Working Moms

Parenting Fail this weekend

The people that rant and rave about how busy they are usually get on my nerves, but we had a seriously busy, busy weekend. Three birthday parties, plus a family get together and choir recital. Anyways, we had one birthday brunch, for a friend of mine, Saturday morning and a birthday party later that afternoon for my 1st graders little school friend. I made it home from the brunch just in time to get a really cute gift for DD's friend and get DD all dressed up for the party. I was actually feeling really proud of myself as we were driving over there for managing my time so well and being right on time despite the busy weekend. We pulled up and there were a bunch of other cars- a sign of a party, right? DD and I walk in the door and we're like "We're here for the party!" There are a few kids there, but mostly just older adults looking at me really confused. DD's friends mom walks up to me, hugs me, and says "The party was last night" OMG! I was so embarrassed. Not only did we come on the totally wrong night, but they were in the middle of their family party- grand-parents, cousins, aunts.....They were nice enough to let DD stay and play for awhile and then invited us to have cake with their family. I was pretty embarrassed in the moment, but now I think that it's pretty funny. I called my mom and said "You won't believe what I did" and she said "That won't be the last time you do something like that"  Just wanted to share in case anyone else had a parenting fail this weekend. It happens :)

Re: Parenting Fail this weekend

  • That is awesome. I have shown up to a party on the wrong day. Friday night we went a concert. The concert was on Saturday. DS is still asking me "when will we hear the music at the park?".
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  • That's the best story!!
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  • Ha ha ha! We have a Little Gym that's a pretty popular party place and last year we had 2 Sundays in a row with birthday parties there at 1pm. And the next Sunday we were invited there again for a 11am party and of course I was on auto-pilot and we showed up there at 1pm just as they were loading the car with presents.
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