May 2014 Moms

Baby hates tummy time.anyone else?

My baby will be 5months in a week, but she hates tummy time still. She'll lay there for literally a min and starts crying it doesn't matter what distraction I try. She sits by herself with us around watching just in case. Her Doc said to not worth about it cause she's very strong with everything else. What do you guys think? Or do to make your kids like it?
Oh if it helps I can't stand being on my tummy either not even for a bit. I've been that way my entire life.

Re: Baby hates tummy time.anyone else?

  • My little guy did not like it at first. We kept puting him on his belly on the boppy. He liked it...after a while we transitioned him to the floor and now he's doig great and rolling over like a champ.

    I think babies do things on their own time.... I wouldn't worry!!
  • My DD hates tummy time also. Sometimes I can keep her engaged for a few minutes with toys. Other times she just cries from the second I put her down. No interest in rolling in either direction. Her neck strength is great, so I'm not worried about that. And we're working on sitting to help her core strength.

    Like pp said, all babies are different. I have to keep reminding myself not to compare. It's hard! Keep at the tummy time, but don't stress about it.
    BFP#1 8/3/12~EDD 4/1/13~Natural M/C 9/1/12-9w6d 
    BFP#2 5/30/13~EDD 2/3/14~Confirmed CP 5/31/13
    7/12/13 Hysteroscopy & Lap Lysis of Adhesions
    1st Cycle on Clomid Aug '13: BFP#3 8/24/13~EDD 5/3/14
    Hoping Third Time's a Charm!!- IT'S A GIRL!!!! 

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    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers 

    Lilypie - (nUwf)

    All AL-ers welcome in my posts! <3
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  • Neither of my kids liked tummy time, so I never forced the issue. The goal of tummy time is primarily to take pressure off the head and, to a lesser degree, to strengthen the neck, and there are plenty of other ways to accomplish both.


    DS: 11/8/11 | 9 lb 7 oz, 22 in
    DD: 5/22/14 | 9 lb 9 oz, 21.5 in

  • I wouldn't worry either. My little guy was the same way. I gradually got him used to it by going from one minute to two minutes and so on. He's 4 mths 2weeks and is rolling back and forth like crazy now and even purposely stays on his belly for a while. We also use a prop pillow made by baby Einstein for tummy time and that helps a lot, too.
  • And your daughter is adorable!!!
  • Mine just turned 5 months today and yesterday hated it still but today likes it a little better but still not a fan. I'm thinking once she starts trying to move more she'll be better with it. She also sits up really well too.

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