Toddlers: 24 Months+

staying put in the car seat

My 2.5yo daughter is always lowering the buckle on her car seat straps and taking her arms out. Is there anything I can do to the straps to prevent this without jeopardizing the integrity/safety of the seat? I've tried basic reasoning and explaining, bribes/rewards, stopping the car and punishing, refusing to go anywhere til the seat is put back on correctly, etc. Nothing seems to work long term. Any thoughts?

Re: staying put in the car seat

  • You can put a button up shirt on her and then after you've hooked her in, button the sweater up over the harness.  

    Also, make sure that the straps are properly tightened and that the harness clip is at the correct height to start with.  If properly tightened it should be very difficult for her to move it down.  It's definitely possible because some kids are just Houdinis!  
  • Assuming she is rear facing - make sure the straps come from harness slots below her shoulders. Also make sure the straps pass the pinch test and the chestclip is at armpit level. If all that still does not work, try what PP suggested - a button up shirt over straps after you put her in.
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