Pregnant after 35

Progesterone Levels...

Hi ya'll!  So, I recently found out that my husband and I are expecting our 3rd child (through 4 pregnancy tests over 3 days).  If my math is right, I'd be about 6w along. I contacted my doctor and was told to get a urine test through the lab to confirm.  I did and was told later that day it was negative.  So, I did another urine test at home and it came up positive too. LOL  Anywho, I was told that I needed to do a blood test.  I did the blood test and the very next morning I was told that my progesterone levels are 24.2 (which I assumed was within normal range), but the nurse sounded concerned and asked me to come in the following morning to take another test. I was never really given an answer to why they requested this second blood draw.  Sorry about the long drawn out story, but is this normal?  Sounds strange, being how this is my 3rd child, but I've never had my progesterone levels questioned before and have never had to go through such hoops in order to confirm my pregnancy through the clinic. 

Re: Progesterone Levels...

  • My dr likes anything over 20 ! The blood test was positive for hcg? If so might not be progesterone they're checking might be to see if your hcg numbers doubled like they should. What was your hcg numbers.
    ***ticker warning*** DS 3/27/12 born 6 weeks perfect boy !! Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers [url=][img][/img][/url] image<a href="
  • Unfortunately, I didn't think to ask about my hcg levels.  :(  Funny thing is, I should know better.  LOL I wondered if my hcg levels were within the normal range, but I was curious as to why they only mentioned the progesterone levels. I have to go in tomorrow morning to take another blood test and I should then hear back from them on Monday. 
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  • Yeah they usual mention the hcg and progesterone is after do you have history of loss? Maybe ask dr exactly what they are testing again! Good luck and welcome!
    ***ticker warning*** DS 3/27/12 born 6 weeks perfect boy !! Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers [url=][img][/img][/url] image<a href="
  • Thank you so much for your input. :) *hug*  I called the doctor's office back, shortly after your first comment and asked them to specify the results, so I had a better idea of what is being done.  According to the nurse, I'm VERY early in my pregnancy, which had been why I had a negative result in the urine test they gave me a week ago.  Hence, why they made me take a blood test. Because I'm so early, they just want me to take another blood test to make sure that my levels are going up and that I have a viable pregnancy.  So, test time tomorrow morning and results will be on Monday.  I'll update then, as to the final results.  Again, thank you for your replies. :)
  • So welcome ..I thought it had to be the hcg;) good luck!
    ***ticker warning*** DS 3/27/12 born 6 weeks perfect boy !! Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers [url=][img][/img][/url] image<a href="
  • Welcome to the board and good luck :)
  • I dont know what "normal" levels are, but I would ask your doctor if you can take progesterone supplements. From my understanding, low progesterone CAN lead to miscarriage in older women so it might be worth it to get on it if there is some questions right now.

    Good Luck
    ===siggy warning====
    Me: 40, DH: 42
    Diagnosis: PCOS
    TTC: May 2013
    TX: IUI #1 with Follistim. Canceled due to too many follicles (10 + that were large); BENCHED
    IVF #1 March 6. 14 eggs retrieved, 10 fertilized. 
    March 11, 4 eggs transferred.
    March 21 BFP  :) Beta #1 457, Beta #2 1350, Beta #3 9619. 
    Due Date November 27, 2014

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