How late is too late to write a thank you card...?
A couple weeks ago (two, possibly three), a neighbor gave us one of their DS's old bikes for our DS. They were planning to put it in the garbage/out for pickers, but ran into DH and offered it to him.
DH thanked them in person, and I thanked them later when I saw them, but I meant to send a card and haven't. Should I still send one, or is it weird at this point...?
Re: Another TY question
I think at this point if it is still on your mind, I'd write a quick thank you with a $20ish gift card for coffee or something included. After thanking them in person (twice) I think an additional note of thanks is kind of odd, but showing gratitude and acknowledging the value of the gift would be well appreciated by the neighbour.
However, IMO, no thank you card or gift card is totally acceptable too.