Could anyone else use a check in? I feel like so much of my week revolves around pumping with no one IRL even coming close to understanding. Thought I would see how everyone else was doing. This $hit is not easy!
1. Do you EP? Pump at work? Other?
2. How are things going? Better than expected? Worse?
3. Do you have a timeline for how long you want to keep it up?
4. How many ounces of pumped milk does LO eat each day? (Or pumped milk + formula if supplementing)
5. What is your worst/funniest/cringeworthy pumping story so far?
6. For those pumping at work, have you settled into your pumping schedule/pumping smoothly/potential awkwardness?
7. Any other good things, frustrations you want to vent about, questions, concerns, etc that I may not have put on here.

ETA: I can't count this morning
Re: Pumping Check In
Yes!!!! I went back to work yesterday.
1. Do you EP? Pump at work? Other? I pump at work.
2. How are things going? Better than expected? Worse? Just started yesterday, but I pumped 9oz and Caroline ate 11oz. For my first day, it went ok.
3. Do you have a timeline for how long you want to keep it up? I am going to pump for 1 month and then see how it is going. If it is working out then my goal is to breastfeed for 1 year.
4. How many ounces of pumped milk does LO eat each day? (Or pumped milk + formula if supplementing) She ate 11oz yesterday.
5. What is your worst/funniest/cringeworthy pumping story so far? None so far
6. For those pumping at work, have you settled into your pumping schedule/pumping smoothly/potential awkwardness? No routine yet.
2. How are things going? Better than expected? Worse? Things are going well. Much better than with DS. I remember barely getting 3 oz total from both sides in a sitting. This time around I'm getting close to that from each breast in half the time. So much less worry about having enough!
3. Do you have a timeline for how long you want to keep it up? Goal is to EBF for a year. I did with with DS, so the bar has been set (I know each kid is different, but goals help).
4. How many ounces of pumped milk does LO eat each day? (Or pumped milk + formula if supplementing) DD gets 5-15oz/day during the week. 1-3 bottles depending on when I can get to her. I nurse her on my lunch and I'm finding I can usually get to her in time for her 4:30 feeding too, but some days I don't make any of them.
5. What is your worst/funniest/cringeworthy pumping story so far? Nothing to wild (yet). I have pumped while sitting in the first row of a plane and everyone was boarding (first trip we took away from DS). That was interesting.
6. For those pumping at work, have you settled into your pumping schedule/pumping smoothly/potential awkwardness? Yep. I've got a reminder on my calendar and I made sure my boss understood this priority for me and my schedule. I'm about to go pump now, actually. I make a point to not feel "awkward" about this. It's important to me and my baby, so anyone who feels uncomfortable about me walking through the office with a bottle of fresh milk, or to the kitchen to clean the parts can get over it.
7. Any other good things, frustrations you want to vent about, questions, concerns, etc that I may not have put on here. Nothing comes to mind, but I like having a check in. Pumping can be hard and it's nice to have some camaraderie around it.
1. Pump in the am before LO wakes up; pump twice at work; pump and/bf in the evening
2. Things are ok. My production varies ALOT and that is really frustrating because it's so unpredictable. Someday I can fill 5 ounces out of one side in 20 minutes, other days I can get barely 2 (from the same side).
I've tried to figure out what keeps production up and the only thing I've come up with is beer (having one in the evening after LO is in bed seems to spike production by morning)... But maybe I'm just telling myself that so I can drink more beer.
3. My goal was six months, then transitioning to formula. As of now pumping twice at work (30 minutes each time) is really starting to affect my productivity. So I really don't know how long I can keep this up without having to extend my work days. I have a work trip in January during while I will be gone for 4 nights - so that's pretty much my target stopping point - I don't want to pump during the conference.
4. LO eats 4 bottles at 4 ounces each while I'm gone (between 7am and 5:30 pm). That is usually slightly more than I pump so we supplement as needed. He doesn't seem to mind the formula, which is making me want to switch over completely. Pumping takes so much time. Ugh.
5. Had to buy another spare parts kit this morning cause I forgot mine at home (realized this on the bus this morning). Thank goodness mpls as a huge target downtown
6. My office has a "personal care" conference room that you have to reserve. So I pump from 9:30-10:00 and 1:30-2:00. I out it on my calendar (as a private apt) so others know not to schedule meetings with me during this time.
