Trouble TTC

BFN but still late on AF.......needing advice and support

Hello ladies Hope all is well for everyone on this tuesday. Is everyone tired from the long weekend like i am? Well, here is my confusion of the day..... Im on cycle day 29. (due to get AF yesterday). No sighting of AF as of yet. I took a pregnancy test this morning and got a BFN. I went into doc and did the bood draw test but of course it takes a day to get results back. I did everything as i was told during my 2ww (no alcohol, no heavy lifting, only running as exercise, took all meds as instructed). Should i just assume that im not prego is the pee test was BFN? Or should i still have hope? Im totally down, an emotional wreck (everyone at work is staring at me...). Just not sure what to think anymore. Oh little history, My fiance and i did our first IUI procedure 15 days ago, we tried to conceive the natural way for 15 months. Please help with some advice if you can. One more question...... is there an average amount of attempts that the IUI procedure takes? Is it rare to get a BFP on the first try? thanks everyone
me:33 Fiance: 34
Diagnosis: DOR
TTC since June 2013
IUI #1---BFN
IUI #2--- BFN
IVF #1--- BFP on 4/5/2015

Re: BFN but still late on AF.......needing advice and support

  • For most people, the first 3 IUI cycles each have about an equal chance of success (meaning, a couple failed cycles is perfectly normal). I've noticed by counting up BFPs on our IUI check-in that we seem to have fewer BFPs on IUI#1 than on #2 or #3. I wonder if that's because the protocol is tweaked and improved based on the first cycle?

    It's possible that your luteal phase is a little longer than usual this time around. Did you take meds for ovulation like Clomid or Letrozole, or are you on progesterone support (both can sometimes lengthen the luteal phase)? 

    f you triggered in the evening 17 days ago, then you probably ovulated in the morning 15 days ago. Getting your period any time today would then give you a 14 day luteal phase. Anything up to 16 days is considered normal, so perhaps you just need to wait another couple days.

    It's also possible that your blood test will come back positive, especially if your HPTs were not very sensitive. Unfortunately, this is just that crazy time of a cycle when you can't be sure. Good luck!
    January 3T Siggy Challenge - New Year's Resolutions

    Me (29), DH (30) TTC actively 54 55+ cycles | All BFNs
    MFI (low everything) | Endo Stage 1 & Stenotic Cervix (treated) | PCO
    Married - July 2008 | Started TTC - Jan 2009RE Visit #1 - Mar 2014 
    IUI #1 ICI #1 - June | IUI #1.1 Laparoscopy - Aug
    IUIs #1.2, 2, 3 - Sept, Oct, Nov (Letrozole) - BFNs 
    IUI #4 - Dec (Bravelle) | IUI #5 - Dec/Jan (Bravelle) - 5 follies + TI - BFNs
    IUI #5.1 - Jan (Bravelle) Cancelled 
    Planning to start IVF in March!
    ***All Welcome***
  • Were you on Clomid? My cycles were longer on clomid.  
    Me (29), DH (32)
    Aug 2011  - Married
    Jan 2013   - Started TTC
    Jan 2014   - OB started some testing 
                         - HSG - Normal
                         - Ultrasound - Normal
                         - SA - Normal, but tested positive for Ureaplasma
                         - Both of us on antibiotics to treat ureaplasma
                         - Blood work - progesterone: 15.9, TSH: 0.89, FT4: 1.2, Prolactin: 33.4 
    Feb 2014   - Endometrial Biopsy - Normal
    Mar 2014   - Prolactin: 22.9, referred to RE
    Apr 2014   - First RE appointment, put on medication for high prolactin levels 
                      - Clomid (50 mg) 1 follicle, Trigger shot - BFN
                      - Second SA - All Normal, borderline morph (5%) 
    May 2014   - Clomid (100mg) 2 follicles, Trigger shot - BFN
                      - blood work: Estradiol: 32.7, FSH: 5.3, Prolactin: 14.1
    June 2014  - IUI #1, Clomid (150 mg), 3 follicles, Trigger shot - BFN 
    July 2014   - IUI #2, Clomid (150 mg), 4 follicles, Trigger shot - BFN
    Aug 2014   - IUI #3, Femara 2.5, 3 follicles, Trigger shot (first time done by DH!!) - BFN
                      - Hysteroscopy - Normal
    Sept 2014 - IUI #4 Femara 2.5, 1 follicle, possibility of another one, Trigger shot - BFN
                       -Progesterone test 4 DPIUI - 7.8...started crinone.
    Oct 2014 - IUI #5 Follistim 150 3 possibly 4 follicles - Trigger Shot - BFN
    Oct/Nov 2014 - Follistim 150 with TI & Trigger shot - ???

