Is anyone here a milk donor, or the recipient of donated milk? After denying it to myself, I am pretty sure I have quite an oversupply. I like to hoard things, so seeing the bags of milk stack up in the freezer has been nice, but now I think maybe it's getting out of hand.
I think I'd like to donate the milk, but from what I've researched a lot of milk banks take donations and then get a huge profit off of it, at great cost to families and babies who really need the milk.
So, if you are a donor, or are receiving donated milk, what entity are you going through? A milk bank or some other go-between? I really would like to help other families if possible, since I know not everyone is fortunate enough to be able to EBF. Anyone have any experience with this?
Re: Milk Donation
Baby G born 6/6/14, 37 weeks 1 day due to preeclampsia. 5lb12oz 19"
#2 due Christmas 2016.