7. Anyone else have ideas on keeping supple up? ( other than that tea that makes you smell like maple syrup?).
1. Do you EP? Pump at work? Other? Pump at work and at home after LO goes to sleep, then usually again in MOTN unless he's up to eat thanks to the 4 mo sleep regression
2. How are things going? Better than expected? Worse? Going ok. I got a second double pump to keep at work but it is defective and hardly creates suction. Ugh, sending it back to Amazon today.
3. Do you have a timeline for how long you want to keep it up? Hoping for 1 year, but we'll see how it goes.
4. How many ounces of pumped milk does LO eat each day? (Or pumped milk + formula if supplementing). Not that much! He eats maybe 5-8 ounces between 7am and 4pm. That's probably also got something to do with his new MOTN feedings.
5. What is your worst/funniest/cringeworthy pumping story so far? Don't really have any.
6. For those pumping at work, have you settled into your pumping schedule/pumping smoothly/potential awkwardness?
Well the room where I pump just started renovations, so now I'm in this other weird rooms which is not as private. Nothing awkward has happened....yet.
6. Any other good things, frustrations you want to vent about, questions, concerns, etc that I may not have put on here.
11.2011 - DS1
02.2013 - loss at 6 wks
06.2014 - DS2
10.2015 - loss at 12 wks
03.2017 - DD
11.2011 - DS1
02.2013 - loss at 6 wks
06.2014 - DS2
10.2015 - loss at 12 wks
03.2017 - DD
2. It's going okay so far. At first I was pumping in the bathroom which was awkward but I found out there is a pumping room on the maternity floor (I work in a hospital) so now I go there.
3. I'd like to BF for at least six months, but if I can get to a year that would be great.
4. DH gives LO a mix of breast milk and formula while I'm gone. We've been supplementing since she was a month old because I wasn't making enough to EBF. She only gets about 4-8 oz of formula a day and the rest is breast milk.
5. Worst was yesterday. Went to pump and for some reason couldn't get anything out of the right and only like half an ounce out of the left. I got so frustrated because my breasts felt heavy so I knew it was a pump problem. Got home and tried the bigger breast shield and increased the suction speed and that fixed it.
6. I think I've got the hang of it somewhat. I go home to nurse her on my break because I live close by and then I only have to pump once a shift.
7. Pumping sucks!!! I give you ladies that EP a lot of credit!!
Married 07/2012
DD born 07/2014
DD2 born 10/2018
DS born 10/2022
IF history:
TTC #2 since January 2016
June-Aug 2017: 3 IUIs w/Clomid = BFN
Sept 2017: Dx w/Endometriosis
Oct 2017: IUI w/Letrozole = BFN
Nov 2017: IUI w/Letrozole = BFN
Dec 2017: pre-IVF testing
Jan-Feb 2018: IVF--17 eggs retrieved, 13 fertilized, 9 frozen and 1 transferred on 2/10 = BFP on 2/19!!! EDD 10/29/2018
FET Oct 2021: BFP on 10/31! MC at 5 weeks
FET Feb 2022: BFP on 2/15! EDD 10/29/22
2. Things are going okay, but still settling into realizing I'm attached to the pump so much.
3. I'm hoping to go a full year, but the idea of keeping this up for another 8 months seems daunting. I wonder if I should have shorter goals and then keep pushing them out instead of having the one big long goal.
4. Right now she's eating 10-13 ounces while I'm gone depending on the day. She just started taking at least one 5 ounce bottle a day, which I would like to see her only do about 4 ounces at a time. Makes me nervous her stomach will stretch a little too much and she will want more at each bottle.
5. Yesterday I hooked the pump up and turned it on. Wondered why my leg felt wet, only to realize I forgot to screw on the bottles....I'm glad I was wearing black pants....
6. I still get rushed to get in and out/stop in the middle of what I do. And I still feel super awkward getting everything hooked up. Even though I'm in a locked office I feel "exposed" and I'm paranoid that someone is going to get in or I'm going to forget to set the lock.
