July 2014 Moms

Milk Donation

Is anyone here a milk donor, or the recipient of donated milk?  After denying it to myself, I am pretty sure I have quite an oversupply.  I like to hoard things, so seeing the bags of milk stack up in the freezer has been nice, but now I think maybe it's getting out of hand.

I think I'd like to donate the milk, but from what I've researched a lot of milk banks take donations and then get a huge profit off of it, at great cost to families and babies who really need the milk.  

So, if you are a donor, or are receiving donated milk, what entity are you going through?  A milk bank or some other go-between?  I really would like to help other families if possible, since I know not everyone is fortunate enough to be able to EBF. Anyone have any experience with this?

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Re: Milk Donation

  • That's helpful, thanks!  I'd love to be able to help out the NICU babies.

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  • Thanks @Mamanorris81 I'll definitely look into that!

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  • Mothers Milk Bank. I was not a recipient, but have seen parents and babies who were fortunate to be able to receive this gift, because that's what it is. Babies born under 34(ish) weeks (at our hospital) gestation are not given formula, so the donation saves lives. I would assume the high cost comes from the testing of the mother and then the milk and making it optimal (perfect fats, proteins etc) for babies. I think it's awesome that you want to help babies and mommies in need.
  • Yes to what @Mamanorris81‌ said. Also some blood banks actually take donated milk to keep it local. I know the blood bank has a "milk bank" in my area, so that might be worth looking into if you'd want to help a family more in your area.
  • Look on Facebook (or online) for pages of "Human Milk 4 Human Babies", and there will be requests in your area.
    Baby G born 6/6/14, 37 weeks 1 day due to preeclampsia.  5lb12oz 19"
    #2 due Christmas 2016. 

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  • Loving all this info, guys. Very helpful stuff! This is giving me lots of things to investigate tomorrow when I have the time.

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  • Nichole8787Nichole8787 member
    edited October 2014
    I've also posted on human milk for human babies. I've only been contacted by one suspected perv. It seems very legitimate.
  • I received milk for both my kids during their first week when they were in the NICU. For DD, I was in a children's hospital that accepted Donations directly. For DS I was at a hospital that got the milk from a local Milk bank. I would just do your research to see the best option for you. Check with your local La Leche League and google Milk banks. It may take some research but they do have some out there that don't take a profit. Also, check with your local Children's hospitals.
  • @chumbawumba‌ no, it's an honor system. Some moms do offer to pay for testing to make sure you (the donor) are disease free.
  • Wanted to say thanks so much for all the info.  I liked the Eats on Feets and Human Milk 4 Human Babies facebook pages so that I can see who in my area needs milk. 

    @aarcher21jul on the Eats on Feets local Facebook page that I joined, one of the donors posted that they are on thyroid medication as well.  People still wanted her milk.  Just from the little bit I've seen browsing the FB pages, there's a high demand!  You might make some family very happy.

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  • Just wanted to say you rock! My son was 5 weeks early and 2 lbs 15 oz, my supply came in late and I couldn't even keep up with his piddly feeds I was able to give him "snacks" so we used donor milk during his stay, it was too expensive afterwards and I didn't know about things like Human Milk 4 Babies or the 2 friends I have that would have gladly helped. 
    In the end, I feel better about not doing it because my son has a milk protein allergy and needs formula anyway, but donors really are amazing helping those of us unable to BF out!
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