TTC#1 for 19 months with PCOS and MFI IUI#3 + injectables = BFP!!!! Beta#1-134(13dpiui) Beta #2-392(15dpiui) #1 born December 2011
TTC#2 - Beta #1 -51@10dpo Beta#2 -1353 @16dpo #2 born May 2013
TTC # 3 June 2014 BFP 12-1-14
#3 born August 2015 #4!!!!!!! due June 2017
E had his 18 month appt last week. He was 31" and 22 1/2 lbs. I talked to the pedi about his dairy sensitivity (she had originally said 12 months is a common time to grow out of it) but since it's still pretty bad she said he will likely always have an issue with dairy. We also talked about his speech- he's still only saying 3 words consistently (without prompting) uh oh, no, daddy. She wasn't overly-concerned but said if nothing changed by his 2 year appt we would talk about having him evaluated. DS1 was in speech therapy from age 2 1/2 to 3 and is speaking at age level now, so I'm confident he's probably fine and just a late talker like big brother. He's still on the small side, but eats like a grown man so I think he's just going to be small like daddy haha
I know I outgrew my dairy issue at 3. I think sometimes kids might always have issues with straight up milk, but they can do ok with some cheese, yogurt and even ice cream.
I know I outgrew my dairy issue at 3. I think sometimes kids might always have issues with straight up milk, but they can do ok with some cheese, yogurt and even ice cream.
Awesome ! That's encouraging. I'd just like not have to worry about it if someone forgets and he eats grilled cheese or a little ice cream at someone else's house. My MIL is notorious for "forgetting" and feeding him dairy... then I deal with it that night and the next day haha
S turned 18 months today and had her appointment. 23.4 lbs 31.3" HC was around 18"
Got Hep B and part 1 of her flu shot. She has been a beast since she is cutting her final 4 teeth.. But Nothing out of the ordinary with her so next visit (besides flu shot part II) will be at 2 years
*25lbs 3 oz(65.20 %), 31.75 inches long (27.44%) Still a lil shorty for how tall both of his parents are haha. He only got one shot- a flu shot. He wasnt too happy. He had just had a double ear infection the week before but both ears cleared up and look perfect now. We took an autism questionnaire before we went in and he did pass question on there that I answered no to was does he point to stuff..he really doesnt..he usually will just grab things that he wants the doc was a little surprised by that. She also asked a bunch of 18 month qs...for words she said he should know between 6-20 besides mama and dada... Id say he was prob maybe at about 6... even this past week hes learned some new words so Im not too concerned. Other than that she said he looks perfect and we wont go back till 2. Im sure well have another ear infection or something that well be back before then...hopefully not! hahaha
S had her 18 month yesterday. We reached our goal of 20 lbs! I may have padded her weight a bit since I didn't have a chance to change her diaper before they called us in and she was carrying a pretty full cup of milk as well (they weigh her on the big girl scale now, clothes and all) but whatever, I don't care, I can now say she's 20 lbs. She's still a shorty though at 29.5 inches (2% heh). She got her DTaP and her flu shot as well. No more checkups until 2!
Our pedi did an autism evaluation which S passed with flying colors, and we discussed her language skills. He asked if she has 10-15 words that someone other than us can understand (she's on the lower end of that) and then asked if she's started putting words together yet. He said if she hasn't started to do that within the next couple months to let him know and we can schedule a speech therapist to come out and do an evaluation.
Based upon PPs, my "little" girl doesn't seem to be so little:
Height: 34 1/2 inches (97th %ile)
Weight: 28 lbs 8oz (90th %ile)
No shots other than the flu one. My pedi said that 18 months is a catch up appt. for shots for them, and we are all up to date. We did need to wait 30 minutes in the office after the shot due to her egg allergy. Same questionnaire mentioned above completed, and no issues. LO is saying quite a bit these days, but isn't stringing together sentences yet. For example, when the dog was sitting on her blanket just before we left for the appt. she said "up", "move" and "mine" to the dog to try and get her off of it. Mind you, the dog is an 80lb lab, so it wasn't like she could just grab it from under her.
I have a little peanut! He turned 18 months on the 9th.