2. How are things going? Better than expected? Worse?
3. Do you have a timeline for how long you want to keep it up?
4. How many ounces of pumped milk does LO eat each day? (Or pumped milk + formula if supplementing)
5. What is your worst/funniest/cringeworthy pumping story so far?
6. For those pumping at work, have you settled into your pumping schedule/pumping smoothly/potential awkwardness?
7. Any other good things, frustrations you want to vent about, questions, concerns, etc that I may not have put on here.
2. How are things going? Better than expected? Worse?
3. Do you have a timeline for how long you want to keep it up?
4. How many ounces of pumped milk does LO eat each day? (Or pumped milk + formula if supplementing)
5. What is your worst/funniest/cringeworthy pumping story so far?
6. For those pumping at work, have you settled into your pumping schedule/pumping smoothly/potential awkwardness?
7. Any other good things, frustrations you want to vent about, questions, concerns, etc that I may not have put on here.
2. How are things going? Better than expected? Worse? Just fine, I'm used to it at this point.
3. Do you have a timeline for how long you want to keep it up? 1 year
4. How many ounces of pumped milk does LO eat each day? (Or pumped milk + formula if supplementing) about 24 a day
5. What is your worst/funniest/cringeworthy pumping story so far? not sure i have one
6. For those pumping at work, have you settled into your pumping schedule/pumping smoothly/potential awkwardness? work at home, so just sit at my desk with my boobs out
7. Any other good things, frustrations you want to vent about, questions, concerns, etc that I may not have put on here. it gets annoying when i'm in the middle of something and i have to stop and pump... but, the baby's gotta eat! i should probably get the battery pack so i can do chores while pumping. haha
Baby G born 6/6/14, 37 weeks 1 day due to preeclampsia. 5lb12oz 19"
#2 due Christmas 2016.
2. How are things going? Better than expected? Worse?
3. Do you have a timeline for how long you want to keep it up?
4. How many ounces of pumped milk does LO eat each day? (Or pumped milk + formula if supplementing)
5. What is your worst/funniest/cringeworthy pumping story so far?
6. For those pumping at work, have you settled into your pumping schedule/pumping smoothly/potential awkwardness?
7. Any other good things, frustrations you want to vent about, questions, concerns, etc that I may not have put on here.
2. How are things going? Better than expected? Worse? Eh. I didn't have any expectations really, so it is what it is. Things are going ok.
3. Do you have a timeline for how long you want to keep it up?
This is a crap ton of work and it takes time away from my kiddo. I told myself I'm going until she is 6 months old and then will reevaluate. My pedi gave me mad props for sticking to it at LO's 4 mo appt, which gave me more motivation to keep going.
4. How many ounces of pumped milk does LO eat each day? (Or pumped milk + formula if supplementing)
LO eats 25 oz/day average. I pump 22 oz/day average. She gets one formula bottle per day - 4.5 ounces generally spread over 2 feedings (she eats more during the day and then slows down in the evening, eating about 1-2 oz at 9 pm and then 2ish at 3 am). I pump 4 times/day at home and 2 at work.
5. What is your worst/funniest/cringeworthy pumping story so far?
So Saturday, we were traveling a couple hours north to be in a small town parade with friends. I sat in the back seat with LO, so I could feed her and pump on the road. I hook up, pull my loose fitting shirt down over my containers and start messing with my phone. About 10 min in (and like 15 min from our destination) I moved my hand and realized my set up was leaking and my shirt was soaking wet. At least an ounce or two poured all over me! I decided to hide my black/sopping wet shirt under a jacket until it dried. Until we got there and it was 80 degrees. So yeah. At least it was a black shirt, hadn't leaked at boob height and was warm enough to dry fairly quickly.
6. For those pumping at work, have you settled into your pumping schedule/pumping smoothly/potential awkwardness?
It's just awkward. I'm in the only private space at work - our conference room full of uncovered windows. 2 windows have shades that I pull. I prop a flat cardboard box against one and sit in a chair with my back to the uncovered window on the door.
7. Any other good things, frustrations you want to vent about, questions, concerns, etc that I may not have put on here.
I do a lot to keep up supply and I don't believe at all that it's the "placebo effect." My LC suggested fenugreek (and lots of it!), plus flax meal, oatmeal and brewer's yeast. And essential oils (but I know lots of ladies are skeptics there too). With that and a ton of water, it's keeping me going.
