Trying to Get Pregnant

***TFAS Check In***

Seriously, I better be the only one checking in today. :)

Age of LO(s):



Testing Plans:


GTKY: On the rare occurrence that you get "me time" what do you spend this precious time doing?

Me: 25 DH: 26
Married 11/12/11
BFP 12/17/11
DS 8/29/12 via C-section
TFAS 3/2014
BFP #2 5/25/15 EDD 2/4/2016
It's a BOY!

Re: ***TFAS Check In***

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    Seriously, I better be the only one checking in today.

    Age of LO(s): 2

    Cycle/Month: 6/7

    CD/DPO: 12

    R/R/CS: this cycles temps are all over the place! Oh well. I feel very relaxed this cycle. And I LOVE it! Dare I say, I have a good feeling? I know I won't O for like another 10 days but hopes are high!
    DS switched to a twin bed, he loves it! But he still isn't sleeping through the night consistently. It sucks. I never thought I would have a 2 year old who wakes up 3 times a night. Luckily I can get him back to sleep in about 10 minutes.
    My friends from high school and I are having a sleepover this weekend. I'm really looking forward to it. Except seeing my one BFF. She said something super hurtful to me the other day. (See yesterday's bitchfest) I just want to tell her how much she hurt me but I don't want to ruin the vibe.

    GTKY: On the rare occurrence that you get "me time" what do you spend this precious time doing? I read. I devour books like my life depends on it. Any alone time I have I spend reading and usually stay up later than necessary to read. And I crochet.

    Me: 25 DH: 26
    Married 11/12/11
    BFP 12/17/11
    DS 8/29/12 via C-section
    TFAS 3/2014
    BFP #2 5/25/15 EDD 2/4/2016
    It's a BOY!
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    HUGE hugs @JustinsLovo‌! I'm sorry you were feeling so down. I hope you start to feel better emotionally and physically soon.

    I love that your DD goes to preschool! I have been thinking about it for DS.

    Me: 25 DH: 26
    Married 11/12/11
    BFP 12/17/11
    DS 8/29/12 via C-section
    TFAS 3/2014
    BFP #2 5/25/15 EDD 2/4/2016
    It's a BOY!
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    catinatophatcatinatophat member
    edited October 2014
    Age of LO(s): 15 months

    Cycle/Month: 1/1

    CD/DPO: no idea

    Testing Plans: I tested last night (I bought a 50 pack of Wondfos when i was breastfeeding so I can POAS really cheaply) because I spotted last week and am having weird cramps and discomfort. It was negative, as expected. 

    R/R/CS: Still no PP period so I have no idea what day I'm on but I am pretty sure I have a cyst. I think that's a good sign because maybe that means I ovulated and am getting closer to having a regular cycle.
    Also, Kate has learned the word 'no' and I even think she said 'no, mine' to me the other day. I'm not really sure I'm ready for this phase.

    GTKY: On the rare occurrence that you get "me time" what do you spend this precious time doing? I never get me time at home or I would catch up on DVRed shows. Sometimes I get to go get a pedicure or run to Target by myself. 

    ETA: words are hard.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Age of LO(s): DD is 3



    Testing Plans:none

    R/R/CS: This is a pretty heavy period for me so I don't like the extra blah feeling and the extra work. 

    GTKY: On the rare occurrence that you get "me time" what do you spend this precious time doing? Watching junkie TV! My DH hates most shows I watch so I take that time to watch them and zone out! 

    @Bee1112 Recently my DD was waking up and coming into our room at 3 or 4. She wouldn't be upset or anything. I just kept bringing her back to her bed. She would also get out of bed right after I'd leave her room at night. It was a good 3 weeks of it! She has finally started back to sleeping through the night! I don't know why she decided to finally stay in bed, but I'm glad she did.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    TTGP December siggy challenge
    workout fail

    Married 5/22/10, DD born 8/24/11, ttc #2 sept '14

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    Age of LO(s): 2

    Cycle/Month: 2

    CD/DPO: CD8

    Testing Plans: none - tested this morning for the first time since my BFP and it was fully negative so that was at least nice - hopefully everything will return to normal now!

