July 2012 Moms

Mom of boys (Diaper ques)

We're almost out of all the diapers we "borrowed" from the hospital ;-) so I need to open a case. My Mom gave us a case of huggies but EVERY SINGLE mom o a boy in my birth group said they leaked with Huggies. We've only used Pampers and Parents choice on Seb with no troubles. Do you have the same review of huggies? Should I just exchange for a different brand?


Re: Mom of boys (Diaper ques)

  • good idea. the small packs are only $5. scares me I have yet to see a good review. Seb is skinny skinny, like a chicken lol


  • We never had any problems with Huggies.
    "Parenting is a constant struggle between making your kid's live better and ruining your own." Willie Robertson, 'Duck Dynasty'
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  • I've only used huggies and never had an issue with them.
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  • Huggies always leaked for my kids but they were all chunka monks.
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  • okay cool. thnks guys. Sebastian is the skinniest thing Ive ever seen, seems like most didn't work with huggies. I think ill get a small pack to try it. exchanging sounds like a pita


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