    **October Siggy Challenge**

    I don't even know what he is supposed to be!


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  • I have participated in threads that i didnt start and didnt feel right asking questions of my own when someone was seeking there own support on the thread they started. but thanks for you advice. i wasnt treating anyone like google. i was simply asking for a little bit of up lifting words since i was extremely down about the negative pee test. sorry if you felt that way. Yes i took clomid, did a trigger shot and am still on suppository progesterone.
    me:33 Fiance: 34
    Diagnosis: DOR
    TTC since June 2013
    IUI #1---BFN
    IUI #2--- BFN
    IVF #1--- BFP on 4/5/2015
  • My AF doesn't start to a few days after I stop progesterone supplements.  In fact, my Dr told me my period most likely won't start until I stop taking those.  Once I get two negative HPT or one negative blood test I stop.  
    Me (29), DH (32)
    Aug 2011  - Married
    Jan 2013   - Started TTC
    Jan 2014   - OB started some testing 
                         - HSG - Normal
                         - Ultrasound - Normal
                         - SA - Normal, but tested positive for Ureaplasma
                         - Both of us on antibiotics to treat ureaplasma
                         - Blood work - progesterone: 15.9, TSH: 0.89, FT4: 1.2, Prolactin: 33.4 
    Feb 2014   - Endometrial Biopsy - Normal
    Mar 2014   - Prolactin: 22.9, referred to RE
    Apr 2014   - First RE appointment, put on medication for high prolactin levels 
                      - Clomid (50 mg) 1 follicle, Trigger shot - BFN
                      - Second SA - All Normal, borderline morph (5%) 
    May 2014   - Clomid (100mg) 2 follicles, Trigger shot - BFN
                      - blood work: Estradiol: 32.7, FSH: 5.3, Prolactin: 14.1
    June 2014  - IUI #1, Clomid (150 mg), 3 follicles, Trigger shot - BFN 
    July 2014   - IUI #2, Clomid (150 mg), 4 follicles, Trigger shot - BFN
    Aug 2014   - IUI #3, Femara 2.5, 3 follicles, Trigger shot (first time done by DH!!) - BFN
                      - Hysteroscopy - Normal
    Sept 2014 - IUI #4 Femara 2.5, 1 follicle, possibility of another one, Trigger shot - BFN
                       -Progesterone test 4 DPIUI - 7.8...started crinone.
    Oct 2014 - IUI #5 Follistim 150 3 possibly 4 follicles - Trigger Shot - BFN
    Oct/Nov 2014 - Follistim 150 with TI & Trigger shot - ???

    **October Siggy Challenge**

    I don't even know what he is supposed to be!


  • Thank you again for those who responded with helpful info. Im not an expert like some so responded to some posts makes me feel a little outta line. I know you @bluejoan say your not attacking but that pretty much is what it feels like, thanks. I thought we were all here to help and get info from eachothers experiences. I didnt realize my comment history is watched. I'll make sure i comment more. Sorry if this post went negative but i feel like a dog that just got kicked while down. Hope all of you are having a better day than i. Good luck to all.
    me:33 Fiance: 34
    Diagnosis: DOR
    TTC since June 2013
    IUI #1---BFN
    IUI #2--- BFN
    IVF #1--- BFP on 4/5/2015
  • Only time will tell if you are pregnant or not. That being said, I would post an intro. Good luck.

    TTC #1

    Me: AMA, DH: MFI

    Official DX - MFI due to Hemochromatosis

    IVF #1 Nov. 2014 - ER 11/10 (10R 6M 6F) - ET 11/13 

    3DT of 3 embies - no frosties - CP = BFFN!!!!