    R/R/CS: My temps are everywhere. Also I have O'd in the past Cd16, 17, or 18 (once 19), and work has scheduled me on a trip CD 16, 17, 18. Nooooo. Maybe the CP I just had will mess those days up a little and we will still get ok timing? 

    GTKY: On the rare occurrence that you get "me time" what do you spend this precious time doing?
    I love love love reading too. And I like to go to yoga/meditate.  I have a little "zen zone" in my house that I like to spend some time in once everyone is in bed.  DH works at 4:30am and goes to bed at the same time as DS, so I enjoy my evenings in there with my pup.
  • Options
    Age of LO(s): 11 months

    Cycle/Month: 2/2

    CD/DPO: 28/13

    Testing Plans: Tested 10/19, 10/20, 10/21 all BFN

    R/R/CS: Feeling really defeated right now. No AF yet.

    GTKY: On the rare occurrence that you get "me time" what do you spend this precious time doing? Getting my nails done or catching up on work/bumping
    Me: 29 DH: 34 Married 9/8/12 Started TTC 10/01/12
    Dx: Hypothalamic amenorrhea by RE in 2/2013
          Provera + Ovidrel trigger = BFP #1 3/24/13
    DD born 11/12/13
    TTC #2 since 9/01/14
    Tamoxifen + Ovidrel trigger = CP (cycle 3)

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers 
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    "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." -Dr. Suess

    TTGP January Siggy Challenge: Workout Fails

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    Age of LO(s): 2 on the 31st.

    Cycle/Month: 4

    CD/DPO: 2

    Testing Plans: Ha!

    R/R/CS: CD2 blah!!

    GTKY: On the rare occurrence that you get "me time" what do you spend this precious time doing? Paint my nails with enough time for them to actually dry. Read and take/edit pictures. Shop, and actually be able to try things on.
    Married 5/31/10
    DS 10/31/12
    BFP 11/18/14
    EDD 7/31/15

    July15 Siggy Challenge: Favorite holiday movie. Bad Santa!
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    Age of LO(s): 4

    Cycle/Month: 10/10

    CD/DPO: 26/7

    Testing Plans: Maybe 13dpo?

    R/R/CS: My boobs are pretty achy. While not totally abnormal, even my bra is hurting them this month.

    GTKY: On the rare occurrence that you get "me time" what do you spend this precious time doing? Sometimes I just like to walk a store alone lol. Usually, I just catch up on my DVR and play on the computer (Sims, internet, etc)
                                                                             Me: 28  H: 28  DS: 4
    [TTC Since October 2013] [ BFP 1.27.15  EDD: 10.8.15]
    Trinitrotoluene: "My ears have been deflowered mouth just hasn't been!"

                                        BabyFruit Ticker 
                                        BabyFetus Ticker
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    @iamgroot‌ I do the same thing every cycle! It's terrible, but I can't help myself. This cycle if we got KU, the due date would be my grandmother birthday, and I'm very close to her. *sigh*

    Age of LO: 21 months

    Cycle 5

    Cd 17

    Testing plans: the Monday following halloween

    Rants and raves: so I really thought I would O today, but opk was negative and my temp only increased slightly. I'm worried I missed the surge when I forgot my opk and thermometer when we went out if town this weekend. Doh! Oh well... We will just keep up the Ed sex for the rest of the week. Just realized my husband is going to be out of town for the most important days of projected FW next cycle, so if we don't get KU this cycle, it likely won't happen next month either. :(

    GTKY: bumping! And blogging, reading.
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    kayway85kayway85 member
    edited October 2014
    I just want to get in on the big kid bed convo. Our LO NEVER slept in his crib. We were never committed to crib training him do we mostly coslept. We moved him to a twin with a safety rail a month a go and he loves it. He will lay down unit when he's sleepy and loves to read books in it. We got him a stool so he can get himself out, but he never does at night. He usually wakes once, but is sleeping MUCH better in it. I was reluctant at first because he's little still, but it's been great
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    Age of LO(s):  7 and 3

    Cycle/Month:  3/3

    CD/DPO:  CD 4

    Testing Plans:  Nothing for now.  In the WTO category.