2. How are things going? Better than expected? Worse?
Okay, it's hard work and stressful
3. Do you have a timeline for how long you want to keep it up?
I would like to get to 6 months.
4. How many ounces of pumped milk does LO eat each day? (Or pumped milk + formula if supplementing) 12-15 oz while at day care (3 bottles)
5. What is your worst/funniest/cringeworthy pumping story so far?
6. For those pumping at work, have you settled into your pumping schedule/pumping smoothly/potential awkwardness?
My work set up a mother's room with a comfy chair and mini fridge for me and one other employee but I found it a hassle to be away from my office 3 times a day with no access to a computer (my supply was dropping because I wasn't leaving to pump) So I purchased curtains to put in my little window in my now I can pump in my own office. At first I was afraid coworkers would be able to hear the pump but I just turn on some music. I've gotten a couple of comments but more people are just curious about the curtains but understand. My other coworker has followed my lead and has also put curtains up in her office.
7. Any other good things, frustrations you want to vent about, questions, concerns, etc that I may not have put on here.
I found out that my insurance would supply me with a second pump at no I ordered one for work.
ETA: I can't count this morning
2) If it wasn't for DD no way in HELL would I still be doing it. Hate pumping with a passion!
3) 8-12 months. Ideally 12 months
4) 16 oz straight liquid gold, no formula.
5) I dont think I have any lol knock on wood
6) settled into a schedule even though my boss is an ass. Once around 11:00am then again around 3pm. I work in a kitchen so things can get pretty crude. I just say "I'm going to play with my boobs, be back in 20!"
I love love love my Medela freestyle for hauling around! It's made for cordless (and hands free) pumping. For work, I do haul my bag back and forth, but for a longer outing where I will need to pump one or 2 sessions, I can toss that sucker and a couple bottles in my diaper bag and go.
I have a ridiculous number of pumps (one hand me down, one free from insurance, I have an insurance rented hospital grade and I bought the free style after it was recommended to me) but I only use the freestyle out and the hospital pump at home.
This! I have a PISA through insurance but am now wishing I had a Freestyle like @Pup4gdb mentioned. I went with the PISA because I had no idea what my supply would be like and the reviews said it was a little stronger, but now I wish I had something smaller with having a decent supply. I'm debating splurging and buying a 2nd pump.
2. How are things going? Better than expected? Worse?
3. Do you have a timeline for how long you want to keep it up?
I wanted to get to a year but I don't think I can keep it going so I'm determined to get to 6 months.
4. How many ounces of pumped milk does LO eat each day? (Or pumped milk + formula if supplementing)
5. What is your worst/funniest/cringeworthy pumping story so far?
Don't really have one.
6. For those pumping at work, have you settled into your pumping schedule/pumping smoothly/potential awkwardness?
7. Any other good things, frustrations you want to vent about, questions, concerns, etc that I may not have put on here.
1. Do you EP? Pump at work? Other? I'll pump at work. I work 9am - 2pm, so I'll probably pump once around 11:30am.
2. How are things going? Better than expected? Worse? Fine for now, as I haven't gone back to work yet. I'm pumping before I go to bed and getting anywhere between 4 - 7oz. I have a huge freezer stash (400+ oz.) just from pumping once a night for the last 3.5 months.
3. Do you have a timeline for how long you want to keep it up? I pumped until DS was a year, so I'd like to do that for DD. It was hard with DS, but I have a better pump this time, so I'm hoping it will be better. For anyone looking to buy a pump, my first pump was a Medela PISA. This time I bought a Spectra. I absolutely love it - so much better than my PISA. I will be using the Spectra at work and keeping the PISA at home.
4. How many ounces of pumped milk does LO eat each day? (Or pumped milk + formula if supplementing) Not sure for DD yet, but DS usually ate 4-5 oz every 2.5 - 3 hours.
5. What is your worst/funniest/cringeworthy pumping story so far? DS has been interested in watching me pump. He's 3.5 yo. DH was doing some painting and had two paint rollers out. DS picked them up, put them on his chest and yelled out, "I'm pumping my breasts!"
