How's breastfeeding going this week? Any issues?
How old is LO ? How long between feedings? What is the longest LO sleeps at night?
EBF, EP, supplementing?
Raves and rants?
How long are you planning on breastfeeding for?
Anything else you want to share?
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Re: Breastfeeding check in
How old is LO ? How long between feedings? What is the longest LO sleeps at night? 4.5months. She eats every 2hours during the day and about 1.5hours at night. We haven't had a long night stretch in weeks. I'm trying to feed on schedule every 2 hours this week. I'm hoping if I can fill her up during the day she'll sleep a little longer at night. Not having much success so far.
EBF, EP, supplementing? EBF
Raves: DD is so tall everyone asks what do I feed her... Just BM, it's good for babies
Rants: I need sleep!!! Also really tired of my mom telling me I need to start solids so she'll sleep better.
How long are you planning on breastfeeding for? Minimum of 6months but as long as I'm not working I'll probably let DD self wean. Although I don't want to go more than 18months.
Anything else you want to share?
How old is LO ? How long between feedings? What is the longest LO sleeps at night? DD is 4.5 months old. About 3 hours in between feedings. DD is currently sleeping 8-9 hour stretches. It used to be 10-12 hours straight. Occasionally she'll throw us a curve ball and only sleep for 6-7 before waking up.
EBF, EP, supplementing? EBF
Raves and rants? Rave: I've almost made it to 5 months of BF and I am so excited to start trying solids with her in November. Chalk it up to being a FTM, but I can't wait to see her reactions to real food. Rant: Pumping at work is hard. Finding the time to pump is hard. Not feeling like you aren't giving 100% at work because you pump is hard.
How long are you planning on breastfeeding for? Goal was always incremental victories. 3 months - made it. Goal for now is 6 months and I'll evaluate how we're doing. I'd love to go a full year, but I want to see how she does with solids and what that means for me at work (re: pumping).
Anything else you want to share? I am LOVING this cold weather! We had Em in the cutest pumpkin hat over the weekend. Can't wait to share on HDBD. This is my absolute favorite time of the year (October - December). I love the changes, anticipation of holidays, fall baking, hearty soups, the music...I'll stop now, but you get it.
How old is LO ? How long between feedings? What is the longest LO sleeps at night? He is 5 months on Thursday. He goes about every 1.5-2 hours during the day. At night it is just so random. He was up every two hours the other night, which was hard. I think he goes 3-4 hours between feedings at DC.
EBF, EP, supplementing? EBF at home and pumping at work.
Raves and rants? I wasn't feeling good this weekend, so finally tried side lying feeding at night. Why didn't I try this earlier?! It's so much better for the MOTN feedings.
How long are you planning on breastfeeding for? I want to make it to a year and evaluate from there.
Anything else you want to share? I don't think so.
How old is LO ? How long between feedings? What is the longest LO sleeps at night? 4.5months. She eats every 2-2.5 hours during the day and generally one motn feeding, sometimes two. She will sleep for a 6 hour stretch, eat then back down for two hours.
EBF, EP, supplementing? EBF plus one BM bottle for her bedtime feeding.
Raves: Love how DD is discovering new sounds she can make. Even if she sounds like a dinosaur :-)
Rants: really tired of pumping
How long are you planning on breastfeeding for? First goal was 6 months but if things continue going well, we will go to a year. Part of me wants to go longer but I also wants my body back :-/ I'll figure that out once we get there.
Anything else you want to share?
DD has been scratching her mattress while sleeping on her tummy, keeps waking me up. Tried putting mittens and even socks on her hands...she's a ninja and gets them off.
How's breastfeeding going this week? Any issues? No issues. Everything is going fine, except that it seems DS nurses for shorter periods of time every morning. This is the only time of day that we nurse, so I'm going to hold on to it for dear life.
How old is LO ? How long between feedings? What is the longest LO sleeps at night? 5 months. Usually 2 hrs between feedings and he sleeps 11-12 hrs through the night (don't hate me!)
EBF, EP, or supplementing? Basically EP with one nursing session in the morning.
