Baby Names

When did you pick out your baby's name?

I'm 12w2d (almost out of the first trimester!) and we've had boy and girl names picked out since about 8 weeks. When I mention to people that DH thinks it will be a girl and already calls her by name people look at me like, "Already? You already have names picked out? You're barely pregnant." When did you have baby's name firmly picked out? When did you start thinking of names? Were you firm on baby's name until birth and then you changed it? Were you unsure of baby's name until you saw him/her for the first time?

Re: When did you pick out your baby's name?

  • We picked out names years ago, they've gradually changed or people have used them for there kids lol so we refresh them once in a while but to be current we settled on names about 6 months ago and confirmed them when we found out. Lol no name drama. But I call my belly Coco lol
  • nlp1990nlp1990 member
    edited October 2014
    We settled when I was like 7 weeks pregnant last time. The boy name stayed the same the whole time and ended up being DS's name. The girl name changed twice during my pregnancy (we were team green). This time I am 11w2d and this baby won't be named ever I don't think. DH doesn't have names he likes. So I do all of the work calling out names I like and they are all shot down. So who knows. We will probably go into the birth with a list.

    ETA: spelling
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  • Our boy name was decided basically the second we found I was pregnant. We were absolutely 1000% convinced it was a boy from the beginning so we didn't really think too hard about a girl name but had a short list if needed. I had some doubts towards the end, but we stuck with it and I love it.

    Now that we are trying again, we have another boy name 100% set. Girl names are too hard for us, we need to have ony boys for that reason lol.
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  • Our boy name was a family name and was picked out years ago. DD's name was picked somewhere between the 1st-2nd trimester.
  • With DS my DH had a boy name picked out since he was a kid.  With DD we didn't decide until the day before she was born.  We pretty much have always thought about names, even before we were pregnant.  

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  • We have two boy names and two girl names picked out. We feel pretty sure of them but I know that it's a possibility that we will change our minds but for now, when we mention having a baby sometimes we lovingly use the chosen names.


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    "Everybody wants to be happy. Nobody wants to feel pain but you can't have a rainbow without the rain."

  • We agreed on a boy's name shortly after finding out I was pregnant. Our A/S was at 18w and three days after finding out we were having a girl we decided on her name.
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    11/12 - BFP #2 - 11/22 - m/c
    5/1/11 - BFP #3 - Pre-eclampsia, IUGR & bed rest from 32w. DD born via induction 1/4/12.
  • We settled on our first baby's name around 15 weeks pregnant. Our second baby's first name was picked out a year before she was conceived.
  • 37 weeks here and still no perfect name for boy/girl (team green). I'm very envious of those that have found the perfect name. We are struggling...
  • With my first pregnancy, we had a boy name picked out practically before the pee stick was dry. We finally settled on a girl name a couple of weeks after we found out she was a girl.

    With this pregnancy, same thing. The boy name carried over and we settled on a girl name not too long after finding out we're having another girl. :)
    Our sweet girl is 3!

    Lilypie - (R7Ux)

  • I started thinking about baby names before I even met DH.

    We decided DD's name at about 7 weeks or maybe a day or two earlier.

    We were team green and kept waffling on our boy name. I should have known then that we were having a girl but I kept waffling on that too.

    I feel like since it was so early and so definite that she sort of named herself. I don't know how that works but that's te feeling I get, like her name really fits her.

    FYI DH picked her fn (a name that I had always liked too coincidentally) and I picked her mn (a name he liked at hearing but and that he appreciated for the personal significance to me).
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  • I was around 15 weeks when I came across this baby's name. Husband took a little convincing but not much. We weren't sure if the baby was a girl then but I had a feeling she was. Just no boy names were striking us and it was weird every time we thought about boy names we got bored lol!

    I don't think 8 weeks is too early at all! I would just say though there's no harm keeping your ears open in case something else strikes you or you decide on a middle name.

    With my first we were pretty set on a name but waited until she was born to make sure it was "the one."
  • We started discussing names right off the bat.  We didn't decide either time till they were born.  We took a couple names to the hospital each time.  
  • We had names picked out before we were even married, let alone pregnant. Tell people to go eat a dink.
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  • We didn't even mention names until after the A/S when we found out the sex. We slowly came up with a list of about 5 names that we ended up taking to the hospital. DS wasn't named until after he was born.
    We did have the middle name picked out early on but it changed when DH's grandpa passed away 3 days before DS was born.

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  • My first two we had names picked out the day we found out (though both pregnancies were surprises) this baby (planned) we have gone back and forth a ton. We had names picked out ahead of time but the day we found out I changed my mind. Now at 24 weeks we are pretty sure on the first but clueless on the middle
  • We knew we were having a boy at 20 weeks and I had a boy's name I was pretty set on, but we had to meet him first to see if it fit.  I still think he looks like an August/Augustus, but he's a Griffin.
    Egg Retrieval - Feb. 2013 -> OHSS.  FET#1 - June 2013(failed). FET#2 - October 2013(success!) Griffin Alistair: 6#10oz 20" long, born 6/19/14 @ 4:04am
  • I had a name picked before I got pregnant that I thought I'd use in the first few weeks of pregnancy but then decided I did not like the name. At 16 weeks, just before I knew DD was a girl, I started having dreams and I was calling DD by her now NN. I just sort of stuck with that name after.
  • Moments after she was born.  We brought three names to the hospital, and chose one of those.


    BFP 1- EDD 2/09/11 Missed MC DX @11 weeks D&C- 7/25/10 BFP 2- EDD 12/22/11 Natural MC @ 5w 2d BFP 3- EDD 1/25/12 DD Josephine born 1/16/12

    Lilypie - (TUWi)


  • Soon2BMrsNSoon2BMrsN member
    edited October 2014
    We didn't discuss names until after the anatomy scan each time. Names were then settled in all three pregnancies between 30-35 weeks.
  • We tossed names around once we found out I was pregnant, narrowed the list down through my pregnancy, and took two top contenders and one safe third option to the hospital. We decided a few hours after he was born.


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  • We gather a couple names we like for each, but do not decide until the baby is born.


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  • With DD, we had discussed and liked her name since before we were even engaged but went into the delivery room with options and named her once we met her. DH had already decided and I'm pretty sure he was just humoring me by letting me wait until after she was born. 

    With this pregnancy, I will wait to meet her again but at our A/S the tech said 'girl' and DH said "so X" (with X being the name that he's had as his front runner since we got our BFP. We're still discussing names, but so far he seems pretty sure.
  • I've had a name list going since childhood. DH and I have discussed names since we got married. Still not KU, but our 1st choice for boys and girls has changed only once or twice in 5 years.
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  • We had our boys name picked long before I was pregnant w DD1, and still 5 years later will probably use it if we have a son one day. With both our DDs we had a name chosen pretty early in pregnancy and didn't waver once we'd decided. I think it really depends on your personalities. I have a good friend w 2 little ones who didn't decide until the babies were born, & one of them ended up w a name they'd never even talked about ;)
  • DH and I have both a girl's name and a boy's name picked out already and we are still TTC! We have loved these names for over a year now so I doubt we will change but you never know!
  • Walked into the hospital with almost 20 names, we were Team Green, had two totally different naming styles....and couldn't even agree enough to combine the list. She was named within 10 minutes of being born. First name on his list, and middle name not on either lists. Don't regret a single thing about it. 

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