake up) and it was right around the cover line. I reacquired my portion of the blanket and fell asleep until the alarm and then took my temp again when I woke up and it was MUCH higher.
Which temp should I record?
I just got TCOYF last night but didn't have time to start reading it
Re: Possibly Dumb Temping Question
My Ovulation Chart
My Ovulation Chart
Me: 35, He: 41. Baby #1!
@WinoGrrl Yeah! I'm 5DPO today; you too?
I hadn't thought about the external-affecting-internal factor. Also, you didn't actually get up and walk around like I did, so maybe there's more of a case for you to use the second temp. I think in my case, it's more clear-cut that the first temp is the most reliable.
Me: 35, He: 41. Baby #1!