Nurseries and Baby Gear

How important is a humidifier?

How important is a humidifier? We live in Houston, so there's plenty of humidity even inside so I was thinking this is probably something we could skip.  Opinions?

Re: How important is a humidifier?

  • edited October 2014
    If you use AC then it's not really that humid inside your house. Then heating during the winter dries the air too. I find it helpful when my DD has a stuffed up nose from a cold. They are not that expensive. We have a 1st Years one I think and it was about $30 if I remember right. That said - I didn't buy it till she was about a yr old since she hasn't been sick before then, so if your budget is tight, wait till you actually need it.
  • I agree with PP. It isn't a necessity until it's 2am and LO is stuffed up. Then it is. If you can afford one, get it now. Otherwise wait.

    FYI, the ones that aren't child specfic that Wlamart or Target sell in the homegoods section are cheaper and work just as well.
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  • We have a Vicks one from Target and have used it twice.  I don't think it made a difference.
  • To me and my babies, humidifiers were absolutely essential. When your infant is sick, especially congested or coughing, it makes a huge difference, mainly when they are trying to sleep. You can't really give them any medication until they are like 2+, so you'll really want available every home remedy possible. Go ahead and get some saline nose drops and an aspirator too!
  • We have the crane drop one. We only use it overnight when DD has a cold.
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    Thing 1: 6/2012 Thing 2: Due 12/2014
  • I have never used a humidifier with either child.

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  • With my oldest, we rarely had a need for one.  With DS2, I feel like the majority of last winter he slept with a humidifier on due to colds and congestion.  We have a Crane one (the puppy) and it works wonderfully, is filterless, and has withstood almost constant use for months at a time.
  • We only use a humidifier when she has a cold. It makes a HUGE difference. Just be sure to take good care of it, and empty/dry it after each use & sterilize once a week, or as the instructions say. We have gone through FIVE in less than 2 years because we got lazy and there ended up being mildew/mold growing inside them and my husband couldn't remove it. Waste of money! So, just be diligent. 
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