Height: 31 inches
Weight: 21 lbs 11oz
Mine too! Turned 18 months on the 6th. He's 31 inches and 22 lbs. I can't get the kid to eat! They are having me see a nutritionist but I know what to feed him; I just can't force it. I have to go back for a weigh in at 21 months. I'm not worried because DH and I are both on the smaller side. Plus, he's meeting all his milestones at or ahead of schedule. The kid never stops moving! He's nuts.
@fancefpp, I wouldn't worry about it too much. Emmett literally eats all day long and is still only 22 pounds. He just runs around so much that he burns it all off!
@fancefpp, I wouldn't worry about it too much. Emmett literally eats all day long and is still only 22 pounds. He just runs around so much that he burns it all off!
My boy is the same. Cleans his plate at every meal and he is only 21lb. My pedi is not worried.
TTC#1 for 19 months with PCOS and MFI IUI#3 + injectables = BFP!!!! Beta#1-134(13dpiui) Beta #2-392(15dpiui) #1 born December 2011
TTC#2 - Beta #1 -51@10dpo Beta#2 -1353 @16dpo #2 born May 2013
TTC # 3 June 2014 BFP 12-1-14
#3 born August 2015 #4!!!!!!! due June 2017
I asked about dentist/fluoride. She said it is a big debate and noone can really agree. She said stick to what I am doing which is training toothpaste and fluoride tap water. She said as a doctor she is supposed to tell me take him to the dentist now, as a mother, she is telling me to wait until he is 3 unless I see darkening or any other funky thing. So that is what i am doing.
She said it is 100% normal for him to only want to eat at DC. She said it is peer pressure and he wants to eat like the other kids and they usually race. She said to watch his milk intake because he will fill himself up on milk. That never really occurred to me, duh. He does chug a sippy full of milk when he gets home.
She said his vocab is good, even though i thought not. She said 10-15 words is ideal.
She said she had no worries about autism and she can tell he is fine by her interaction with him but did have us fill out a autism questionnaire because it is standard at the 18 month appt. There was questions like does he point, does he look at us , does he try and interact in 'talking' to us, does he climb, does he get startled when he should, does he mimic our reactions to things, does he laugh.
We haven't had her 18 month check yet but she was on the 1st. I was slow booking her appointment so we go in a couple of weeks. We were at the childrens hospital for her checkup with the urologist this week and she is my little shorty at 27" and she weighed 25lbs.
18 1/2 months, 24 lbs, 31 inches tall. He got his last HepA shot and the flu shot. The pedi wasn't concerned about his speech or physical abilities but did say at 18 months kids on average should have about 50 words. He included any signs or animal sounds in that number as well as words he uses occasionally as long as he says them unprompted like my child yelling touch dooooo, during every football game we watch or anytime he pulls out the football itself. I figure given that perimeter he has about 30 words/signs/sounds. So no big deal. He said there's too much variety between kids so unless they aren't communicating at all he isn't concerned.
@sillywilly13 - i thought that was really high as well. We were told 10-15 words. I wonder if that includes words said once but never again and maybe even words that get signed but not verbal?
@sillywilly13 & @flyliceandcoffee I kinda freaked too until the pedi said, he included any signs or animal sounds in that number as well as words
he uses occasionally as long as he says them unprompted like my child
yelling touch dooooo, during every football game we watch or anytime he
pulls out the football itself.
Dr is happy with his development and doesn't have any concerns. We will go back at 2 years.
@nech0606 DS's teeth, especially the bottom 4, are crowded and crooked. And where he sucks on 2 fingers at nap and bedtime his top 2 teeth stick out a little. The dentist at his 1 year appt basically said he will be needing braces in the future. Oh yippee!
Me (32) DH (34) | | BFP #1 4/5/12 | Natural m/c on 4/18/12 (6w1d) BFP #2 8/23/12 | DS born 5/3/13 BFP #3 12/6/15 | DD born 8/23/16 BFP #4 2/22/19 | EDD 10/28/19
His appt was about 18.5 months.
H: 33.5"
W: 23 lbs 1 oz
Got Hep A and 1st flu shot.
Dr is happy with his development and doesn't have any concerns. We will go back at 2 years.
@nech0606 DS's teeth, especially the bottom 4, are crowded and crooked. And where he sucks on 2 fingers at nap and bedtime his top 2 teeth stick out a little. The dentist at his 1 year appt basically said he will be needing braces in the future. Oh yippee!
