Hey all!
I used the search and saw that there were similar questions to this, but of course I had some more specific questions that weren't addressed, so here goes:
We use BumGenius Elementals (AIO) for our 8 month old. We have 18 diapers - just over two days worth. Detergent-wise, I use a homemade borax/washing soda/fels naphtha combo.
We just moved and our new apartment has a coin op machine. No matter what I've tried so far, the diapers still smell like pee when they come out of the washer. Once they're dry, they smell fine. This has to mean they're not completely clean, right?
The washers only have a few preset cycles to choose from (so no way to set extra rinses or change the amount of time in a cycle). I've been doing a "bright colors" cycle (cold water, fast spin) with no detergent as a makeshift rinse cycle, followed by a "whites" cycle (hot water, fast spin) with 1/4 cup of detergent. Then I dry on the delicates cycle in the dryer. Each wash/dry cycle is $1.50, so I'm spending 4.50 every two days on diaper washing. Hanging outside to dry isn't an option most of the year since I live in rainy Seattle.
My son has a pretty bad diaper rash at the moment (diarrhea the last couple days) and I'm afraid the not totally clean diapers are making it worse.
So what can I tweak to fix it (and not spend a million dollars doing so)?
Re: Troubleshooting Coin Op CD laundry routine