
Anyone have a backpack???

I am thinking of getting myself a backpack for Disney vacation.  Any recommendations?

Re: Anyone have a backpack???

  • A back pack for you or one to carry the toddler?  I have my old llbean back pack from college.  It works well, several different areas to contain different things, and it has held up well.
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  • My mom found ours at a second-hand store. I'm not sure what it's called but it's very very basic. Not for hiking trips, but good for trips to the zoo or even doing dishes. =o)?

    Sorry, I know that's not very helpful! I've seen a selection at BRU. Or if you want something more heavy duty, you might even look at an outdoor sports store...?

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  • Backpack for you or for toting the kid around?

    I just get Jansport packs from Target for hauling stuff around town.

    For the kid, I'd just take an Ergo or some kind of soft-structured carrier. . . unless you're doing some hiking that you have to carry around a lot of gear, I wouldn't recommend a framed pack. . . it's a lot of extra weight and the balance can be weird.  If you want to invest in a framed pack, I recommend Deuter, Madden, and Sherpani.

    imageimage Ashley Sawtelle Photography
  • If you are talking about the kind that carry's stuff.  I love my Swiss army (victorinox) one with cup holders on either side and it has a strap system on the back that you can use to clip coats to. 

    If you want to carry a kid, I would get the ergo or a carrier like Eden Carriers.  

  • Just to carry stuff, thanks for the replies.  I'll have to look into all of them.
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