My job puts a big emphasis on work/life balance in large part b/c the pay isn't so great. They're very flexible about letting you come and go when you need to. When I came back to work after Kid1, they let me work 4 10s. That was about 1.5 years ago. After having Kid2, I went back to that schedule. I've been back about 4 mos now. After having my parents around the last few weeks, I realized that I really wanted to be home in the evenings with my family. I just feel like the kids are getting shortchanged 4 days a week b/c the entire time they're home, they have one parent dividing his/her attention b/t the two of them. But b/c of financial constraints, I have to make my schedule work based on 20 hours of DC each week. So instead of doing Tues-Fri, 1pm to 11pm, I proposed to my boss that I do M-F, 4:30am to 1pm. There are a number of people here who work those kinds of hours, so I'm not worried about it being unusual - but I am worried that I'm locked in even if I can't swing it. I have never gotten up at 4am to be at work before, and I'm bad about wrapping up what I'm working on in order to leave work when I'm supposed to (i.e., to pick up the kids from DC). As great as it could be, it could also really be a bad fit for me. And it's something I would plan on doing for the next few years.
When I proposed it to my boss, I indicated that I hadn't done a schedule like that before and that I would let him know if I was having trouble making it in at 4:30am. He seemed unconcerned. The issue is with his boss who I'm on good terms with, but I could see him frowning on being so flexible as to let me switch back if 4:30 wasn't working. So now I'm just wondering: what did I do?
Re: What did I just do?