December 2011 Moms


My son is driving me crazy lately. 
He is turning everything into a gun. I don't even know where he saw that. We don't have guns in our house. Im thinking the kids at preschool are showing him. 
He is also hitting and kicking and throwing. Again, kids at preschool. 
Im about to go crazy. I don't know how many more times I can say "no" and take away his stuff. 

Im hoping this is a phase that just passes very quickly! 
** Highschool Sweethearts ** 
Married: February 14, 2009

MC: June 6 2010 @ 18 weeks
DS: December 19, 2011
MC: October 2, 2015 @ 14 weeks

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Re: Ugh.

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    I hear you! Everything is a "phew-phew" (His sound effect for the gun shooting off.) If not a gun it is a sword & I have to constantly remind him his little brother's head is RIGHT.THERE.

    DH has a hunting rifle, but nothing DS has ever even seen, so it isn't coming from our house. I'm assuming day care. He has also recently become obsessed with supe heros (wondered when that was going to start.) So he is loving being VERY physical with his play.

    He's becoming that stereotypical boy for sure, but when he gives me a hug & says "My wuv you" it makes it a little easier to let him be what he needs to be. :) LOL


    My 2 December boys



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    I remember my college developmental psych professor telling the story about the pious reverend's son who the adults were sitting at dinner talking about how "my child would never" ... and as if to be on cue - his kid comes in using a crucifix as an imaginary toy gun...  Yes, this is a "normal" phase of development and soon it'll be on to the next one...
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    Yeah its frustrating. I know he's watching our every move so Im trying to be super careful now. 
    ** Highschool Sweethearts ** 
    Married: February 14, 2009

    MC: June 6 2010 @ 18 weeks
    DS: December 19, 2011
    MC: October 2, 2015 @ 14 weeks

    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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