6. For those pumping at work, have you settled into your pumping schedule/pumping smoothly/potential awkwardness? Because I only work PT, I feel badly stopping to pump because I'm only at work for part of the day. I also have a ton of meetings, so it's awkward to tell people I have to step out to pump, but I also know it's only for the next 8 months, so I'm trying to keep it in perspective.
7. Any other good things, frustrations you want to vent about, questions, concerns, etc that I may not have put on here. One thing I did with DS was give myself a little present each month as a "thank you" gift from the baby for pumping - something small like a new lipstick, a pair of earrings etc. It sounds silly, but it really did help me keep going and have something to look forward to as I finished each month.
Also, don't be afraid to advocate with your daycare if they are overfeeding LO. Most daycares are used to formula fed infants, who get an increasing volume of formula as they get older. That's not true for breast fed infants, as your milk gets more calorie rich as LO gets older, so increasing the amount isn't required. There was a learning curve with my daycare on this, and I had to battle a bit to keep them from giving him more than 5 oz at a time, but in the end it allowed me to continue to pump without needing to supplement.
I had assumed that we'd start needing to increase LOs intake at some point, so I'd be very interested to learn more about that. I had also assumed that as he needed more BM, I would have to switch to formula because I wouldn't be able to keep up with pumping alone.
"It does not always look the same because breastmilk changes it’s composition throughout the feedings, as well as throughout the day. As baby grows, breastmilk continues to change to meet the needs for optimal growth, at each stage of baby’s development . This means that mom’s breastmilk at four months is perfectly suited to the needs of her four month old baby, and at six months, perfectly suited for her six month old."
Now I just have to work on my mom/mil feeding a reasonable amount.
I think a 4oz bottle at 6:15 am, followed by a 20 min nap and then a 3oz bottle at 7:15 am is too much. Thoughts anyone? It's hard to do the "feed on demand" concept with EP'ing
I get up and BF at 6 am, pump once at work around noon, BF again in the evening, and pump once before bed. She's gets a combo of BM and formula at daycare and her bottle before bed is also formula. We have been supplementing her since day one as I struggled with my supply. Before I went back to work this week I was EBF except for her nightly bottle or an occasional bottle of BM if I wasn't home to feed her for an outing.
2. How are things going? Better than expected? Worse? Meh, good I guess? I pump in the serve room at work so it's really cold but it's spacious and private as no one ever goes in there. I dragged two chairs in there, one for me and one for all my stuff and just hang a "do not enter" sign on the outside as the door is opened by a universal door key that everyone has.
3. Do you have a timeline for how long you want to keep it up? My goal is to make it to January, so approximately 6 months and then switch to solids and formula. DH and I want to try for #2 and I haven't gotten my first PP period and I think it's due to BFing. We struggled for over two years to get pregnant with DD and we live in a state now that doesn't pay for infertility treatments.
4. How many ounces of pumped milk does LO eat each day? (Or pumped milk + formula if supplementing)
BF at 6 am
Daycare from 7:30-5:30 she gets two 4 oz bottles of BM and either one or two 4-5 oz bottles for formula depending on when I pick her up.
BF sometime between 6-8 pm
5 oz bottle of formula before bed.
5. What is your worst/funniest/cringeworthy pumping story so far? Every time I pump at home, my Shiba puppy instantly runs into the room and then lays at my feet until I'm finished. So weird. Also, I use the microwave sterilization bags for my pump parts at work and no fail everyday someone goes "what's in the bag?". Watching reactions is funny.
6. For those pumping at work, have you settled into your pumping schedule/pumping smoothly/potential awkwardness? Yup. Once a day works for me, my boobs, and my boss.
As far as supply, I take fenugreek and make lactation cookies with Brewers yeast, oats, and flax meal. My husband says I stink like maple syrup. All the time. (TMI- the maple syrup smell is even worse during sex- just an FYI).
Oh, and what I do to minimize leaking on myself is to put my Breast pad right under the shield and then remove the shield and wipe off my breast right away.
1. Do you EP? Pump at work? Other?
~I Pump at work
2. How are things going? Better than expected? Worse?
~So far so good. No major compliants
3. Do you have a timeline for how long you want to keep it up?
~I plan to breast feed at least 6 months. Anything past that is a bonus!
