

jen102279jen102279 member
edited October 2014 in Infertility
I seriously feel like I need to punch something...

We have been waiting over 2 weeks for the PGD results.  I get a call friday (at the end of the day, mind you) from the lab saying, "You haven't paid the invoice so we can't go ahead with the testing...yada yada"

Umm what? What invoice???

Oh we emailed that on the 2nd...  (Friday was the 10th...EIGHT DAYS EARLIER)

I don't have an emailed invoice...not in my spam/junk, nowhere.

This is ridiculous! I completely understand needing the payment before doing the testing and/or releasing the results.  But You emailed me a bill? And then wait over a week to follow up?! Hello people who work in this lab, who obviously have never had to go through this stressful process! We are waiting to find out of one of the embryos is healthy so that we might have a child...I'm not waiting to find out if my CD order is coming from amazon...

So here we are, still waiting.  Maybe now I'll get bumped to Dec for my FET, because that's no big deal either, right?  @-)  X(
****Signature warning Losses Mentioned****

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

BFP#1 07/01/2004 ~ EDD 03/10/2005 ~ 
D&C 8/1/2004 @ 5w5d
BFP#2 12/27/10 ~ EDD 9/06/2011 ~ DS born 08/14/11 via c-section, passed away 10/17/11
BFP#3 09/07/12 ~ EDD 5/09/2013 ~ DS born 01/30/13 survived for 2 hrs
08/06/14 Waiting for 1st IVF cycle to begin

IVF#1: started stims 9/15; trigger 9/24; ET 9/26-5R 5M, 5F. 3 biopsied for PGD

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  • lemonliz said:
     PS: who emails an invoice, anyhow?  And why couldn't they just tell you upfront that you needed to pay before they would proceed with testing?  They could have told you that 2 weeks ago. 
    Right???!!! That's exactly why I'm so mad!!
    Thank you :)
    ****Signature warning Losses Mentioned****

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

    BFP#1 07/01/2004 ~ EDD 03/10/2005 ~ 
    D&C 8/1/2004 @ 5w5d
    BFP#2 12/27/10 ~ EDD 9/06/2011 ~ DS born 08/14/11 via c-section, passed away 10/17/11
    BFP#3 09/07/12 ~ EDD 5/09/2013 ~ DS born 01/30/13 survived for 2 hrs
    08/06/14 Waiting for 1st IVF cycle to begin

    IVF#1: started stims 9/15; trigger 9/24; ET 9/26-5R 5M, 5F. 3 biopsied for PGD

    image           image

  • Oh, hell no! I'd definitely be reading someone the riot act! Don't they think you'd be in communication with them about something so important if you had received their email?? I'm sorry. I hope they can get going right away now.
    **siggy warning**  **everyone welcome**

    DS- 11.07.02
    DSS- 6.26.04
    Married- 6.29.13
    TTC Again- Sept. 2013
    Test Results/Diagnosis- HSG & SA totally normal
    DX: 3/2014 Prolactinoma/Hyperprolactinemia- Started cabergoline 2/2014
    5/2014 Possible mild PCOS in addition to hyperprolactinemia??
    7/2014 Adding probable tubal factor to the diagnosis list
    9/2014 And now adding hypothyroid to the list- Started synthroid 9/2014
    Cycles 1-4 - Sept.-March- All Anovulatory 
    IUI #1 March/April-  Clomid 50mg + Clomid 100mg +Trigger + IUI #1 = BFN
     IUI #2 April/May-Clomid 100mg + Clomid 150mg + Trigger + IUI #2 + Endometrin=BFN
    IUI #3- June- Follistim 75iu + Trigger + IUI #3  Benched due to a 40 mm cyst. :-(
    IUI #3- July- Follistim 75iu + Trigger + IUI #3 + Endometrin = BFP! on 7/25/14
    Slowly rising betas - Ectopic suspected on 8/8/14 & confirmed on 8/11/14
    Methotrexate on 8/12/14 -HCG negative on 9/2/14
    IVF #1- November- Antagonist protocol: 11/1: start stims, 200iu of Follistim; 11/12 ER 17R/14M/14F; 11/17 5 day transfer of two blasts, 2 blasts and 2 expanding morulas frozen; 11/22 BFP!! (On FRER at 5dp5dt)
    Betas: 9dp5dt 205, 11dp5dt 497, 14dp5dt 1,709
    u/s at 5w0d- 1 sac; u/s at 6w0d 1 baby with heartbeat, another sac without a heartbeat

