Hi All,
I'm sad to say that I am on this board, but it's nice to know it is here. My husband and I recently had our twins born sleeping at 20 1/2 weeks. This was the most devastating news we have ever heard in our lives, and the most ironic, my baby girls were born on 9/11.
Our doctor gave us the go ahead to start trying as soon as we want to, and I thought I would be ready, but I just don't think I am. Did anyone else feel similar? I want a baby, and noone can ever replace my girls, but I know I am not ready. Just wanted to vent a little bit. There are some days I don't even want to get out of bed but I do it for my husband.
Anyway, just wanted to introduce myself and say to all of you, I am so sorry for all of your losses. I feel your pain.
Re: Intro & Loss mentioned
How you are feeling is completely normal. I lost my son in December at 39 weeks and for months I felt like I'd
never be ready to try again. Trying to conceive after a loss brings a lot of difficult emotions. My only advice is to be kind to yourself, try therapy (if that's something you'd like to do) and listen to your feelings.
Sending thoughts to you and your family.
8/12-Suprise BFP- Sweet Bunny Born Sleeping 11/21/12 (19 weeks)
-5/7/13- MMC (8 Weeks)
11/6/13- BO discovered at 7 weeks- natural MC 11/25/13
8/14- Surpise IF dx...low AMH (.24)- moving on to IVF
IVF #1- 11/14- 6R5M4F=2 perfect frosties
12/19/14- FET of 2 embabies = BFP!!! One Little Bean EDD: 9/3/15
Everyone Welcome.
@Bgirma, our daughters names were Nari Grace and Norah Winter, to be honest, that was the first time I wrote those names out and seeing them makes me smile and yet ache for them.
We will miss them dearly, I don't think it's something you ever get over right? You just have to learn to live life differently.
Beautiful names for your girls! I know you miss them so much and you always will. Hopefully with time you'll know if you're ready to try again. So sorry for your terrible loss and hugs to you!
first son stillborn 7/20/13 at 39 weeks due to Acute Fatty Liver of Pregnancy
It's a girl! Baby Anna was born August 3, 2014!
The decision to try again is a tough one and very personal. We waited a year, both for our own personal reasons to give us time to grieve, and also at the encouragement of my doctor. We are currently in our second month trying, and it is tough. I want to be pregnant so bad, and yet I'm also so nervous to do it all again. Give yourself - there is no right or wrong answer. When you're ready you'll know, and it's okay if you aren't right away.
Asher born February 5, 2011.
Baby #2 born sleeping at 20 weeks. May 6, 2014.
I am so sorry for your loss of Nari and Norah. Beautiful names for I'm sure were beautiful little girls.
We were told to wait for two periods before trying again and decided to jump in after that. Upon leaving the hospital without Layla though, I was certain I couldn't try again knowing the pain of when things go wrong. Sometime between then and my follow-up appointment with my OB, that feeling passed and I asked her when we could try again. We're off the bench now and trying largely due to the fact that it took 18 cycles to conceive Layla and I don't want to waste anymore time but I still have waves of thinking "what the hell are we doing going down this path again?" Most days I'm back to feeling anxious to be pregnant again. You'll know what's right for you. It could be a month from now. It could be a year from now. It could be even longer. All of those are completely normal and completely okay. And when you decide to make the leap, know that there are plenty of us around here trying to work through the emotions of trying again.
Until then, just be gentle with yourself and know that whatever you manage to "accomplish" in a day is enough. "Today I got out of bed and brushed my teeth." That's great. Seriously. "Today I managed to choke down a whole piece of toast." I know how hard it is to push through that sick feeling, so nice job. "Today I put on shoes, got the mail in, and opened some of it." You get the idea but seriously, small things like that are hard in the beginning and shouldn't be downplayed. It does get easier to function with time though; I promise. The gaping hole in my heart is still as big as it was the day we lost Layla but day by day I'm learning to function with it.
October 2011 - DS (7)
July 2014 - Stillborn DD (24 weeks)
August 2015 - DD (3)
April 2018 - 5 week loss
We too lost our twin girls, Tavin & Casey - at exactly 21 weeks exactly. That was 16 weeks ago today. I can't say it gets easier, it doesn't really - I feel less "fog" now, and some days I feel less fearful and more able to cope with the world, but we still have big cries, and we have days when our hearts ache, and we still break down saying that we just want them back. I will echo what others are saying above, just do what you can and be gentle with yourself. Some days just getting out of bed is my accomplishment for the day, other days I go to work and do work, some days I go to work and just move things around in my office. I didn't go back to work until 15 weeks after our loss.
Take the time for you, no rush. I was scared for at least two months to leave the house, every time I went out was carefully planned to avoid triggers and see as few people and children as possible - the only places I went were therapy and infant-loss support groups.
If it helps you, some of the places that have been helpful for me are the baby-loss communities on facebook and online. The boards are here, StillStanding.com is a wonderful resource, and there are many many pages on Facebook for organizations devoted to supporting parents through the loss of their babies. I am hugely appreciative for their presence.
Hugs to you.
queer couple - 32 (me) & 33 (my love) years old - donor sperm,
Our IF/TTC journey since Nov 2012.
Me: dx of DOR in Nov. 2012. Low AMH, AFC - 6, Normal FSH, SS-A (RO) Antibodies (Autoimmune issues), tubes clear, Sono (November 2013) NORMAL! <p>
7 IUI's - December 2012-September 2013. Medicated, Injected, Triggered.... all BFN.
My Love: (the amazing @Healz413)
Normal AMH & FSH, AFC ~27, blocked tube dx'd via HSG in 2012. Hydrosalpinx & ovarian cyst dx'd in May 2013.
dx of Stage IV Endo & bilateral salpinectomy in June 2013.
Partner IVF#1a- December 2013 - H's eggs, my Ute - CANCELLED due to low response
Partner IVF #1b - February 2014 - H's eggs, my Ute - ER February 4 (10 retrieved, 3 fertilized), Transfer Feb 7 of one Grade 1 and one Grade 2 day 3 embryos. 1 - Day 3, Grade 1 frosty saved. BFP - 6dp3dt via FRER, Beta #1 - 110, Beta #2 175, Beta #3 - 348, Beta #4 - 2222!, Beta #5 - 4255. Ultrasound (6w1d) - 2 heartbearts!
We lost our beautiful Twin baby girls on June 18, 2014. Tavin Sara and Casey Elizabeth were born at 21 weeks gestation and were absolutely beautiful, precious, amazing babies. We miss our daughters every day and love them with all our hearts.
BFP #2 - EDD 2/26/12 M/C 6/28/11 @ 5w2d
BFP #3 - EDD 4/7/12 M/C 8/2/11 @ 4w2d
Too beautiful for this earth
BFP #4 - EDD 12/09/12, Lucille arrived 11/26/12