4. How many ounces of pumped milk does LO eat each day? (Or pumped milk + formula if supplementing)
~He eats three 4 oz bottles while I'm at work and I always send an extra 4 oz bottle
5. What is your worst/funniest/cringeworthy pumping story so far?
~I was eating a snack, pumping and bumping and I went to take a sip of my water and instead I picked up my mason jar of milk...
6. For those pumping at work, have you settled into your pumping schedule/pumping smoothly/potential awkwardness?
~I pump every three hours. So that's two pumping breaks and a pumping session on my lunch hour. Sometimes I need to switch lunch times with one of the other girls and I feel bad when I have to ask them to do that. In very thankful for the understanding and consideration of my employer!
7. Any other good things, frustrations you want to vent about, questions, concerns, etc that I may not have put on here.
~Very happy and comfortable with pumping at work. That's good especially since I work full time. Only two more weeks left of that then I'll be part time and I won't have to commute Yay!
I EBF at home, and pump at work.
2. How are things going? Better than expected? Worse?
This is only my 3rd day pumping at work. I don't like missing the time with my class or having to have others in my room. I am using a tracked out teacher's classroom. It works since I used the sped bathroom and decided that despite the rocker and decorations a bathroom is a bathroom. Each day is getting better.
3. Do you have a timeline for how long you want to keep it up?
I would love to keep this up for the 1st year.
4. How many ounces of pumped milk does LO eat each day? (Or pumped milk + formula if supplementing)
5. What is your worst/funniest/cringeworthy pumping story so far?
The janitor walked in on me while I was pumping. Tried to have a conversation with me and then realized what I was doing. I've never seen someone walk backwards so quickly in my life.
6. For those pumping at work, have you settled into your pumping schedule/pumping smoothly/potential awkwardness?
I'm only on day 3. I'm hoping it gets better. But I F'ing hate the pump
7. Any other good things, frustrations you want to vent about, questions, concerns, etc that I may not have put on here.
But, she still will not be way off from her 24 oz daily average. After I pick her up from day care at 4:30, she will have just taken 4 oz. She will take 3-4 around 6 pm, then 1-2 around 9 and be out for the night. So, at most she's getting 6 oz between 5 pm and 2 am, when she will take another 2 oz.
There's no changing her pattern. We've tried to feed more at 9 pm. I've tried letting her take her 1-2 oz, then waking her up, changing diapers, putting on PJs, giving a bath... She may suck for a minute after her wake up, but she's not taking anything measurable. I've decided it just is who she is and go with it.
I track her daily totals, rather than each feeding.
1. Do you EP? Pump at work? Other?
I EP and supplement with formula.
2. How are things going? Better than expected? Worse?
Things could be better. I have a low supply and can't substantially increase it no matter how many times a day I pump, what supplements I take, etc. some days I really wonder if it's worth keeping at it since I only get 10-14 oz a day from pumping.
LO and I also had latching issues when we tried to nurse. He would latch on, then fuss at the breast.
3. Do you have a timeline for how long you want to keep it up?
I take it week by week, especially now that I'm back at work.
4. How many ounces of pumped milk does LO eat each day? (Or pumped milk + formula if supplementing)
10-14 oz, and formula for the rest.
5. What is your worst/funniest/cringeworthy pumping story so far?
I am so used to having my boobs out and pumping anywhere that one time I just pulled my shirt back down over the flanges while pumping at home when a friend was over. So you could hear the pump but not see me pumping. I didn't think much of it, but I could tell it made my friend uncomfortable. So I threw a blanket over myself, too. I was just so sick of having to go into another room to pump.
6. For those pumping at work, have you settled into your pumping schedule/pumping smoothly/potential awkwardness?
It really depends on the day for me. I try to pump 3x at work -- once in the morning, on my lunch and then once in the afternoon. Depending on what I have going on, though, and whether I'm in the office all day, sometimes I only pump twice at work.
7. Any other good things, frustrations you want to vent about, questions, concerns, etc that I may not have put on here.
EPing sucks.
Thank you ladies so much for the info! Y'all might have just convinced me that I can keep this up for longer than I currently plan too.
The biggest challenge we currently face is inconsistent child care - alternating between my mom and MIL, for 2-3 week stints. So as soon as one gets into a grove, we switch.