    R/R/CS:  I hate AF.

    GTKY: On the rare occurrence that you get "me time" what do you spend this precious time doing? I was actually just thinking today that I need to go get mani/pedi soon. It's been a while. If it's not that then just relaxing really.
    Me:  31  DH:  35
    Married:  7/3/2006
    DS:  3/3/2007  (emergency c-section) 
    MMC:  10/5/2010  D&C:  10/8/2010
    DD:  9/22/2011  (scheduled c-section)
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    @Bee1112: I love your optimism this month. FX for you.

    @JustinsLovo and @GypsySoul1112: I'm sorry to hear about your tough times. Hugs to both of you.

    Congratulations @shopgirl921!


    Age of LO(s): 21 months on Saturday.

    Cycle/Month: 6/7

    CD/DPO: CD23 / 9DPO

    Testing Plans: 10DPO? 

    R/R/CS: I have no symptoms and don't really have any positive feelings about this cycle. For some reason I just don't feel like it's the one. 

    I had a progesterone test yesterday, so I am interested in my lab results. I don't have any reason to suspect my progesterone is low. 

    GTKY: On the rare occurrence that you get "me time" what do you spend this precious time doing? I would do acupuncture on a "me day," and I would probably get caught up with students' grading.


                 Visit The Nest!image Visit The Nest!

      "It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness." - Eleanor Roosevelt


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    MackalackMackalack member
    edited October 2014
    So THIS is what TFAS means.  Still working out my newbie kinks.

    Age of LO(s): 2.5

    Cycle/Month: 2

    CD/DPO: CD4

    Testing Plans: I'm going to try my hardest to wait until CD28.  I was awful with phantom symptoms and was ready to start POAS immediately after AF was over. 

    R/R/CS: Just what I posted on WTO.  I got paragard after DD and it has been hell on my body.  Long, heavy periods with contraction-like cramps.  I actually downloaded a contraction timer one cycle because I couldn't believe what was happening.

    GTKY: On the rare occurrence that you get "me time" what do you spend this precious time doing? I craft. I have a crafting list a mile long, that continues to grow.  But it's fun, and I feel so accomplished after a project is complete.  Sometimes, I shop.  But mostly craft.
    July '15 January Siggy - snow fails
    image image
    Pregnancy Ticker


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    Thanks for the love, ladies...y'all are the best. Hope we see some more BFP's soon. Congratulations Shopgirl! Fingers crossed for a great pregnancy :)
    Me: 29 DH: 34 Married 9/8/12 Started TTC 10/01/12
    Dx: Hypothalamic amenorrhea by RE in 2/2013
          Provera + Ovidrel trigger = BFP #1 3/24/13
    DD born 11/12/13
    TTC #2 since 9/01/14
    Tamoxifen + Ovidrel trigger = CP (cycle 3)

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers 
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    "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." -Dr. Suess

    TTGP January Siggy Challenge: Workout Fails

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    Not alone @Bee1112. Still here with ya.

    Age of LO(s): 11 months

    Cycle/Month: 3.

    CD/DPO: 12

    Testing Plans: Hopefully by next week I'll have a little more insight into this one. ;)

    R/R/CS: Waiting to O. Hopefully it's soon.