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  • That is awful as if you don't have enough stress.
    me 33- everything looks good
    mister 34- PCD zero motilty 
    TTC#1 using donor sperm
    IUI#1 Dec 2nd-BFN
    IUI# Dec 28th-BFN
    IUI#3 Jan 26th-BFN
    IUI#4  Feb 26th-BFP
    mc March 2014
    IUI#5 April 6th prometrium-BFN
    IUI #6 cancled ovulated too early
    IVF# 1 July
    ER: Aug 3rd: 18R 15M 14F
    10 embryos frozen
    ET: Oct. 7th 1x5BA blast-BFN
    ET: Jan 9th 1x3AA blast- Beta 1/21

    imageimageimageDaisypath Anniversary tickers
  • No!!! I hope you can talk to someone in charge to hopefully move things along more quickly. Hugs.
    Married since July 2012
    TTC #1 since April 2013
    BFP #1 9.16.13 / EDD 5.26.14 / Natural miscarriage 7w4d

  • I'm sending them a GIANT middle finger.  This whole process sucks.  Period.  ((HUGS))

    My FF Chart:
    TTC #3 since June 2013
    BFP #1 7/21/2013--EDD 3/30/14--D&C 9/24/13
    BFP #2 1/28/14--MC 2/7/14

    IUI #1 5mg Femara + trigger = BFN
    IUI #2 5mg Femara + trigger = BFN
    IUI #3 5mg Femara + trigger = BFN
    IVF #1, Stimmed for 12 days, ER 8/22/14, 9 retrieved, 7M, 7F!!  Freeze all due to fluid in uterus.
    FET end of October 2014 cancelled due to fluid in uterus due to possible c-scar defect
    Surgery scheduled 12/12/14 to fix possible isthmocele
    3/26/15 transferred one 8 cell grade 4 embryo and one 6 cell grade 3 embryo = slow rising betas for 2+ weeks = ectopic MTX shot 4/29/15
    Repeat c-scar surgery June 2015
    2nd and last IVF cycle August 2015, stimmed for 12 days, 2 egg retrieved, both mature and both fertilized.  Transferred both 8-cell embryos on Day 3, beta 9/5/15 = BFFN

  • That's not good at all!  The place I used for my PGD required a form of payment prior to doing the testing, but I would have thought you were talking about the same place I used based on the bad customer service you are dealing with. 

    No one responds to voice mails or emails, then once it was all said and done and they charged me for the testing, it was like pulling teeth to get the invoice I needed to submit to my insurance. It was for almost $8,000 so needless to say I wanted it ASAP so I could send the insurance claim. It took one voice mail and 3 emails to finally get it. 

    I know they are doing a great service to me by being able to test for the genetic disease I carry, but sheesh let's work on our customer service. 

    Hope everything else is smooth sailing for you from now on. :)
  • WTF! Who emails a bill? I'd be livid. Sorry you have to deal with that. Such a frustrating thing to have to find out after waiting.
  • That's total BS!! What asshats. Seriously, how do you do that a person?!?  I hope you raise holy hell over this! That's completely ridiculous. 
    TTC since 11/09
    me: 39 DH: 36  
    dx: unexplained (ugh) 

    January 2011 - December 2012: 4 cycles w/Clomid; 9 IUIs w/Follistim & Menopur;  two IVF cycles converted to IUI (poor response/dominant follicle) 

