How many teachers and babies are in the room at your day care center? What is the atmosphere like? How much sleep is you baby getting during the day?
Our room has 2-3 teachers for 8 babies. It's a really nice location, but not as cozy and affectionate as the place we took DD to. I think all the noise of other babies is part of our sleep problem. DS is there for 9-10 hours and only sleeping 60-120 minutes. He's been there for 3 weeks now. As soon as we get home, he's done for the day, so I don't really get to enjoy him at all. It sucks! I'm hoping one of you out there have made it to better naps, or are at least going through similar transition issues.
Re: Sleep at day care centers
I don't know how accommodating your daycare is but have you tried asking them to put him down at certain times to be consistent with what he gets at home? That's definitely something we do where I work but I know it's not feasible everywhere