July 2014 Moms

The Walking Dead Premiere

jensaviccijensavicci member
edited October 2014 in July 2014 Moms
let's talk about it!

Don't forget to write "spoil alert" at the beginning of your comments that tell specific details about the show!

Re: The Walking Dead Premiere

  • ***SPOIL ALERT***

    It's on commercial but,

    I'm pretty sure the dead ppl hanging up everywhere are what they were grilling up in the very last episode of last season. Grossness x 100.
  • I'm going to bed early but I'll definitely contribute tomorrow.
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    @ZeroZeroOne‌ I watched Talking Dead after and they said it was a sneak peek and that Morgan will be back soon. So exciting!!

    How badass was Carol in this episode? I loved seeing her and Daryl reunite.

    @addysmom22‌ I ordered the same onesie for DD last night!
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  • Ds wore the same onesie!

    So that episode was a little to much for me. The hands around Judiths neck was enough that I almost turned the tv off. I'm giving it one more episode if it's that horrific I'm done.
  • @Nichole8787 I totally agree. The whole slicing the throats and then that guy threatening Judith was a little much for me. All sorts of new anxiety.



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  • Thank god I read spoilers here about Judith and the neck slashing scene. I muted and turned my head with the necks, and the Judith part just made me super angry and happy that I figured T would go ape shit on the guy. 

    TWD has actually been a little too much for me (violence wise) for quite some time. I keep saying I'm going to give up on it, but then something draws me back in. 

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  • Qfrump said:
    Apologies if this has been previously discussed, but what are they feeding Judith? And how does she have clean clothes that fit? Who do you think is the next to die?
    In one episode they were taking formula from a baby supply store. 

    I figured the clothes came from the house they were at that was abandoned. 

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  • @Qfrump‌ I wondered that the whole episode too! I kept thinking maybe carol was breast feeding her in one episode but she might have just been sleeping against her sideways. And my LO is always out growing clothes so how does she maintain clothes that fit her! Anywhoooo, I loved the premiere. It was just a tad gruesome, I will agree to that. I love Glenn. He is my favorite.

  • I'm so worried that Glenn will die next :((
    TTC History
    Me: 35 DH: 34
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