    August 2014 IVF (antagonist protocol: Menopur, Follistim, Ganirelix, dexamethasone): 13 eggs, 9 mature, 8 fertilized w/ICSI; 0 frozen, 3 transferred day 5 = BFN

    October 2014 IVF (micro-lupron protocol: mircrolupron, Menopur, Follistim, dexamethasone): 8 eggs, 4 mature, 3 fertilized w/ICSI; 3 transferred day 3 = BFP! Beta 1=121; Beta 2=287; Beta 3 =678. Miscarriage @ 8w2d. :(
  • I would flip the F out on those jackasses.  Seriously??? WTF?  If you feel like sharing who the lab is, please do.  Even if you don't write out the whole name.  I'd be curious, just as a cautionary I am using PGD.  There is NOTHING that is ok with how they treated you.  You should make some noise over this.  I am pissed for you.  I hope they move quickly from here and that your transfer doesn't get delayed further.  I'm so sorry.  
  • I would be furious. In fact, I am furious. 
    Our story:
    Married 7/2013 - been TTC ever since
    Me: 35 - normal test results
    Husband: 30 - Concentration:10.8 Million/ml, Motility: 16%, Progressive Motility: 9%, Morphology: 3%
    First started talking to fertility specialist in 4/2014
    IVF #1 
    11/13 - 19 retrieved, 18 ICSI, 15 fertilized. 
    Transfer 11/16 - 1 blastocyst transfered, 3 frosties
    11/28 - Beta #1 BFP! 12dp5dt beta 1,699
    11/30 - Beta #2 14dp5dt 3,400 
    12/8 - No signs of baby at first U/S (6 weeks)
    12/15 - yolk sac, fetal pole and heartbeat all there! I'm still pregnant! One girl, due 8/4
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    BabyFruit Ticker
    All are welcome!

  • Oh if be f'in pissed!!!!! Do people not realize how stressful and important this process is. I'd go crazy. I'm sorry you're dealing with this.

    Is it an outside lab, or your RE's lab?
    TTC since May 2012
    Me: 32 H: 31
    DX: MFI-Very Low Count, I have Hashimotos.
    IVF prep September 2013 cancelled due to Ovarian Cyst
    IVF #1 October 2013 Antagonistic Protocol with ICSI  ER 10/31/13 (18R 16M 11F- 6 blasts to freeze)
    ET delayed due to OHSS 
    FET scheduled for July 8. Delayed due to a crazy high TSH (it had been under control for YEARS!)
    FET #1 8/5/14 sET BFN 

    All welcome!
  • I would be so furious!! My RE office emails invoices and mails them, which I appreciate.  One time there was something due so they called me to tell me they were emailing it to me, which was good since it went straight into my junk email. You need to give someone a piece of your mind!!!!

    My TTC Story:

    Me: 40,DH: 48, Married 10/07/2011, TTC since 09/2011, 03/2012 Started Clomid, 04/2012
    Clomid, 05/2012 Clomid, 06/2012 Went to RE, he found a plum size fibroid in uterus, husband has low sperm count, 06/06/2012 Removed fibroid, 08/2012 Hysteroscopy
    IVF #1 October 2012 - Retrieved 8 eggs, 5 fertilized, 10/13/2012 Transferred 3 embryos - 8, 5, and 4 cells,
    the other 2 eggs did not survive freezing, 10/26/2012 BFP!! Beta: 11, 10/26/12 Beta: 2 = Chemical Pregnancy
    IVF #2 - March 2014 - Mini IVF - Retrieved 5 eggs, 4 fertilized, 4 Frosties - 8, 9, 7, and 7 cells all in good condition. 

    IVF #3 - May 2014 - Mini IVF - Retrieved 2 eggs, 2 fertilized, 2 Frosties - 6 and 8 in good condition. 
    FET #1 - September 2014 - Transferred 2 embryos - both 8 cells - BFN

    FET#2 - November 2014 - Transferred 2 embryos - BFN

    FET#3 - February 2014

    *PAIF/SAIF Welcome*

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