June 2014 Moms

Drying Up Milk...

joywithsugarjoywithsugar member
edited October 2014 in June 2014 Moms
Edited for less drama and hopefully just support. Any advice/links/insight for trying to get your milk to dry up? I am two days in and super uncomfortable. I was just wondering if it continues to be this uncomfortable or gets increasingly better each day.
Thanks for your support. 
Proud to be Jack's Mommy :) Check out my blog! http://joywithsugarontop.blogspot.com/

Re: Drying Up Milk...

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  • Ouch. Exactly what I thought I might find. Geez. I was looking for advice and I will definitely go to the thread that was listed. I guess there isn't much reason to be back if I can't really feel supported or understood. I just know breastfeeding is a hot button topic and didn't want to feel bad about stopping as there is always at least one in a crowd to ruin any support being given. :( 

    Instead of this post making me feel better I instead feel bummed out and uncomfortable. Hoping I find some reasons on the other post given by Meg and Miss Renee. 

    Sorry I hadn't been very active. I hadn't been needing too much support or advice since I delivered. So disappointed. 
    Proud to be Jack's Mommy :) Check out my blog! http://joywithsugarontop.blogspot.com/
  • 1. It took me 3 weeks (yep) to wean.
    2. I feel like this is Baby Center trying to provoke us with what they (wrongly) think is a controversial topic.
    3. I just don't get when people who have obviously not spent any time looking around come on here and want to have a chummy conversation. It's weird yo.
  • Oh my gosh. I am just a mom who hasn't had much time to poke around. I don't know how to run this site very well because honestly I find it confusing and just thought I could come on here looking for some anonymous support because I figured at least one other mom might be able to relate and help me out. I can't believe this dumb thread started such drama and is making me feel worse than I started with. If I knew how to delete it I surely would and never return to this site filled with rude people. Feel free to detail how to delete this thread or mods feel free to delete so that I can return to being "new here" and not relating to anybody. That seemed much better.
    Proud to be Jack's Mommy :) Check out my blog! http://joywithsugarontop.blogspot.com/
  • JmeJoLee83JmeJoLee83 member
    edited October 2014
    And you picked June '14 randomly to ask questions and gain support?

    There is a breastfeeding board on here if you don't get the answers you're looking for.
    First time mommy-to-be
    E.D.D. June 1, 2014

  • I didn't really pick June 14 randomly as I just had a baby in JUNE 2014. Funny how that works. I used to visit these boards before I had my baby but never felt like I had much to add to conversations so I just lurked. 
    I haven't been able to find the breastfeeding board but regardless figured with the timing of only having babies a few months ago more moms could possibly relate. 
    p.s. I am amazed at the immaturity of some people that post. Even more amazing… they are mods. Wow. 
    Proud to be Jack's Mommy :) Check out my blog! http://joywithsugarontop.blogspot.com/
  • I regret this thread and apologize for how wrong my seeking for advice went. I changed my initial question so please leave the thread at that unless a new person comes along with new info for me. Thanks amber for the link. Very helpful and more what I was originally looking for. Also I meant anonymous as in on a group filled with women who relate and have stuff in common rather than just post the question on my Facebook. Hope that makes sense...
    Proud to be Jack's Mommy :) Check out my blog! http://joywithsugarontop.blogspot.com/
  • I love when they jump to "mod delete".

    Your first post came across badly. It didn't make anyone want to come in with advice. And if you've really lurked like you say you have, you would know that this is very tame.
  • Edited for less drama and hopefully just support. Any advice/links/insight for trying to get your milk to dry up? I am two days in and super uncomfortable. I was just wondering if it continues to be this uncomfortable or gets increasingly better each day.

    Thanks for your support. 
    Probably the passive aggressive first line doesn't really help to remove all the drama.. but whatever.

    To answer you questions and provide support: for me it took FOR EV ER to feel better. I hurt for 3 weeks. The only thing that helped was expressing some in the shower 2 or 3 times a day. I'm sorry you are hurting. It does end eventually though.
  • Dude. No one would ever judge you for stopping BFing here. If someone did we would kick their tails. But you didn't give us the chance to demonstrate that to you with your OP. I sincerely wish you the best going forward.

    I'm not new. I just hate The Bump. 

  • flerlgirl said:
    PS I am VERY mature, thankyouverymuch. Except I do laugh when my son toots.
    Because farts are funny @flerlgirl.  That's not immature.  That's just a fact.

    As my husband says... farts will always be funny no matter how old you are. Although I find kid farts funnier than adult farts :)

    Engaged: 7/19/09 Married: 9/19/10
    BFP: 10/14/13 EDD: 6/16/14 DD Arrived: 6/21/14
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    June '14 Siggy Challenge: Warm Places


  • Motherhood has really mellowed us out.  We are not our usual snarky salty catfish ho selves.  I wish I was a better giffer I'd insert an image of a unicorn farting glitter.  That's what we've all become when we digress to laughing about farts instead of giving snark.

    FTR, I don't really have a problem with this and it makes the whole baby center thing that much funnier to me.



  • We need a troll thread like July 14
    First time mommy-to-be
    E.D.D. June 1, 2014

  • I'm bacccccccccccck!

    1. WTF is up with this post?

    2. If I'm going to actually respond, my suggestions are Sudafed or peppermint essential oil.
  • Eh I'm willing to give people the benefit of the doubt when it comes to something like this. Judging moms for not breastfeeding is pretty prevalent and can get fairly nasty. I don't agree with telling people how to post or her attitude in her original posting but I certainly understand wanting to head off having that judgement directed at you.
    image  image
    О Привязать! Z!
    The Science Babies debuted 5/6/14 @ 34 weeks
  • Eh I'm willing to give people the benefit of the doubt when it comes to something like this. Judging moms for not breastfeeding is pretty prevalent and can get fairly nasty. I don't agree with telling people how to post or her attitude in her original posting but I certainly understand wanting to head off having that judgement directed at you.

    I'm sorry you had to deal with that kind of judgement, whether in real life or on the boards. This shit* is hard and you should totally do whatever is right for you and your family.

    *parenting in general
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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