    GTKY: On the rare occurrence that you get "me time" what do you spend this precious time doing? On the internet, taking a shower, cleaning the house. If my son is with DH I'll go to Starbucks or shopping. Sounds like a dream right now.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BFP #1 - 11/7/12 * M/C - 12/8/12 @ 7W6D
    BFP #2 - 3/2/13 * DS1 - BORN ON EDD - 11/13/13
    BFP #3 - 11/7/14 * DS2 - BORN ON EDD - 07/21/15 
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    Age of LO(s): DD 3, DS 1

    Cycle/Month: 1

    CD/DPO: cd1

    Testing Plans: long irregular cycles.... I like to pee on things, but since I don't temp for O I'll just pee on all the things after cd 30 or so.

    R/R/CS: cd1 blows, but I'm excited that this is the first cycle well really be trying so I'm okay will it!

    GTKY: On the rare occurrence that you get "me time" what do you spend this precious time doing? Wtf are you talking about?? ;) jkjk.... Uhmmmm catch up on my dvr? I'm so lame.

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    Age of LO(s):2

    Cycle/Month: 3

    CD/DPO: 9

    Testing Plans: Not there yet

    R/R/CS: Starting OPKs tomorrow - let's do this ovaries.

    GTKY: On the rare occurrence that you get "me time" what do you spend this precious time doing? I'm lucky to have me time on my commute home every day - public transportation is the best. I get to read a book or two a week with that free time. Socially, DH and I trade off weeks for free nights with our friends - I usually meet my girl friends for dinner / drinks. At home, I nap, read, knit, cook and occasionally watch tv.

    On the big kid bed topic - I'm really stressed about the big kid bed. DS is on a different floor than DH and me, and I'm worried he's going to get out and wander. How do you keep the kiddos in their rooms? I really wish we were on the same floor and he could just wander down to us - I like snuggling with the little dude.
    January Siggy Challenge: Happy Dance

    BabyFruit Ticker

    BFP #1: 10-25-11, MC: 11-1-11 @ 5w5d
     BFP#2: 12-29-11, DS born September 2012
    TFAS: July 2014, BFP#3: 12-29-14
    , EDD 9-9-15

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    @justinslovo I sit with him in his bed until he falls asleep. It is the only way it works for us. When he was in his crib he put himself to sleep, and like your DD would stay awake for a bit. He started climbing out of his crib about 5 months ago so we converted his crib to a toddler bed. Everyone told me to just put him to bed and walk away, and to do this repeatedly until he got the hint. He never go the hint. It got to the point I would cuddle in my bed with him until he fell asleep (about 20 minutes) and then I would move him. A family member needed the crib so we just went with a twin bed because it made more sense to us than to buy another toddler bed. Sometimes he wants me to pat his back or cuddle with him, but i try to just sit there so we can eventually get to the point where he just puts himself to bed. I am no expert on this. We are just doing what works best for us.

    @mandy522 I have no advice on that. DS gets out of his bed at night and comes to my bed. Maybe a baby gate in front of the door?

    Me: 25 DH: 26
    Married 11/12/11
    BFP 12/17/11
    DS 8/29/12 via C-section
    TFAS 3/2014
    BFP #2 5/25/15 EDD 2/4/2016
    It's a BOY!
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    Age of LO(s): 2 years

    Cycle/Month: 6/5

    CD/DPO: 19/5

    Testing Plans: Oct. 30

    R/R/CS: I'm really not sure when I O'ed, so hoping FF is correct. 

    GTKY: On the rare occurrence that you get "me time" what do you spend this precious time doing? I get on the computer, read, or craft. I'm starting to work on a queen quilt for our bed during nap time.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickersBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    TFAS-June 2014

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    Age of LO(s): 4.5, 20 months

    Cycle/Month: 4/3

    CD/DPO: 30/8

    Testing Plans: Friday

    R/R/CS: I'm just being a huge pessimist this cycle and making up phantom symptoms and that is pissing me off even more.  I need to get a grip.