    ****All Welcome****


  • @stillpraying4ababy‌ I just read your last post. Why do feel you are being attacked?

    TTC #1

    Me: AMA, DH: MFI

    Official DX - MFI due to Hemochromatosis

    IVF #1 Nov. 2014 - ER 11/10 (10R 6M 6F) - ET 11/13 

    3DT of 3 embies - no frosties - CP = BFFN!!!!

    ****All Welcome****


  • ok, thanks all. sorry for posting questions without a full hx intro.
    me:33 Fiance: 34
    Diagnosis: DOR
    TTC since June 2013
    IUI #1---BFN
    IUI #2--- BFN
    IVF #1--- BFP on 4/5/2015
  • i simply posted on here to get some support and advice. like i stated before i wasnt using anyone as google. Ive seen how supportive everyone always seemed to be. I wasnt reaching for anyone to give me false hope. I was honestly asking, hoping to find someone who went through the same thing. Not to be attacked for not making a proper introduction. I stated in my post that my fiance and i had our first IUI procedure. Ive been supportive with other ladies on here through private message, but not sure that matters. Yes im being defensive because i feel like instead of feeling better about this crappy day through the kind words and informative comments, i felt like i got bashed for not commenting enough. im sorry if i offended anyone but i honestly felt attacked. Hope everyone has a good night. ***btw- RE called......negative beta
    me:33 Fiance: 34
    Diagnosis: DOR
    TTC since June 2013
    IUI #1---BFN
    IUI #2--- BFN
    IVF #1--- BFP on 4/5/2015
  • i simply posted on here to get some support and advice. like i stated before i wasnt using anyone as google. Ive seen how supportive everyone always seemed to be. I wasnt reaching for anyone to give me false hope. I was honestly asking, hoping to find someone who went through the same thing. Not to be attacked for not making a proper introduction. I stated in my post that my fiance and i had our first IUI procedure. Ive been supportive with other ladies on here through private message, but not sure that matters. Yes im being defensive because i feel like instead of feeling better about this crappy day through the kind words and informative comments, i felt like i got bashed for not commenting enough. im sorry if i offended anyone but i honestly felt attacked. Hope everyone has a good night.

    ***btw- RE called......negative beta

    I'm sorry you got the call with a negative. And I'm sorry you're struggling right now. Please note that there have been several informative comments on this thread from the ladies in this community. It sounds like you were looking for a particular type of response - experiences of positive beta after a negative hpt (which is probably an incredibly rare occurrence). The fact that you didn't get that response you were seeking should not be surprising if you lurked and got a feel for the community culture. It should also not be surprising since most people here have not had a positive test. If you don't like the tone of some responders, ignore it. We can't help you if you're looking for a specific response that is not within our knowledge or experience to give.

    Me: 28  MH:35

    Married September 2012. TTC since September 2013

    June 2014 - Dx w/ significant PCOS and referred to RE.

    July/August 2014 - Testing complete: Testosterone & AMH very high, FSH slightly high, Vitamin D low, tubes and lining all lovely. DH SA: A+

    Cycle 1 (Nov 2014): 2.5 mg Letrozole/Ovidrel/TI = BFN

    Cycle 2 (Dec 2014): 5 mg Letrozole/Ovidrel/TI - BFN

    Cycle 3 (Jan 2015): 5mg Letrozole/Ovidrel/TI - BFN

    WTF consult scheduled for 1/29

  • The fact is, if you spent any time on this board (or anywhere on The Bump), you'd realize that "Am I pregnant?" posts never go over well....and yes, that's what this post was.

    Just because you didn't get the answers you wanted doesn't mean that you were attacked.

    You were given good advice. Take a step back, lurk, read other threads, and determine if this is the board for you. The ladies here are a wealth of knowledge, but we're not going to offer false hope.


    TTC since July 2012 
    BFP 5/22/13. Lap. to remove ectopic and dx with endo. 6/16/13

    RE consult: June 2014

    DX: FVL, endo, hypothyroidism, blocked left tube

    Oct. 2014: First treatment cycle: Clomid+trigger+IUI=BFN

    November 2014: Clomid+trigger+IUI again=BFP!