She doesn't suck her fingers, but we haven't seen a dentist yet either (per ped rec) but I've read that if they have crowed baby teeth, there's a really good chance they'll need braces. We'll have to start a braces fund soon!
same here. she doesn't suck her fingers or use a paci, but her teeth all came in crazy crooked. we just figured she was gonna need braces (I did and H needs them too so it was just assumed)
I'll post his official stats when I get back home but J had his apt on Wednesday. He's doing great. Growing, talking, moving and grooving. Passed the autism test and seems developmentally sound. The interesting thing my pedi mentioned is that she wanted us to stop giving J teething tablets and switch to ibprophin because Hyland's teething tablets have opiates in them, beladona.
Just got home from our appointment. DS is 30lbs 9.5oz and 35" tall. Still staying on his 98/99 percentile curve. He checked all the boxes and was talking up a storm, so all is well. He received the HepA and DaPT vaccine. We talked about weaning since I'm 14 weeks tomorrow and ready to wean him. She said to change the routine for nap and bed and after a few days he'll adjust (hopefully). She also said 2% milk is just fine considering his size (he refuses whole milk) and between 12-20oz is ideal.
Went for our 18mth (will be 19mths on the 8th) check up yesterday... Height: 31.25in (22%ile) Weight: 23.6lbs (55%ile) HC: 19in (91%ile)... no shots, growing great and not returning until she's 2! I can't believe I am even that close... time needs to slow down!
This thread will be long dead by the time DS has his appointment on Jan 2nd.
TTC#1 for 19 months with PCOS and MFI IUI#3 + injectables = BFP!!!! Beta#1-134(13dpiui) Beta #2-392(15dpiui) #1 born December 2011
TTC#2 - Beta #1 -51@10dpo Beta#2 -1353 @16dpo #2 born May 2013
TTC # 3 June 2014 BFP 12-1-14
#3 born August 2015 #4!!!!!!! due June 2017
We finally made it. A is finally gaining weight although she is still under what the doctor said she should be. She has gained and lost weight so many times that I never thought she would stop but since her 15 month appointment she hasn't lost. She is about 22lbs. (she was over 20lbs over a year ago but I am still celebrating the gain)
She is just under 32 inches tall. My boys were so much bigger that I just assumed she would be the same but genetics had other ideas and that's ok. The doctor was rushed and kind of a jerk. He asked if she had tantrums and she does. Huge tantrums. He told me it was anxiety. I admit she is sensitive and is high needs but I think tantrums as a toddler can be very normal.
This was the first appointment she has had since was 4 months old where she didn't scream the entire time. (for the nurses, for him and for the assistant) If anything she has less anxiety than ever. She was an angel even when she got her shot. I don't remember what it was but I know it was a combination of several. There was no reaction which is good except I was hoping for a sleepy baby so we could take a nap.
She is doing everything she should be and in some areas she is doing more. Even her speech is improving. I am actually happy with where she is except I pray she starts eating more. I know some kids are picky but she is on another level.
EDIT I re-read this and I don't want to sound braggy. I am just so relieved and happy with how A is doing.
We had ours yesterday at 18 months and 2 days. She's 34 inches and 22.8lbs. Growth curve looks good. She had 2 shots but I can't remember what they were. The doctor was impressed by how much she can do and how smart she is already. Doctor will see her at 2.
Had ours today and it was hell. 45 mins they had us in the exam room with R just in a diaper and no doctor. Not even someone to check in. They blamed that their computer system was down. I've heard that like 3 times now. Seriously considering switching to the other group here. Ok vent over.
R was 35.25 inches tall (99+%) and about 27.5 lbs (85%). He had a stomach bug and hasn't wanted to eat all week so he's lost a pound or two so on the chart it looks like he took a dip. Obviously he's a big boy so the doc said not to worry. She was happy with his vocabulary which, luckily, just exploded in the last two weeks and to be prepared for temper tantrums and more picky eating. Had 3 shots and we don't have to go back until 2. Oh and his 2 year molars are coming in, woo frickin hoo.
C's appt was today (over 2 weeks late due to shot schedule).
Weight: 32 lbs, holding steady in the 99th %. Height: 34 in, 90th%
He got 1 shot, the Hep A. The dr said everything looks great and that he did well during the exam, eventhough he cried. She said 18 months is the hardest. We go back at 2 and hopefully not before!
