Working Moms

Working Mom Starting Tomorrow!

Hi there! I have been mostly lurking, and occasionally responding on here for a while. Since I am back to work tomorrow, I figured it is time to come out from the shadows :) I have a 7 week old DD, and I am heading back to work at a Head Start & childcare center tomorrow. I am lucky because I work in the infant/toddler room, and my DD will be coming with me. I am excited to get back, but have a little anxiety about the fact that she doesn't sleep well at night, and I worry that she won't calm without nursing when she gets extremely upset. I will be able to nurse occasionally, but mostly she will be drinking pumped milk while we are there. She will take a bottle, but doesn't love it and much prefers to nurse. Wish me luck! It could be a tricky couple of days (or weeks) as we adjust to our new routine.

Re: Working Mom Starting Tomorrow!

  • good luck! that's an awesome way to go back to work and still have your baby with you

    I found that my baby's sleep at night improved a lot when I went back to work and she had an early starting day. If it's a weekend/holidays she would keep waking up to nurse and napping well until 9-10 am but if we go to work/nursery she gets up at 6-7 am and nurses/changes and doesn't nap until about 10 am, she would take 3 naps and then sleeps better at night.

    I went back to work when she was 6 weeks old. Best of luck! you can and will do it
    God Bless You my Little One
    Farida, our first child, born on the 19th of July 2014
    Farida, at 8 weeks
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  • 2 days in and so far, so good. It has been a little emotional bringing her because I had always planned for my mom to watch my children while I worked, and she passed away unexpectedly in May. Monday I spent a lot of time with my supervisor processing through some stuff and getting the emotional weepy stuff out of my system so it doesn't show in the classroom and put off weird vibes to the kiddos. (I partially blame leftover hormones for the tears.) My supervisor called me from the other center to check in and see how I am feeling today, and has been so amazing. 

    In other good news...Last night DD slept from 6-7:30 & 11-1. When she woke up at 1 I tried to feed her and she wasn't interested, so I just brought her into bed with me and she slept all the way to 6! I hope she does that well tonight!!!
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