    GTKY: On the rare occurrence that you get "me time" what do you spend this precious time doing? Sometimes I go for a run, sometimes I blog, sometimes I watch HGTV, but mostly when I am not in charge of the girls I clean and do laundry.  SO LAME.
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    Age of LO(s):12 years and 16 months



    Testing Plans: none

    R/R/CS: We are seeing an RE now and will do our first medicated cycle this next cycle. My labs were very bad when I got them checked on CD 3. I am not a candidate for IVF due to age and an FSH of 20.2. Although we do have the option of doing IVF with donor eggs.

    For now we will be trying Gonal F injections, trigger shot and IUI. Hopefully my body will respond to the meds and we will have a chance! I also started Acupuncture today and will be adding that to my tx. plan. I will prob intro over on TTTC as I kind of feel I don't fit in here anymore. Don't get me wrong, you guys are awesome but I have lots of issues now, lol.

    GTKY: On the rare occurrence that you get "me time" what do you spend this precious time doing? Computer time, getting my hair done, and pedicures when MH is home and can stay with DD#2.

    Married Sept. 2012

    Me 39 MH 40

    DD# 1 10/23/02

    DD#2 06/11/13

    2 losses, one before DD#2 at 5 weeks, one after DD#2 at 4.5 weeks

    TTC #3

    10/15/14 Consultation with RE

    Nov & Dec '14 IUI BFN & 1 cancelled d/t early O

    Jan 15 Consultations with 2 new RE's for different opinions for possible IVF with DE

    Jan '15 Starting the process for Foster to adopt!


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    @kemcc13‌ I'm so sorry about your BIL. Fuck cancer.

    Me: 25 DH: 26
    Married 11/12/11
    BFP 12/17/11
    DS 8/29/12 via C-section
    TFAS 3/2014
    BFP #2 5/25/15 EDD 2/4/2016
    It's a BOY!
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    Age of LO(s): DD 22 months

    Cycle/Month: 1

    CD/DPO: 23

    Testing Plans: None so far

    R/R/CS: My temperatures have been all over the place, they literally zigzag up and down each day. Maybe I'm just rusty at temping? DD getting up at random morning times doesn't help.

    GTKY: On the rare occurrence that you get "me time" what do you spend this precious time doing?: I ove of run, I ran my first half marathon on Sunday! I also love baking, but that never happens anymore it seems.

  • Options
    Age of LO(s): DD is 5

    Cycle/Month: 21/21

    CD/DPO: 3

    R/R/CS: Nothing right now, just starting another cycle

    GTKY: On the rare occurrence that you get "me time" what do you spend this precious time doing? Now that DD is in full day kindergarten, I happen to get more time....which I spend on here, catching up on tv shows or finding something in the house to organize that should have been done years ago :) 

    Me: 32 DH: 34 Married 7/08 DD Born 8/09 
    TTC#2 Since 2/13 (Secondary IF)
    2/13 thru 2/14 - Year of charting, OPK and TI
    3/14 thru 7/14 - Clomid cycles, DH SA came back good
    8/14 - HSG and more blood work
    9/14 - Letrozole + trigger + IUI#1 = BFN
    10/14 - Letrozole + Bravelle + trigger + IUI#2 = BFP!! EDD 7/27/15
  • Options
    Age of LO(s): 5, 3 and 1yo twins

    Cycle/Month: 1/1

    CD/DPO: cd1!!!

    Testing Plans:

    R/R/CS: omg its cycle day 1! Its been 2 years since my last period and I've been waiting for this day for awhile. Yay!

    GTKY: On the rare occurrence that you get "me time" what do you spend this precious time doing?

    Sleep or catch up on my recorded shows.
    Princess- 5yo  

    MC- 13w 12/14/10

    Dare Devil- 3yo 

    MC- 8w 01/18/12 

    Wheezy and sneezy- 1yo

    MC- 7w 11/29/13

    TTC #5 since 7/14

    CP- 12/27/14 confirmed 12/29/14
    Benched until further notice

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