May 2014 Moms

Daughter Fell Off Changing Table

I was running water for her bath and had just gotten her naked. I fastened the changing pad straps over her belly and told her I'd be right back. I ran into the bathroom to test the water temp and turn off the faucet when I head a swoosh and a thump. Ran back to the nursery and she had disappeared, straps still fastened. I found her in the laundry hamper. She didn't start crying until I asked if she was okay, then she started sobbing. It didn't sound like a real cry, but more like she was crying because she thought she was supposed to, probably reacting to my reaction. I checked her for bumps, scratches, and bruises and she was perfectly fine. Went on with the bath and she kicked and giggled like usual, so crisis averted!

I still feel so awful and irresponsible. Please tell me you guys have had to deal with a fall recently so I don't feel so bad!

Re: Daughter Fell Off Changing Table

  • DD hasn't had any falls yet, but when DS was 2 months old I found out the hard way that he'd learned to pull himself forward into an almost sitting position. I propped him in the corner of the couch and walked the 16 steps to and from the kitchen just in time to watch him front-flip off and land flat on his back on the tile. He wasn't hurt, thank goodness, but that was the last time I left a baby unattended on a raised surface.

    Live and learn.


    DS: 11/8/11 | 9 lb 7 oz, 22 in
    DD: 5/22/14 | 9 lb 9 oz, 21.5 in

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  • I was so paranoid about LO falling off the change pad once he got wiggly that I put it away and started changing him on the floor on a big fluffy towel.   
  • DD recently fell off the couch! I had her on her boppy like usual, ran to my bedroom to throw on my running clothes...which I've done hundreds of times at this point. Gone two minutes and came back to no baby on the couch. Looked down and she was laying on her tummy between the couch and ottoman. Just chilling no noise or cries, looking around and I picked her up and she was all smiles. Gave me a dang heart attack. I guess that's when she decided to start trying to sit up, now I know not to leave her like that anymore.
  • Not me at this point but my coworker just told me about how her 8 month old rolled off the bed this weekend. Poor thing had a big lump on his forehead. We all make mistakes so now you know... Babies are magical super beings the second you turn your back. They literally can fly and move at the speed of light.
  • DS1 pushed DS2 off the couch when he was only a month old. I couldn't find him at first because I liked on the couch and doesn't see him at all. I thought the couch swallowed him. Nope. Just on the ground rolled next to the coffee table.

    T 2.12 | W 5.14

  • LO rolled off the couch. I had her sitting on the couch and told her I would be right back just had to change my shirt- I heard a thud and crying ran out and there she was on the floor by the coffee table! Gave me a heart attack! She had a little red mark on her forehead, I picked her up calmed her down and she was laughing and smiling at me in no time!

    BabyFruit Ticker

    <img src="<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>" width="180px">

  • I'm also someone who fell off a changing table no broken leg for me, and I think I turned out ok I am a college graduate after all. Also fell off the folding table at the laundromat.
  • Glad she is ok! Were there clothes in the laundry basket? Might have softened the fall
  • My older son fell off the changing table once and I was standing right there. He pulled a Houdini on me. He was totally fine but I was traumatized.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    BFP # 1 - 12/19/09 EDD 08/27/10 - D&C 1/26/10 @ 9w5d

    BFP # 2 - 06/05/10 EDD 02/17/11, DS1 born on 2/14/11

    BFP # 3 - 04/10/13 EDD 12/21/13 - D&C 05/15/13 @ 8w4d

    BFP # 4 - 07/27/13 EDD 04/08/14 - CP 07/29/13


    BFP # 5 - 09/14/13 EDD 05/28/14, DS2 born on 5/22/14 

  • I was baby sitting in high school and I had turned my body to grab a diaper (was still in front of the changing table and had done it hunreds of times before) and the boy I was watching rolled right off. He was completely fine, but I was a nervous wreck the rest of the day till his mom came home.
  • No falls yet with May baby but my son (now 2) fell off the couch when he was 4 mos old. I felt like shit! BUT don't feel bad...every parent makes mistakes!

    image Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Oh and my son also fell off my lap when he was about 9 mos straight into the edge of a coffee table. Had the biggest goose egg I had ever seen. Took him to the ER and they acted like I was a whack job for bringing him in. I was so scared!

    image Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • edited October 2014
    No falls for DD2 yet. Wish I could say the same of DD1. The week she started rolling she had 2 falls. I put her down on the bed right in front of me so I could put my shirt on. By the time I got my shirt over my head, DD1 was at my feet. I had no idea he could move any distance! Next day I knew better not to leave her on any surfaces. So I set her down in her car seat but didn't buckle her in. She leaned forward and flipped out of the seat onto the floor.

    around 8months old (she was crawling at that point) my sister was watching DD1. She set her down in the stroller without buckling the straps (rookie mistake!) DD came flying out of it within seconds. Landed right in the pavestones. Took all the skin off her nose an had a huge bump on her head.
    And just yesterday she fell down the stairs in our building. Thank god she only went down 4 steps and not the entire stairwell. That was by far the scariest fall. She now has a nasty black eye, breaks my heart every time I look at her to think it's all my fault.
    GBCB!!! Regs, lurkers and newbies we are leaving TheBump. Come join us at the new place ****/board/50/14 image

  • I was running water for her bath and had just gotten her naked. I fastened the changing pad straps over her belly and told her I'd be right back. I ran into the bathroom to test the water temp and turn off the faucet when I head a swoosh and a thump. Ran back to the nursery and she had disappeared, straps still fastened. I found her in the laundry hamper. She didn't start crying until I asked if she was okay, then she started sobbing. It didn't sound like a real cry, but more like she was crying because she thought she was supposed to, probably reacting to my reaction. I checked her for bumps, scratches, and bruises and she was perfectly fine. Went on with the bath and she kicked and giggled like usual, so crisis averted! I still feel so awful and irresponsible. Please tell me you guys have had to deal with a fall recently so I don't feel so bad!
    I hate it when reasoning with the baby doesn't work.

    I laughed because I've said this before to dd. But not when leaving her where she could potentially harm herself. Some like if she's under her gym or playing in her bouncer.

    I fell off the changing table when I was a baby. My mom had turned her back for a second and I kicked right off

    It's a BOY

  • @Haleighkay90‌ running is my only alone time, granted I only do two miles at a time during the weekdays but it's still nice to get away for 15-20 min :-)
  • So MIL tells a story about how my husband rolled off the bed not once not twice but three times and he's ok. :) but 3 times in the same spot...?!

  • DH was watching LO this morning and I heard him gasp, then about ten seconds later DD screaming. She rolled right off the to DH. Had a red bump and stopped crying once I held her. She's getting more and more mobile by the day!
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