LO turned 18 months on 11/21 but we didn't have her appointment until today.
She is 22 lbs and 33 inches. Still tall and skinny though her weight has dropped off her curve just a little. Likely this is due to increased picky eating, her running around more, and decreased appetite due to recent illnesses. Pedi wasn't really concerned just talked about how picky eating is common at this age (mostly as a control thing) and suggestions for sneaking more fat into her diet like butter, coconut oil, peanut butter, avocados etc.
Developmentally she is doing fine, no concerns. We briefly talked about introducing the potty (which we haven't done yet) and he said we could start if we wanted but not to expect much. He talked about using rewards like stickers for using the potty and for other things as well like tooth brushing (which she rarely lets us do despite the fact that we try every night).
She had a low grade fever of 100 in the office and it turns out she has a double ear infection. She has had a cold since last weekend but no fever until today. She had been super cranky the last few days though. Glad we had that diagnosed, probably saved us a trip back next week!
She was supposed to get the Hep A vaccine (the only one she has left) but we held off given the fever/ear infection. We go back in 2 weeks for a recheck on her ears and will do the Hep A vaccine then.
Had ours at 18 months and a weekish. 25 lbs 5 oz and 32 inches. Doc said her milestones were good and they forgot to send us the paperwork for the ASQ, but I'd just taken it at daycare and she was good to go, I told the doc this and he did a quick assessment, asked a few questions and agreed. She got one shot- Hep A and now she's done until 2 and all done with shots (except Flu) until 4! Yay! Now if we can just decrease the amount of sick visits this year from the amount we had last year! I'd really love to not go back until May, that would be amazing!
Re: 18 Month Updates
TTC#1 for 19 months with PCOS and MFI IUI#3 + injectables = BFP!!!! Beta#1-134(13dpiui) Beta #2-392(15dpiui)
#1 born December 2011
TTC#2 - Beta #1 -51@10dpo Beta#2 -1353 @16dpo
#2 born May 2013
TTC # 3 June 2014 BFP 12-1-14
#3 born August 2015
#4!!!!!!! due June 2017
I know I outgrew my dairy issue at 3. I think sometimes kids might always have issues with straight up milk, but they can do ok with some cheese, yogurt and even ice cream.
23.4 lbs
HC was around 18"
Got Hep B and part 1 of her flu shot.
She has been a beast since she is cutting her final 4 teeth.. But Nothing out of the ordinary with her so next visit (besides flu shot part II) will be at 2 years
*25lbs 3 oz(65.20 %), 31.75 inches long (27.44%)
Still a lil shorty for how tall both of his parents are haha.
He only got one shot- a flu shot. He wasnt too happy. He had just had a double ear infection the week before but both ears cleared up and look perfect now.
We took an autism questionnaire before we went in and he did pass question on there that I answered no to was does he point to stuff..he really doesnt..he usually will just grab things that he wants the doc was a little surprised by that.
She also asked a bunch of 18 month qs...for words she said he should know between 6-20 besides mama and dada... Id say he was prob maybe at about 6... even this past week hes learned some new words so Im not too concerned. Other than that she said he looks perfect and we wont go back till 2. Im sure well have another ear infection or something that well be back before then...hopefully not! hahaha
Height: 31"
Weight: 24.4 pounds
Shots: flu and hepatitis
He's got 6 words, but clearly communicates his needs/wants. He high fives the doc when we left (even though he got the shots...)
my happy boy
Our pedi did an autism evaluation which S passed with flying colors, and we discussed her language skills. He asked if she has 10-15 words that someone other than us can understand (she's on the lower end of that) and then asked if she's started putting words together yet. He said if she hasn't started to do that within the next couple months to let him know and we can schedule a speech therapist to come out and do an evaluation.
Based upon PPs, my "little" girl doesn't seem to be so little:
Height: 34 1/2 inches (97th %ile)
Weight: 28 lbs 8oz (90th %ile)
No shots other than the flu one. My pedi said that 18 months is a catch up appt. for shots for them, and we are all up to date. We did need to wait 30 minutes in the office after the shot due to her egg allergy. Same questionnaire mentioned above completed, and no issues. LO is saying quite a bit these days, but isn't stringing together sentences yet. For example, when the dog was sitting on her blanket just before we left for the appt. she said "up", "move" and "mine" to the dog to try and get her off of it. Mind you, the dog is an 80lb lab, so it wasn't like she could just grab it from under her.
