May 2014 Moms

Baby vent!

For those reading... this may sound crazy but I am feeling very confused and frustrated right now. My DD has been a very fussy baby since birth. She has reflux and she has been on zantac, then prevacid, and now zantac again. In the past month she has gotten a little less fussy but is still spitting up. She has been on Enfamil AR since she was about 1 month old. I feel like I cant even set her down to play for more than a few minutes without her fussing and crying. She cries when others hold her, which worries me that she wont be able to bond with others. I went to my nephews bday party yesterday and my cousin was there with her 7 month old that didnt cry once! She had a rough beginning with her DD having reflux and crying alot. She has her daughter on Enfamil gentlease so im going to try that. I know every baby is different but I feel like DD should not be crying as much as she does. It makes me sad for her. I hate going to events because I feel like people are judging or thinking "oh she is crying again!" I know its not true but I feel like a bad mother because I should have her figured out by now. I'm thinking she is a little less fussy because the medicine is helping with the reflux pain but spitting up still because maybe her formula isn't agreeing with her? I'm sorry about the long vent but I came here because there are so many ladies that understand how I feel. I am looking for an advice/tips/suggestions! Thanks for reading, you are all wonderful ladies :)

Re: Baby vent!

  • spacepotatoesspacepotatoes member
    edited October 2014
    Is she teething? That comes with a crap ton of spit up too, from the pooling drool/saliva. Could explain the fussiness too.

     My LO has been having some stranger anxiety in the last few weeks too. We try to stay close by to reassure her or just hold her until she gets comfortable. As long as the people she's around are easygoing and don't try to get too close too fast, she warms up fairly quickly. It can be frustrating, though, and it always me feel like we're being judged too. But it's normal so try not to stress too much about that part of things!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Thank you ladies! It could be teething because she has been chewing on everything/droopy for 2 months. No teeth yet. It could also be different than I envisioned. I understand the crying when she needs something. I just feel like when she is not hungry, tired, or in pain, she should be mostly content. I will try increasing her zantac. We actually decreased it alot recently but maybe that is part of it. I just want to be able to take her places without wondering if she will cry the whole time. I also feel like she cant bond with people because she cries with everyone, even family!
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  • LunaBug924LunaBug924 member
    edited October 2014
    Ugh, I have a lot of the same feelings you do at times. My DD doesn't have reflux, but the fussiness is definitely there. All day I feel like I'm just going through the motions with all her activities. Play on the play mat till she cries, pick her up, play in her activity center till she cries, pick her up. Nurse, try to get her to nap. Rinse, repeat. She's ok when we go out for short trips, and she naps decently in the car or stroller. But if we're at someone's house and it's time for a nap, look out. It's not happening and it results in total meltdown. She also is not letting anyone hold her except me or DH. Even if I'm standing right in front of her, the little lip goes out and she starts crying after a minute or two. It's so sad, and so frustrating.

    Sorry I have no advice. Just stopping by to commiserate.

    ETA: damn mobile posted before I was finished.
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    All AL-ers welcome in my posts! <3
  • Have you tried alimentum or nutramigem? Any possibility of mpi?
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  • That was a solidarity love tit, @LunaBug924‌. I sometimes feel trapped on that same hamster wheel.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Both of my kids prefer to be held. My son would cry if he wasn't being held for a very long time. I could never set him down to play by himself. My daughter is almost just as bad, but will sometimes get distracted by something. They didn't like being held by anyone else but me or sometimes my husband. Now my son is 19 months and loves playing by himself and with others. I have no help other than, it does get better. I forgot to add my son had really bad reflux also. It was really rough because for the longest time he just seemed like a generally unhappy baby :(. My daughter just turned 5 months and still pretty much wants to be held all the time and only like me & my h. Hugs, it does get better. Also people say things like "oh they don't like me". That bothers me so much. They are babies, they don't know.
  • @LunaBug924‌ that sounds exactly like my DD!
  • It bothers me even more that I am always hearing from my family that its not normal because my niece and nephew weren't like that. I am sorry that some of you are experiencing it also. @IBackBevo‌ We soy and she is allergic. We also tried allimentum and she was spitting up so bad she was choking. She has had one feeding with Enfamil gentlease and has spit up more so far... I just want it to end lol
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