April 2014 Moms

rice cereal and baby foods w/ bottle

I'm probably over thinking this, but I still don't know if I'm doing this right? Or if there is a right or wrong way...6mo old do you give the rice cereal with a small bottle? Or just rice cereal in morning then a few hours later a bottle? Then around lunch I've been giving a fruit or veggie. .do you give 2oz (1/2 jar of baby food) or just see how much baby wants out of the 4oz jar and that's one meal..no bottle then wait 3hrs then bottle.. I've been giving a small bottle after the rice cereal, and small bottle with his peas or bananas for lunch whatever he has that day..should I not? He had his 6mo check up and he's right on track with his weight so that's good, Dr Said Keep Doing What You're doing..I wanted to see what you all are doing and I'm sure what works for you might not work for me but just checking! Thanks!

Re: rice cereal and baby foods w/ bottle

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    I'm really tired and didn't understand all of that, but at this age though bottle should still be priority. So bottle first thing in the morning, then solids after.
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    My babies eat a 5oz bottle around 5-6am and then at 7:30-8 eat 2oz fruit mixed with rice cereal and a little formula. I also offer a small bottle after they are done eating that. They will have a 5oz bottle around 10. Then around 12 they have a veggie mixed with cereal and formula. Followed by a small bottle. They get 1-2 bottles then have dinner around 6 which again is a fruit or veggie mixed with oatmeal and formula. Then usually within an hour they eat a 5oz bottle each and go to bed. This works great for us!
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    Small bits of food in between regular nursing sessions
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    DD on a recent trip to London. 3 yrs old.
    EDD 4/7/18
    MC 5/20/17 @8 wks
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    My sister in law gave me this site when I asked her about feeding. She followed it with my youngest nephew.


    BabyFruit Ticker

    <img src="<a href="http://tinypic.com?ref=2s9vof8" target="_blank"><img src="http://i59.tinypic.com/2s9vof8.jpg" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>" width="180px">

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    I nurse her just as much as I used to but offer her a little extra solids maybe a half hour or so after nursing. At dinner I let her 'eat' first because I nurse to sleep for bed an hour after dinner.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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