**DD1 - 7/9/98**
**DS - 11/9/00**
**DD2 - 4/30/13**
I have a little peanut! He turned 18 months on the 9th.
Height: 31 inches
Weight: 21 lbs 11oz
My boy is the same. Cleans his plate at every meal and he is only 21lb. My pedi is not worried.
TTC#1 for 19 months with PCOS and MFI IUI#3 + injectables = BFP!!!! Beta#1-134(13dpiui) Beta #2-392(15dpiui)
#1 born December 2011
TTC#2 - Beta #1 -51@10dpo Beta#2 -1353 @16dpo
#2 born May 2013
TTC # 3 June 2014 BFP 12-1-14
#3 born August 2015
#4!!!!!!! due June 2017
I asked about dentist/fluoride. She said it is a big debate and noone can really agree. She said stick to what I am doing which is training toothpaste and fluoride tap water. She said as a doctor she is supposed to tell me take him to the dentist now, as a mother, she is telling me to wait until he is 3 unless I see darkening or any other funky thing. So that is what i am doing.
She said it is 100% normal for him to only want to eat at DC. She said it is peer pressure and he wants to eat like the other kids and they usually race. She said to watch his milk intake because he will fill himself up on milk. That never really occurred to me, duh. He does chug a sippy full of milk when he gets home.
She said his vocab is good, even though i thought not. She said 10-15 words is ideal.
She said she had no worries about autism and she can tell he is fine by her interaction with him but did have us fill out a autism questionnaire because it is standard at the 18 month appt. There was questions like does he point, does he look at us , does he try and interact in 'talking' to us, does he climb, does he get startled when he should, does he mimic our reactions to things, does he laugh.
H: 33.5"
W: 23 lbs 1 oz
Got Hep A and 1st flu shot.
Dr is happy with his development and doesn't have any concerns. We will go back at 2 years.
@nech0606 DS's teeth, especially the bottom 4, are crowded and crooked. And where he sucks on 2 fingers at nap and bedtime his top 2 teeth stick out a little. The dentist at his 1 year appt basically said he will be needing braces in the future. Oh yippee!
Me (32) DH (34) | |
BFP #1 4/5/12 | Natural m/c on 4/18/12 (6w1d)
BFP #2 8/23/12 | DS born 5/3/13
BFP #3 12/6/15 | DD born 8/23/16
BFP #4 2/22/19 | EDD 10/28/19
The interesting thing my pedi mentioned is that she wanted us to stop giving J teething tablets and switch to ibprophin because Hyland's teething tablets have opiates in them, beladona.
TTC#1 for 19 months with PCOS and MFI IUI#3 + injectables = BFP!!!! Beta#1-134(13dpiui) Beta #2-392(15dpiui)
#1 born December 2011
TTC#2 - Beta #1 -51@10dpo Beta#2 -1353 @16dpo
#2 born May 2013
TTC # 3 June 2014 BFP 12-1-14
#3 born August 2015
#4!!!!!!! due June 2017
R was 35.25 inches tall (99+%) and about 27.5 lbs (85%). He had a stomach bug and hasn't wanted to eat all week so he's lost a pound or two so on the chart it looks like he took a dip. Obviously he's a big boy so the doc said not to worry. She was happy with his vocabulary which, luckily, just exploded in the last two weeks and to be prepared for temper tantrums and more picky eating. Had 3 shots and we don't have to go back until 2. Oh and his 2 year molars are coming in, woo frickin hoo.
Weight: 32 lbs, holding steady in the 99th %.
Height: 34 in, 90th%
He got 1 shot, the Hep A. The dr said everything looks great and that he did well during the exam, eventhough he cried. She said 18 months is the hardest. We go back at 2 and hopefully not before!
EDD 07/29/2017
Me (32) DH (34) | |
BFP #1 4/5/12 | Natural m/c on 4/18/12 (6w1d)
BFP #2 8/23/12 | DS born 5/3/13
BFP #3 12/6/15 | DD born 8/23/16
BFP #4 2/22/19 | EDD 10/28/19