    BFP 11/28/14 MC discovered 1/14/15

    Blogging to stay sane

  • as i stated before i was greatful and thanked that people that gave advice. i was in no way seeking a particular answer. i was expecting blunt honest answers........not 1 or 2 people commenting about how i didnt give an intro intro my IF issues. once again, i greatly appreciated the ones that did respond to the actual post subject (positive and negative). It was also in no way was this a could i be pregnant post, i was simply seeking answers and comments from anyone who had been in my confusion. like i also stated before ive messaged back and forth privately with a couple girls because when i did lurk around i found that we were on the same day during our 2ww and had similar results with certain tests. i guess maybe im more private in that aspect. i thought it would be more personal to privately message some people that chat about similarities. im not an expert to give advice or answers to 99% of the questions that people ask. so who am i to answer questions?????? sh*t, i barely know whats going on with my IF issues......... :(( Im an extremely honest and blunt person (too much at times), so if i feel like i can answer a question or assist in some way, believe me i would. I guess i just believed that me making an intro post about my life (IF life) would be me exposing my private secret life. (im also very private). as always, hope everyone is having a good hump day.
    me:33 Fiance: 34
    Diagnosis: DOR
    TTC since June 2013
    IUI #1---BFN
    IUI #2--- BFN
    IVF #1--- BFP on 4/5/2015
  • Well, we all want anonymity in some way. You can post a general intro that doesn't give anything away specifically. Your IF info will be similar to many, so that won't give you away. We all like to get to know each other out in the open on the board. Your private messages to others don't help us know you. Us knowing you is what helps make you a member. Anyway, you asked how to get involved. I spent quite a bit of time explaining how to you in my post. Re-read it and let me know if there's anything that confused you about it. There are plenty of ways to get involved. I'm private, honest, and a regular member here. Those things don't have to be mutually exclusive.
    Love 2010 | Marriage 2011 | TTC #1 since 2012
    PCOS | Anovulatory | Metformin + Letrozole
  • yes, done with the topic. didnt realize there were so many "rules"..... all i can do is sigh, and laugh it off at this point (coping mechanism). saying i need to post an intro in order to be considered a member to a free public site is confusing and judgmental in my eyes. but maybe im just coming from a different point of view. im just mis understood and my explanations dont mean anything. not much else to do, unless i grow the ability to air my IF laundry and make an intro post.
    me:33 Fiance: 34
    Diagnosis: DOR
    TTC since June 2013
    IUI #1---BFN
    IUI #2--- BFN
    IVF #1--- BFP on 4/5/2015
  • yes, done with the topic. didnt realize there were so many "rules"..... all i can do is sigh, and laugh it off at this point (coping mechanism). saying i need to post an intro in order to be considered a member to a free public site is confusing and judgmental in my eyes. but maybe im just coming from a different point of view. im just mis understood and my explanations dont mean anything. not much else to do, unless i grow the ability to air my IF laundry and make an intro post.
    This is not dropping it. This is demanding support without being willing to give it and defiantly refusing to adhere to the board's culture. *head desk*
    Love 2010 | Marriage 2011 | TTC #1 since 2012
    PCOS | Anovulatory | Metformin + Letrozole
  • Guise. I told MK I wouldn't pee on OPKS during this vacay but I never said I wouldn't check in on TB. Anywho, IMO, I was nice to OP. Anyone who has ACTUALLY seen the "Wrath of Ketchup" care to inform her how differently this could have gone? I mean, come on..
    After her last response, I was admittedly a little excited when I saw you commented again LOL
    Love 2010 | Marriage 2011 | TTC #1 since 2012
    PCOS | Anovulatory | Metformin + Letrozole
  • futuremrsloyafuturemrsloya member
    edited October 2014
    Stillpraying4ababy, I totally agree with you. From the moment I joined the bump (like pressed the join now button without having to read through community rules and regulations) I felt that everyone was really rude. I hadn't posted anything yet, just clicked on one forum to read it and see what the atmosphere is like here. To be honest I'd rather not ask a single question in this community. Everyone here has hopes for pregnancy wether it's to get pregnant or to deliver a happy healthy baby. If people are going to get all butt hurt over other people expressing those hopes, then they are the ones who have issues. This is my very first and very last post. If this was the last community on earth to communicate with and my sanity depended on talking to these I'll tempered, barren women I'd rather choose to lose my mind. And for you Stillpraying4ababy, good luck on your journey ttc. Sending baby dust your way!
  • Well your idea of 30 seconds is a lot longer than mine considering I've been a member since... oh gosh... about January. I am getting out of here. Not because you told me to, which oh my goodness the power you have over me =)) but because after my 3 year struggle,I'm pregnant!!! Feels so good to be able to rub that one all up in your face! So... i know that once again your going to say I'm "incredibly offensive" but your ridiculously unsupportive so we are even.
  • That escalated quickly!
    Me-33 DH-36.
    Married 11/10 TTC 11/10
    06/11- diagnosed with PCOS 
    7/11- D&C and benched for a year 
    9/12-4/13-6 rounds of 50 mg Clomid- no sucess 
    6/13- new doc
    7/13-4/14- 6 more rounds of Clomid. 50 mg and then stepped up to 100mg- no success 
    5/14-7/14- took break waiting for new insurance 
    7/14-new insurance= new doc- actually a RE!!!! 
    7/14-HSG and blood test good-PCOS confirmed by new doc 
    10/14 looking forward to 1st IUI w/ Menopur. Blood Test= Negative
    11/14- IUI #2
    w/ Menopur- Blood Test= Negative
    1/15- IUI # 3 w/
    Menopur- Blood Test= Negative
    2/15- Self Benched this cycle
    3/15/15-Suprise BFP on natural cycle!!!! EDD-11/16/15

