
Lice treatment and nursing?

Good morning,

It's been a long time since I've been on here, but I am playing Dr. Google while I wait to hear back from my doctor! So, my older DD seems to have gotten lice (ick, yuck) and because we use the same brush, she is always snuggled up with me, etc., I treated myself too (and sadly found one, ick yuck again). In my great panic to rid myself and home of these nasty things, I only lightly contemplated the risk to my milk. Lightly, because we've been weaning, we are down to 2 x's a day.  DD2 is 14+ months and I still have 3 months of milk in the freezer, at least. So, the timing is ok, but emotionally, I'm not really ready so I sort of stalled out at reducing from the 2x's a day.

With that said, having used the lice treatment, does anyone have experience in how long after you can nurse again? I didn't nurse her this a.m. just in case. She pointed at the glider quickly, but didn't really push the issue and was content going off to daycare with a bottle of frozen milk. :(


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