Raves and rants? Raves - my supply seems to be increasing a tiny bit! Used to only get 4oz/pump, now I usually get 5. Rants - tried to BF throughout the day over the weekend, LO screamed like a banshee and bit my nips. Looks like we'll just keep truckin on with pumping/bottle feeding....
How long are you planning on breastfeeding for? 6 months is my short term goal, then I'll be ever-so-grateful for every month thereafter.
Anything else you want to share? I have a recurring fantasy that DS will realize that he loves BFing after all, and we'll be able to ditch the pump at home. Maybe some day!
-How's breastfeeding going this week? Any issues?
Going great, no issues.
-How old is LO ? How long between feedings? What is the longest LO sleeps at night?
4.5 months. 1.5 - 3 hours between feelings during the day. Longest stretch at night used to be up to 8 hours, but now I'm lucky if I get one 3 hour stretch...thanks, four month sleep regression.
-EBF, EP, supplementing?
-Raves and rants?
Rave - went on a road trip last weekend and it was so nice not so have to worry about packing bottles or food or anything. I know that will change in a couple months, but I'm grateful for how easy everything is now.
Rant - This sleep regression is causing LO to eat a ton at night...when we make our way out of it (hopefully soon!), I'm gonna be in for several nights of engorgement.
-How long are you planning on breastfeeding for?
As long as LO wants.
-Anything else you want to share?
1st BFP-8/17/12! Missed Miscarriage discovered @ 8 week US. D&C.
2nd BFP-2/13/13! Blighted Ovum discovered @ 8 week US. Natural miscarriage.
3rd BFP-5/22/13! By early June, progesterone plummeting. Another loss.
August 2013 - started Donor Egg process, but surprise BFP with my own eggs.
Dear Son born 5/28/14
How old is LO ? How long between feedings? What is the longest LO sleeps at night? 18 & half weeks. It still varies on intervals, but he consistently eats 10 times in a 24 hour period. He's back to giving me a long stretch of 4 hours or so overnight. I hope to eventually get back to a 6 hour stretch but it's been over a month. I'm not sure I can still call it a regression or if this is the new normal.
EBF, EP, supplementing? EBF and I pump once a day to either freeze or bottle feed.
Raves and rants? Sleep issues are improving some. The excessive spit up is a bit worrisome, although he seems to be a happy spitter, so I guess I shouldn't let it worry me.
How long are you planning on breastfeeding for? I'm hoping to last a year and then let him self-wean.
Anything else you want to share? We had a really nice weekend with the kid. The weather is nice enough to enjoy being outside and he's been in a happy mood. We went to a pumpkin patch, which I enjoyed way more than he did of course, but I like the thought of the traditions we're starting.
1st BFP-8/17/12! Missed Miscarriage discovered @ 8 week US. D&C.
2nd BFP-2/13/13! Blighted Ovum discovered @ 8 week US. Natural miscarriage.
3rd BFP-5/22/13! By early June, progesterone plummeting. Another loss.
August 2013 - started Donor Egg process, but surprise BFP with my own eggs.
Dear Son born 5/28/14
1st BFP-8/17/12! Missed Miscarriage discovered @ 8 week US. D&C.
2nd BFP-2/13/13! Blighted Ovum discovered @ 8 week US. Natural miscarriage.
3rd BFP-5/22/13! By early June, progesterone plummeting. Another loss.
August 2013 - started Donor Egg process, but surprise BFP with my own eggs.
Dear Son born 5/28/14
How old is LO ? How long between feedings? What is the longest LO sleeps at night? DS will be 5 months on Wednesday. He goes 2-3 hours between nursing (or 3 hours between bottles). He used to sleep about 6 hours straight, and even recently pulled a 9 hour stretch, but now he is down to 3.5 max and then every 2 hours after that.
EBF, EP, supplementing? BF and P
Raves and rants? I hate pumping. Hate. Hate. Hate. I am putting up with it for as long as I can, but with all the technology we have now, you think they'd come up with a way make it more efficient and less cumbersome!
