DS is 5.5 months, EBF, wouldn't take a bottle before but now that we do food and water in a sippy he is more inclined but he doesn't get much practice because I hate pumping and I'm a SAHM so I'm always home/nursing him anyway.
I have only left him 3 times now and for no more than 3 hours due to only being able to pump enough for one bottle and that takes me a week of stressed out preparation.
At 2-3 months he was waking 1-2 times a night, now he wakes 4-6 times to eat. I know it's partially out of habit but I feel like he may not be getting enough during the day and obviously have no boob measurements to help figure that out. The pedi said to offer food 3 times a day so I've been doing that all week. He's not fussy during the day, just wakeful/hungry at night.
I guess the bottom line is, should I give this kid some formula?! I am considering it just for when I need to leave the house, or perhaps a bottle before bed to try and hold him over longer.
I'm not resisting going out because I can't stand to be away or that I don't have anyone I can trust to watch him, I just need to feed him! Tonight I went to a surprise birthday dinner for SOs Mom and had to take the babe because I didn't have time to pump a bottle and I had him out passed his bedtime/ he melted down/ I cried in the car on the way home and the moral of the story is- he should've been home, in bed, with his Dad! But I'm the only one that can feed him and/or put him to sleep... which is another issue that I can rant about another time...
Thanks for listening.
Re: Help!
Thank you for the advice and support ladies! I will look into introducing a little formula soon to keep baby full and mama happy.
This being said, if you want to add formula so you can leave house alone, no shame in that.
I ebf-ed my son but when I went back to work I couldn't pump enough (I respond horribly to the pump) so we had to supplement formula while he was at daycare. I was okay with that but it was a downward spiral. I was thinking I could nurse at night/morning and be okay but I dried up. I honestly would not offer formula unless absolutely necessary if you want to keep breastfeeding. My son is 100% FF now and not because I wanted him to be.
I do realize my advice is tainted by my personal experience but I can't not let you know that any supplementing you do will negatively impact supply. You might make out okay mostly nursing him and only supplementing at night, especially if you are a SAHM but there will be a change in supply no matter what. It could just be minor though.
Good luck!
ETA all the wine has affected my reading comprehension. Giving formula on occasion will be fine (and nothing wrong with doing that). My advice above is more along the lines of if you want to give him formula regularly.
Started dating February 6, 2012