We just started cloth diapering my 6 mo. old son. We used disposables with my 3 yo daughter who is now potty trained. I really want this to work but we keep having leaks! We're using pocket diapers (Fuzzi bunz/Alva baby) and he will often soak through 2 microfiber inserts. If he's not soaking through, it will often just leak around his left leg. I've tried making it smaller so that it is snugger around his legs. I've also tried these bamboo inserts:
https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00KN0TPNA/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o06_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 but they leak like crazy, too, and I did prep them.
Does DS just pee a ton? Is this normal? I change him every two hours or sooner. I feel like I've wasted a ton of money if we have to abandon this. What should I be doing? Need advice before I spend more money on this.
Re: Intro and Help!