May 2014 Moms

Prune/Pear Juice

So LO has been constipated since starting solids and her pediatrician recommended some baby prune or pear juice. I went to Target and really didn't see either. I found some prune/apple juice by Gerber and nothing else even close. I got packets of prune and pear baby food but not sure if juice is better to use? Anyway, my main question is where y'all are finding prune or pear juice and what brand? I just did a late night store run after LO went to bed so I haven't tried other stores yet. Hoping for some feedback so I'm not running all over town. Thanks in advance!

Re: Prune/Pear Juice

  • Is it a baby version? The nurse said "baby prune juice" and I could find it by the formulas. I don't know if there's any difference between baby prune juice and regular prune juice? I feel like I've figured out most of this baby stuff pretty well up until now. Leave it to prune juice to send my FTM head spinning.
  • Just to warn you I let DD1 eat one prune once (she was 18months) and ended up cleaning explosive diarrhea for 2 days.
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  • So strange! I got the pear juice at target. It was on the side of the aisle by baby food (not formula), towards the bottom. By gerber, one plastic container. I think they also make smaller juice box style versions, but ours didn't have that.
  • We still give DD1 pear juice and the only version that I've found is by Gerber so save your coupons for it. We've used pureed prunes and pears and they work just as well.

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  • Our Pedi also recommend water. We switched dd's formula and she's been constipated. Not to steal the thread but how much juice are you giving your LO? The Dr. Said 2ounces but that was when she was 4months. I didn't know if I should give her more.
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  • My pediatrician said the guide they have read 1 oz per month of age but she said 5 oz is a lot of prune juice so really 2-3oz is fine.
  • Regular prune juice is fine!
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  • DS didn't go for 3 days so we gave him 1oz of 100% prune juice. Worked in an hour. Juice is juice. Don't think there is a difference if it is marketed towards babies or adults
  • Baby prune juice?  FFS, no one drinks prune juice unless they're trying to poop.  It's all just prune juice from what I've seen.

    That was my thought. I don't know if there is a baby version, I hope like hell there isn't. Poop juice is poop juice.

    I get a little six pack of cans so I can use one and save the rest for the next time. Look in the juice aisle.

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  • Thanks ladies!!! Lucky for us LO took a massive doody this morning on her own. I'll keep an eye out for grown up prune juice for the next round of constipation. ;)
  • a word of caution: a little prune juice goes a looooooooooooong way. 

    we learned the hard way...

  • You ladies are cracking me up with the poop-related comments! Hilarious...
  • BTW just bought my DS prune apple juice by Gerber but he started back with the firm, slushy diapers that very same night instead of the solid adult-looking pebbles.
  • Ours is having issues too now. Poor thing is just crying on and off about it. I feel bad because I thought she was just being a stinker yesterday but it turns out she just needs to make a stink. I'm gonna have to go get the juice. Do you dilute it at all with water it just straight up?

  • momo214momo214 member
    edited October 2014
    I tried the prune apple by Gerbers and LO ate about 2oz. Nothing! That was back on Sunday. Even though she pooped Saturday she kept grunting and fussy and seemed to need to poop more. It took until today to get that out of her! I'm going to try the prune purée or the pear purée. I got those little pouches. Is that the same as baby food in jars?
    ETA I didn't water it down.
  • We ended up getting the baby prune apple juice by gerber but I also gave her some prunes for breakfast so I'm not sure which one did it but she went A LOT poor girl! I only gave her 1 oz of the juice with 1 oz water. I'm wondering if it was more the prunes than the juice. I felt so bad about how backed up she was! She only didn't go for a day but I could tell she was uncomfortable and their systems are so small.

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