MH won't stop liking something because it got popular, but he will make damn sure you know he liked it before it got popular. Great job, honey. Here's your hipster trophy.
But see, if anyone ever stole my keys and tried to break into my house with them, they'd be caught while trying each of the 517 keys on the ring in an attempt to find the house key.
So people use lanyards for their keys? I thought it was for work badges and conferences. I've always associated them with professionals, not kids.
In my high school in Connecticut, the lacrosse lanyards were THE THING to have attached to your keys. And you would swing it around and around in the dining hall. I will never dissociate lanyards from high school preppy kids and their jeeps.
ETA: also, you put your keys in your pocket, but the lanyard hangs down out of the pocket. Duh.
Same, except for me it was my small liberal arts college, not high school.
I love the Kindle app. It took me a while to warm up to not having a physical book, but I love being able to decide I want to read a certain book, press a few buttons, and boom -- I have a new book.
Oh good we can talk about hating crossfit. I love this part.
Shoot did we do this one already?
Classic noob mistake. I apologize.
Oh I was dead serious. Crossfit is the worst.
I was talking to my sports medicine doc about different workouts. CF came up and I asked his opinion. His response "well, it's good for my business. Lots of needless injuries."
I had to google laynard.
It wasn't the shit when I went to high school.
I wear one everyday all day. My badge and photo has to be visible at all times. Plus it has my security credentials in it. I also need it to log on computer system.
I don't really feel sad about DS growing up. DH was all wistful on his 3rd birthday, but not me. I think it's exciting, plus he just keeps getting more independent which makes my life easier. I'll probably be pretty sad when he leaves for college though.
DS is 1DAF
"I realize I say the word fuck a lot, and I'd like to apologize but I don't give a shit." -Lewis Black
Oh god there are so many amazing Crossfit things... I will stop after this one.
Pretty much, yes. Thursday FFC: I think people who bash crossfit do so because they're not capable of that intense of a workout.
Oh gods
Yeah no. I have to disagree with that. I absolutely LOVE and by all means, CRAVE an intense, "think I might die, but I'll feel better afterward-type workout", but I dont believe I need to deadlift or bench press 200lbs to achieve the results I desire either.
Ok, so back to the lanyards..there are many styles
The ones around the neck - those were what we wore as college freshman for our dorm key. Some people at work wear the neck ones for their swipe badge. I personally would rather wear a necklace than accessorize with my id. The work badge has to be displayed, but it hangs from my belt clip.
My keys are on a wrist strap lanyard - which I used to not like but someone gave me one and I used it because it's convenient to carry if I go somewhere w/o a purse. But I don't have too much on my key chain because it sounds like my minivan could shut off while I'm flying down the highway if the keys get too heavy.
*Siggy Warning*
About me 2007: Started TTC. 2008: OB prescribed clomid, went to RE and was Dx with PCOS. 2009: IUI #1 w/follitsim and trigger = BFP. B/G Twins born at 33 weeks. 2012: TTC #3, Round 2 of Letrozole w/TI = BFP, missed m/c at 8 1/2 wks. Currently on the bench as we make plans for a new home. Anxious to start TTC #3 within the next year!
Re: U motherfuckin' O?!
Oh, are you speaking to my H? He does this shit. So annoying.
Unpopular with the cats who had loud sex in my yard this morning.
No, it's like subconscious. I call him out on it all the time and he denies it.
nevermind. i'm dumb this early
Same, except for me it was my small liberal arts college, not high school.
Unless you have a job that requires you wear ID badges and has restricted access granted by only said badge.
People put keys on lanyards? I must be old. That seems...bulky.
I was talking to my sports medicine doc about different workouts. CF came up and I asked his opinion. His response "well, it's good for my business. Lots of needless injuries."
Perhaps I should go get that sbux I've been thinking about....
So at work I have a lanyard and a huge key ring with a ton of keys
DH did/does and it killed his ignition switch.
That was fun to get fixed.
Plus if you drive a GM it's apparently really fucking dangerous.
Yeah no. I have to disagree with that. I absolutely LOVE and by all means, CRAVE an intense, "think I might die, but I'll feel better afterward-type workout", but I dont believe I need to deadlift or bench press 200lbs to achieve the results I desire either.
Ok, so back to the lanyards..there are many styles
The ones around the neck - those were what we wore as college freshman for our dorm key. Some people at work wear the neck ones for their swipe badge. I personally would rather wear a necklace than accessorize with my id. The work badge has to be displayed, but it hangs from my belt clip.
My keys are on a wrist strap lanyard - which I used to not like but someone gave me one and I used it because it's convenient to carry if I go somewhere w/o a purse. But I don't have too much on my key chain because it sounds like my minivan could shut off while I'm flying down the highway if the keys get too heavy.
*Siggy Warning*
About me 2007: Started TTC. 2008: OB prescribed clomid, went to RE and was Dx with PCOS. 2009: IUI #1 w/follitsim and trigger = BFP. B/G Twins born at 33 weeks. 2012: TTC #3, Round 2 of Letrozole w/TI = BFP, missed m/c at 8 1/2 wks. Currently on the bench as we make plans for a new home. Anxious to start TTC #3 within the next year!