I know not many of you are in my situation with step children but I'm still going to ask your opinion.
DHs ex told him about a month ago that since the kids don't have school today or Monday that she was taking them to New York to visit her sister. DH said that was fine since it is her weekend anyway.
(They never went to court for custody. The arrangement they agreed on is every other weekend and they sleep at their moms house on week nights to ride the bus near her house. They ride a different bus in the afternoon. I get them off the bus and they spend the evenings here till their mom gets off work around 8.)
We assume she is taking them thurs after school till Monday sometime. Great, long weekend! No, she finally told us that she wasn't bringing them back till next weekend. DH said no they don't need to miss school. They discussed it, argued and then she took them anyway.
I know since there is no court custody order that there's nothing we can do, right?
Do you think that's shitty of her or am I just overreacting because I hate her?
Re: Step parent issues
I do think that if it can be done amicably, maybe the agreement needs to be formalized just to aid in both parents being respectful of each other.
In the meantime, enjoy this one on one time with Ty >:D<
Also, I thought you should know my phone auto corrected formalized to fireballs. Wtheck? Lol!
Their mom lets them miss the entire day of school when they have any appt. dentist, eye dr, so they miss a lot of school. Also, Olivia isn't doing very well in school right now. She's having trouble with math and spelling. I just don't think she needs to miss 4 days of school. I can see if a vacation was planned and a hotel paid for but they are just going to their aunts house. The trip could be shortened.
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