Baby Names

Sibling names

Our oldest is Beckett and youngest is Halle. We are trying to come up with sibling names, what do you think of these?


Juniper (Junebug, Juni)
Kennedy (Kenna)

Open to suggestions too

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Re: Sibling names

  • Crosby - hate
    Brooks - dislike
    Anders - like
    Jackson - okay (but super popular)

    Juniper (Junebug, Juni) - like in a guilty pleasure kind of way, but prefer June
    Kennedy (Kenna) - hate Kennedy, kind of like Kenna though
    Nora - Love
    Kate - Love
  • I like anders and Crosby, juniper and nora
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  • I think Jackson and Nora go well with your children's names :)

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  • Don't particularly like any of the boy names, but I'm a big fan of Kate, and I like Nora.
  • I like Brooks with your other kids names. Love Nora, and like Kate. I like June, but not Juniper.
  • Thanks for the input, I think I like Juniper because hubs likes it...I would prefer the name June. I just love the nicknames Junebug and Juni.

    As for boys names my favorite is Anders but I have a nephew named Andrew. Hubs really is set on the name Brooks but we have a ways to go so all of our choices may change.

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  • I really like Anders
    Juniper isn't my style but I like it ok. I dislike Kennedy but the other two are nice. 
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  • Crosby - hate
    Brooks - hate
    Anders - like
    Jackson - hate

    Juniper (Junebug, Juni) - meh
    Kennedy (Kenna) - awful. 
    Nora - love
    Kate - love as a nickname for Katherine. 
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  • I only like Anders and Nora
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