I tried searching the boards but couldn't find anything..
DS is already teething, early at 3 months, and was just wondering if any STM had any tips on how to cope. Poor thing is a mess I've been doing infant Tylenol (only about twice a day when its really bad) and I have all natural baby orajel. I've tried teethers but they all seem too big for his mouth still so he doesn't really like them, and he tries to chew on his paci. Do any of you know of any teether that might work? maybe be a bit smaller?
Also, he has been extra fussy when he's up which I know is expected, but he has been sleeping a lot more than he has been, is that normal?
Re: Teething
take those cute baby wash cloths, get them wet and freeze them in a shape small enough for your DS to gum on. They are cold, and just soft enough for teething.
Also, he recommended avoiding baby orajel. He said that there is a side effect that can cause respiratory distress. He said it's rare, but he's not willing to chance it. Living 20+ min from the nearest hospital, I'm going with his recommendation.
Eta: autocorrect lol
@csgtv I've never even heard of those before but those are awesome! That might be something to try seeing how he ALWAYS has his hands in his mouth lol.
To each there own, but I'll stick with science. Plus, I'd say no based on the choking hazard alone.
The necklaces generally have a knot between each bead, so if it does break they don't go everywhere. I have an anklet on my lo and it seems to work great
@walterjenne my DS is getting his front two bottom and one on the bottom on the side, and the side one is up more than the front two so its possible, my friends little girl had just her vampire teeth for the longest time, it all just depends I suppose.
So, while it sucks to see a baby so young in pain from teething, you know at least one person would love to go through some teething right now!
All the best! Give lot of snuggles!
I can't imagine my five month old DS with teeth.
Yup. We took him for x-rays at 18 months per doctor's suggestion. They showed that there were teeth, but not even close to coming out yet. Our family dentist and the specialist we saw both hadn't seen it that late before. Such a sigh of relief when I found the first tooth. And just a second one this past weekend!