  • Im not gonna stop defending myself.  and I HAVE given support.  Maybe not the way you guys have or what adheres to your "rules".
    me:33 Fiance: 34
    Diagnosis: DOR
    TTC since June 2013
    IUI #1---BFN
    IUI #2--- BFN
    IVF #1--- BFP on 4/5/2015
  • Ick. Kinda wish I hadn't read this thread. Now I am sad, but also really happy because all the ladies here are awesome!
    ****SIGGY WARNING****


    TTC since May 2013

    Me: 31, blocked tube
    DH: 35, azoospermia :(
    IUI #1 (50 mg Clomid, Ovidrel) on 9/7/2014: BFN
    IUI #2 (100 mg Clomid, Ovidrel) on 10/3/2014:
    IUI #3 (100 mg Clomid, Ovidrel, Estradiol) on 11/1/2014: BFN
    First RE appt. on 11/11/2014
    November 2014: Benched due to cyst :(
    IUI #4 (5 mg Letrozole, Follistim, Ovidrel, Crinone) on 12/26/2014: BFP!!!
    Beta 1 (1/9/2015): 292     Beta 2 (1/12/2015): 843

  • This made my day.

    Me: 28 DH: 28

    Married: 6 years

     TTC since: Sept 2010

    Diagnosis: Stage 4 Endometriosis, Hashimoto's

    Treatment: Lupron (3/2010 – 9/2010 & 7/2013 – 2/2014)

    April 2013 - BFP – missed mc confirmed 5/08/2014. D&C 5/22/2014

    Sept/Oct 2014: IUI #1 (Gonal F + HCG) = BFN

    Oct/Nov 2014: Temporarily Benched due to multiple cysts on each ovary.

    Nov 27: IUI #2 (Gonal F + HCG) = BFP

  • @SND1231, what? you mean by lurking and paying attention to posts other than your own, you can actually learn the culture of the board? You even figured out that we have regular threads all on your own? Wow. That must have been hard. :P (read my sarcasm)

    To the WK who rubbed her BFP in our faces, I don't even remember your name and you aren't worth my time to even scroll up and look. You acted like a bitch and now you've burned your bump bridge. TB never forgets. Bye, felicia.
    Love 2010 | Marriage 2011 | TTC #1 since 2012
    PCOS | Anovulatory | Metformin + Letrozole
  • Enough said....

