Edited for less drama and hopefully just support. Any advice/links/insight for trying to get your milk to dry up? I am two days in and super uncomfortable. I was just wondering if it continues to be this uncomfortable or gets increasingly better each day.
Thanks for your support.
Re: Drying Up Milk...
Is that what you thought people were going to say? We may be salty but we're not jerks.
I'm not new. I just hate The Bump.
2. I feel like this is Baby Center trying to provoke us with what they (wrongly) think is a controversial topic.
3. I just don't get when people who have obviously not spent any time looking around come on here and want to have a chummy conversation. It's weird yo.
I'm sorry you didn't get the support you were looking for because this is a super supportive group of ladies here. As PP mentioned, telling people what to say/do in response never works on public message boards.
There is a breastfeeding board on here if you don't get the answers you're looking for.
Your first post came across badly. It didn't make anyone want to come in with advice. And if you've really lurked like you say you have, you would know that this is very tame.
To answer you questions and provide support: for me it took FOR EV ER to feel better. I hurt for 3 weeks. The only thing that helped was expressing some in the shower 2 or 3 times a day. I'm sorry you are hurting. It does end eventually though.
Don't come on this board demanding sympathy, tell us how to respond to you and then insult our mods. You've gotten some good advice on this thread as well as a helpful link.
Not one person has said anything negative about your decision to stop breastfeeding. It's your attitude that has everybody irritated.
I'm not new. I just hate The Bump.
I'm not new. I just hate The Bump.
And for my unsolicited advice:
Yes people will judge you for stopping breastfeeding. The board as a whole has taken a stand of not tolerating it but that doesn't mean you won't hear little comments. It's not been that long since a regular poster said she didn't understand not breastfeeding. Yes, it was addressed- but you will still hear it.
This is only the first of many times you will likely do somethig different from your social circle. Own your parenting decisions and repeat after me: "I am doing what is best for my family".
О Привязать! Z!
As my husband says... farts will always be funny no matter how old you are. Although I find kid farts funnier than adult farts
Engaged: 7/19/09 Married: 9/19/10

BFP: 10/14/13 EDD: 6/16/14 DD Arrived: 6/21/14
June '14 Siggy Challenge: Warm Places
I'm not new. I just hate The Bump.
Motherhood has really mellowed us out. We are not our usual snarky salty catfish ho selves. I wish I was a better giffer I'd insert an image of a unicorn farting glitter. That's what we've all become when we digress to laughing about farts instead of giving snark.
FTR, I don't really have a problem with this and it makes the whole baby center thing that much funnier to me.
1. WTF is up with this post?
2. If I'm going to actually respond, my suggestions are Sudafed or peppermint essential oil.
О Привязать! Z!
*parenting in general