I think perhaps it's time for me to institute a loose schedule for them to try and follow. So far, it's been just some guidelines (like don't let him stay awake for more than 2 hours without a nap cause he gets real crabby, etc). In January we switch to full time day care so that will be more consistent.
Thanks again!
1. Do you EP? Pump at work? Other?
-I pump at work
2. How are things going? Better than expected? Worse?
-better! I only work two 12 hour night shifts and I work on a post partum floor so I'm able to pump in the lactation consultants room with a nice arm chair and privacy. I usually pump at 11pm and 3am and the nurse Dd when I get home at 7:30am
3. Do you have a timeline for how long you want to keep it up?
-as long as she's interested in breastfeeding.
4. How many ounces of pumped milk does LO eat each day? (Or pumped milk + formula if supplementing)
- since I work nights she only takes one bottle before bed, usually 5oz, and sleeps through the night until I nurse her in the morning. She'll take one 4oz bottle while she's at mothers day out for 5 hours the day after I work. I pump about 8-10oz while at work so usually half of it goes in the freezer.
5. What is your worst/funniest/cringeworthy pumping story so far?
-one of my best friends works evenings at the same hospital so when we work together she comes up to my floor and we pump next to each other (with a curtain separating us) and get to catch up. It makes pumping a lot more tolerable lol
6. For those pumping at work, have you settled into your pumping schedule/pumping smoothly/potential awkwardness?
-Yep, no problems
2. How are things going? Better than expected? Worse?
Good. I had a recent scare because my work sessions used to be filling a 5 oz bottle to the brim (which is just about 7 oz) combining both sides. Then I went down to around 4. Plus DH has been over feeding LO. I brought it back up by drowning in all the water Im drinking and adding an extra sesh on my days off
3. Do you have a timeline for how long you want to keep it up?
A year, and then slowly weaning down so I dont have to pump at work. If he still has interest, I will let him eat as long as I have milk. Not pumping at work will probably crash my supply though.
4. How many ounces of pumped milk does LO eat each day? (Or pumped milk + formula if supplementing)
I work 13 hour shifts. Since weve been working with DH to have him stop feeding as much, Id say he eats 16-20oz while Im away, plus typically once when I get home at 930 and twice overnight.
5. What is your worst/funniest/cringeworthy pumping story so far?
Havent had much... I pump in our breakroom with a screen over the doorway since there is no door... its the only room without a camera at the store. Ive had people need things and I have zero problem with pulling my shirt down so they can dash in for whatever. Some of them are uncomfy though
6. For those pumping at work, have you settled into your pumping schedule/pumping smoothly/potential awkwardness?
Its okay. My store is doing terribly right now because we are very behind, and I know my partner is about THISCLOSE to suggesting I stop (typically salaried pharmacists get no breaks during the day, not even a lunch.) But its too important to me and my boss would never ask it of me. I pump at 715 am at my inlaws while I drop him off, then at 1115, 315 and 715 at work. Weird for me, but the morning pumps are actually my lowest. Go figure.
7. Any other good things, frustrations you want to vent about, questions, concerns, etc that I may not have put on here.
Its been hard with DH he gives the baby 3 oz whenever he makes a noise. So the other day from 715 to 6 at my inlaws LO had 12 oz, then from 6-930 at home DH gave him 9. We are working on it. The other day when I limited him to 1 4 oz bottle at night, he said 'I could only get him to stop crying if I walked around and looked at stuff with him!!!' And I think... so, thats what you do. Could be worse!
2. How are things going? Better than expected? Worse?
So far so good. It's not exactly easy, because I pump in the car all day everyday. So I don't have the opportunity to clean my supplies, etc. I just bring extra supplies and a cooler. I drive around to patients' homes all day.
3. Do you have a timeline for how long you want to keep it up?
4. How many ounces of pumped milk does LO eat each day? (Or pumped milk + formula if supplementing) It all depends on how long my day lasts but she usually eats a little over 1oz/hr.
5. What is your worst/funniest/cringeworthy pumping story so far?
Nothing I can think of yet. But other drivers see me pumping all the time. I'm sure I look strange.
6. For those pumping at work, have you settled into your pumping schedule/pumping smoothly/potential awkwardness?
7. Any other good things, frustrations you want to vent about, questions, concerns, etc that I may not have put on here.