May 2014 Moms

s/o condoms

ho11ydayho11yday member
edited October 2014 in May 2014 Moms
This obsession with lamb skin condoms had me thinking on the way to work.

They say if you use condoms correctly they have a, what, 93% chance of working right? And effectiveness goes down with improper use.

So. How many of you use condoms correctly? And isn't it said that lambskin condoms ate less effective?

Anyone use a female condom?

I really want to talk about condoms. Obviously.

Edited for picture

T 2.12 | W 5.14

Re: s/o condoms

  • I'd say we don't use condoms correctly. We don't put them on right away, upon first sexual contact or whatever. Normally its only after a little bit that we reluctantly put one on. Had anyone ever really gotten pregnant from pre-ejaculate?

    And aren't you supposed to use lubrication on the inside and outside of a condom? Yeah we don't do that either.

    Then again what do you expect from someone who got out of health education by writing a note to the principal saying that it was against their religious beliefs.

    T 2.12 | W 5.14

  • No condoms for us, just an IUD!
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  • We don't use them 100% perfectly. We put it on after a few minutes. Never heard of adding lubricant to it though.
    I refuse to go on anymore birth control and hubby does not want more children so he needs to go get referred for a vasectomy or we are using condoms forever (which suck)
  • We use them, and will be until I'm done bf. Not DH's ideal form of protection but it is what it is at this point. I think we've been using them properly but never really thought about it to be honest.
  • I'm also assuming DH knows how to put them on correctly. Condoms are our only form of BC. I refuse to go on the mini pill while BFing. Plusalso, I always forgot to take my normal BC pill on time before I got KU. 

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  • @becole42‌ Just curious, how long did it take you to get pregnant after getting your IUD removed?
  • @becole42‌ Just curious, how long did it take you to get pregnant after getting your IUD removed?

    I know you didnt ask me, but I got pregnant the first cycle after it was removed.
  • I have the one that goes into my arm :) condoms always left me paranoid that I was prego.

    That One Gal From Alaska :)



  • I have the mirena @Babybarlow2014‌. That is scary that you got pregnant with it!
  • We used a condom for the first time in, forever, a few weeks ago while I waited for my new birth control. It's what I took for years and I really rely on that 99% effectiveness. We use the pull and pray method otherwise.

    It's a BOY

  • @becole42‌ Just curious, how long did it take you to get pregnant after getting your IUD removed?

    I had the mirena and got pregnant right after getting it removed. Like, got my BFP one month after getting it removed.

    I was kind of freaked that there would be problems for baby because I was bleeding up until the day before I got KU. My OB told me there are no problems if you conceive that quickly -- if the lining isn't ready, you're not going to get pregnant that cycle.
  • ho11yday said:
    I'd say we don't use condoms correctly. We don't put them on right away, upon first sexual contact or whatever. Normally its only after a little bit that we reluctantly put one on. Had anyone ever really gotten pregnant from pre-ejaculate? And aren't you supposed to use lubrication on the inside and outside of a condom? Yeah we don't do that either. Then again what do you expect from someone who got out of health education by writing a note to the principal saying that it was against their religious beliefs.
    Yes, I know someone who did. They had also done it within the previous ~24 hours so there were "leftovers" present.

    H e n r y  May 21, 2014

  • We started using condoms again and haven't used them in years. I had no idea you should lube inside and out! Oh boy!
    We were just using them until I stopped breastfeeding and the pill my dr prescribed can cause depression and I already have PPD.
  • Well we never had an accidental pregnancy so I guess we're using them correct enough. ;)

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