Baby Names


Hey y'all. If this baby is a girl, we plan to name her after my sister. My sister is Molly Elizabeth, so we are wanting to use Elizabeth as a first name. I really like Elizabeth, but my husband isn't sold. We both really like Eliza, though. We've loved the name Lila forever too, and I'm wondering if we could use it as a nickname for Elizabeth or Eliza? Or is it too different from the formal name?
Tyler Daniel (4) & Tessa Mary (2)


Pregnancy Ticker

Re: Elizabeth/Eliza/Lila

  • I love Lila! That was wone of my top names but SO wasn't into it :/

    FTM & TEAM BLUE!!!

    BabyFruit Ticker


  • Elizabeth a full name for all of those, including Eliza. Name her elizabeth and call her almost whatever you would like..! There are so many Nicknames


    No periods due to 17 years of ballet and distance running after college.  Zero response to 2 months of Clomid, little response to Letrozole.  IUI left with 9 cysts = too many viable eggs due to age.  On to IVF.  Low dose of all meds still produced 37 mature eggs 12.6.11.  Froze due to overstimulation.  

    FET #1.1 1.22.12 BFN.   FET #1.2 2.22.12=GRACE! (and a vanishing twin).  

    Grace Katherine born 10.25.12 @ 36w6w 6#14oz 19.5".
    FET #1.3 3.2013 BFN FET#1.4 4.2013 BFN. Never tried a fresh transfer.  Let's try, despite 10 still frozen.  
    ER 6.26.13 27 mature eggs, slight overstim. ET   7.1.13 ectopic, FET 2.1  9.10.14   TRIPLETS!!  

    Boys born 3.18.14 @ 29w5d.  Andrew Jack 3#6oz 16", Grant Robert 3#9oz 16", Charles Phillip 3#7oz 17".

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  • I think Eliza is so pretty. I don't think Lila would work as a nn for Eliza or Elizabeth. Liza would.
    Started adoption process in Jan. 2011.
    3 failed matches in 2012.
    Surprise pregnancy in Aug. 2012.
    Precious baby boy "HC" born May 2013.
    Began researching EA in 2014.
    No longer pursuing EA due to fibroid complications.
    Officially on the adoption home study wait list.

  • Love Eliza!!!
  • Love Eliza! Lila doesn't seem like a natural nickname for either Eliza or Elizabeth but if you call her that, and she takes to it, maybe it'll stick.
  • I think Eliza or Lila could certainly be a nn for Elizabeth. Even if it doesn't look like a perfect match on paper, if you call her Lila it should catch on, and it's certainly close enough. 
    January 3T Siggy Challenge - New Year's Resolutions

    Me (29), DH (30) TTC actively 54 55+ cycles | All BFNs
    MFI (low everything) | Endo Stage 1 & Stenotic Cervix (treated) | PCO
    Married - July 2008 | Started TTC - Jan 2009RE Visit #1 - Mar 2014 
    IUI #1 ICI #1 - June | IUI #1.1 Laparoscopy - Aug
    IUIs #1.2, 2, 3 - Sept, Oct, Nov (Letrozole) - BFNs 
    IUI #4 - Dec (Bravelle) | IUI #5 - Dec/Jan (Bravelle) - 5 follies + TI - BFNs
    IUI #5.1 - Jan (Bravelle) Cancelled 
    Planning to start IVF in March!
    ***All Welcome***
  • Her middle name will be Leigh. Thanks for all the input!
    Tyler Daniel (4) & Tessa Mary (2)


    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Elizabeth or Lyla!
    I think a nickname could be anything...
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