    ************Siggy warning, LO & loss***************

    Me 37 - DH 37 unexplained infertility
    DS born 09/99
    TTC since 2010
    12/11 BFP - ectopic, received methotrexate, benched 4 months 
    08/14 - exploring fertility options

    Tubes clear, SA for DH all clear
    10/14- #1 IUI (femera/ovadril/progesterone), 2 follicles 22/17, post wash count 94 million BFN

    10/14 - #2 IUI (Femera/ovidrel/progesterone ), 2 follies 19/20, post wash 111 million, BFN Dec 2014 Femera BFFN Taking a break to explore foster to adopt!

  • holy crap, i gotta say, that girl was a little abrasive. Ive read a bunch of discussions and always saw that everyone was supportive and everyone gave advice with my other post. but this one rubbed SOME, NOT ALL, people the wrong way. i dont have time nor do i care enough to make a second profile. what would be the point of that. i joined this site because i was told that i could read and learn things about IF and that people would give good advice. i was also warned that the ladies can be harsh if you rub them the wrong way (the girl who told me about TB no longer logs on here) but i wanted to try anyway. and like i said before everyone always seemed nice. although i never read the discussions that had negative titles. I stated before why i PM 3 or 4 other people. just felt it was more personal. but again, that doesnt matter. i guess it just needs to be seen, the support that it. gotta admit that im kinda bummed that this has turned out this way. i think EVERYONE (myself and the few people that jumped down my throat) couldve handled comments differently. oh well. maybe one day ill make an intro. although with my first post, i did introduce myself in the first part of the discussion. guess that wasnt the right type of intro. i did read read the "rules" about lurking and intros and stuff and i kinda felt, i kinda did what i was supposed to do but in the wrong way, i guess. toss it up to me not getting it right and me being defensive. hope all is well with everyone.
    me:33 Fiance: 34
    Diagnosis: DOR
    TTC since June 2013
    IUI #1---BFN
    IUI #2--- BFN
    IVF #1--- BFP on 4/5/2015
  • BlueJoan said:
    murrt said:
    @BlueJoan Yup. Just a dab. Also, you can use furniture polish to remove fingerprints too!
    So cool!!  I'm going to try that. Thanks!
    I saw later in the thread that a poster's dog kept licking her appliances after, so I wouldn't do it if your dogs like to lick things LOL
    Love 2010 | Marriage 2011 | TTC #1 since 2012
    PCOS | Anovulatory | Metformin + Letrozole
  • BlueJoan said:
    murrt said:
    @BlueJoan Yup. Just a dab. Also, you can use furniture polish to remove fingerprints too!
    So cool!!  I'm going to try that. Thanks!
    I saw later in the thread that a poster's dog kept licking her appliances after, so I wouldn't do it if your dogs like to lick things LOL

    I had to laugh at this because my dog LOVES olive oil so much we had to stop keeping it on our counter (he's huge and can reach without even trying).  We know put it on his food to help his coat, but I could only imagine the chaos that would ensue if I tried to clean my appliances with it!
    Me: 31 (PCOS) possible right tube issues DH: 36 (SA normal) 
    Started dating in 2006, Married 2012 
    TTC since November 2013 
    First RE visit due to irregular periods: June 2014
    Lap/Hysto to remove polyps, cyst and tube blockage 11/6
    Cycle 1 (Dec. 2014) TI with Clomid, Trigger, & Progesterone CX due to no response
    Impatiently Waiting CD1 to try again with Fermara Back on the bench due to giant cyst,
    who know I'd ovulate on my own after a cancelled cycle and end up with a mega cyst :(
    All Welcome
  • murrt said:

    oh well that BFP being rubbed in our faces was just mean :(

    I'm betting she's not preggers....just trying to piss us off. Don't let some crazy get to you.
    I'm thinking the same thing, I bet she's not preggers also.  Why would someone who is pregnant after trying for 3 years (like she claims) who has never posted on this site ever lurk on a TTTC board if they're pregnant?  She's just an asshole with too much time on her hands.  It was so obvious what she was trying to do, I found it funny.  

    I'm done with this thread and glad it turned into getting some helpful household tips, thanks ladies.

    TTC #1

    Me: AMA, DH: MFI

    Official DX - MFI due to Hemochromatosis

    IVF #1 Nov. 2014 - ER 11/10 (10R 6M 6F) - ET 11/13 

    3DT of 3 embies - no frosties - CP = BFFN!!!!

    ****All Welcome****


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