June 2014 Moms

Do I have something to worry about?

AdamsTheNameAdamsTheName member
edited October 2014 in June 2014 Moms
I just have some questions about My fiancé who is about 11.5 weeks pregnant. I just need to know of O need to worry or not. To start with she hasn't had any morning sickness at all yet, I've heard that some don't have it at all but still it worries me some. She seems to be in some bad pain occasionally and nothing seems to help that. I knew that her mood would change but sometimes it seems like I'm the enemy when no ones done anything wrong, is that common? Also she's not really showing at all yet, of this is normal when will she? Any ideas or advice that anyone can give would be great.
-First time Dad

Re: Do I have something to worry about?

  • Agreed, all normal.  There's a dad and dad's to be board that you might find more helpful for dad questions :)

    Married DH 7/30/11

    CSC arrived 5/7/12 

    CHC arrived 6/2/14

  • Sounds normal, but the pain thing- if you are worried ask at her next prenatal appt.
    Good luck.
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