How long are you planning on breastfeeding for? I'd like to go a year, but I hate pumping. And on top of aforementioned complaints, the time it takes out of my work day is making me less efficient and I would like to keep my relatively well-paying job so we can keep food on the table. Soooooo... Likely will BF til 7 or 8 months, and then start the new year pump free.
How old/how long between feedings/how long at night: 4 ish months (May 27 bday); 3ish hours between feeds. One long night stretch of 7ish hours.
Raves/rants: I love bf'ing and am so sad at how fast D is growing and how soon the end of bf'ing will be here and how I'll likely not ever bf another baby
How long: at least 1 year if all goes well
Other: We're moving to a new building for work where I won't have an office so I'll have to fight over the conference room or bum people's offices and haul around my pump. I'm tempted to just throw on a cover and pump in my cube...argh...why are boobs such a big deal!
How old is LO ? How long between feedings? What is the longest LO sleeps at night? She is 4.5 months. Usually 2-3hrs between feedings. I would say 4 hrs max at night before she wakes up to eat. I'm so envious of all you long stretch sleepers!!!
EBF, EP, supplementing? EBF, pump at work
Raves and rants?
Raves: LO is back to 3 bottles a day at DC so I'm able to keep up and haven't had to supplement at all!
Rants: wish she would sleep longer stretches at night!! But really I'm used to it so it's ok!
How long are you planning on breastfeeding for? Shooting for 6 months right now!
Anything else you want to share?
BF at a restaurant for the first time and felt pretty good about it! No dirty looks (that I noticed) and LO was a happy camper! Thinking about taking her on her first airplane here in a few weeks. Any tips for moms that are EBF and flying with their LOs?!!!? Any tips would be appreciated!!
Great! He's playful and distracted, but he's gaining and peeing/pooping, so all is well.
How old is LO ? How long between feedings? What is the longest LO sleeps at night?
5 months on the 8th. He's been pulling 8-10 hour nights lately. No secret, he just really is magical. (his oldest brother was not, though)
EBF, EP, supplementing?
BFing and pumping for BM bottles when I'm away from home.
Raves and rants?
I LOVE that I had support from my husband, friends, pedi, etc. To be at five months and exclusively breast fed is so amazing to me. I am fine with feeding your kid however you need to, but this was a personal mission for me. He is feeding quickly and sleeping well. I am blessed.
How long are you planning on breastfeeding for?
I plan to go 12-15 months.
Anything else you want to share?
Someone said not to quit on a hard day- and that is such good advice!
DD will be 20 weeks this Thursday...I think. I've lost count. She eats every 2 hrs during the day and is back to sleeping 12 hrs at night.
EBF. Nothing but the boob.
No raves that I can think of. Rant: I wish my parents would quit pressuring me to put DD on formula so they can spend more time with her. I think they're mostly just teasing, but it still makes me feel a lot of pressure. I don't need the guilt trip.
I plan to start weaning DD to WCM at 12 mo and hope to be done nursing by 15 mo. Same schedule I used to wean DS from formula.
DS: 11/8/11 | 9 lb 7 oz, 22 in
DD: 5/22/14 | 9 lb 9 oz, 21.5 in
1st BFP-8/17/12! Missed Miscarriage discovered @ 8 week US. D&C.
2nd BFP-2/13/13! Blighted Ovum discovered @ 8 week US. Natural miscarriage.
3rd BFP-5/22/13! By early June, progesterone plummeting. Another loss.
August 2013 - started Donor Egg process, but surprise BFP with my own eggs.
Dear Son born 5/28/14
How old is LO ? How long between feedings? What is the longest LO sleeps at night?
EBF, EP, supplementing?
Raves and rants?
How long are you planning on breastfeeding for?
Anything else you want to share?
I feel like a whiny baby griping about this, but I just feel so awful and my joints ache so much it's hard to even lift my baby. And she's teething and refusing the bottle during all this, so feedings are a nightmare of using my breasts as chew toys and coaxing her to drink formula from a sippy cup or open cup (lapping it up like a puppy -- soo cute! But so slow.).
*Let me just say I'm in no way trying judge or to start anything about FF v. BF. Any way you feed your baby is awesome. I personally BF and supplement.